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Everything posted by KestrelsEclipse

  1. Grinding Fortuna falls into one of two categories: RNG loves you and you get what you need with a normal amount of time and effort. It's repetitive but not horrifying. RNG hates you, you never get bonds, you never get anything except the common trash rewards for every bounty, and the grind makes you regret all your life choices... (speaking from personal experience when it came to ranking Fortuna -- players like me are the reason every drop rate has an 'average' range plus the outlier variable because we are always the outliers). If you're in the first category, I'd say play away. It's repetitive - cause bounties are repetitive - but it's fine. If in the second category, I'd seriously consider waiting, or just playing casually when you feel like it, but don't stress about trying to make it to rank 5. Reason being it took me somewhere above 100 hours of playing Fortuna bounties to get the bonds to drop and Ticker never sold what I needed when I was online. I also used the farming "abandon bounty at certain stage to maximize drop chances of the bonds" method. It still took that long. Fortuna is just poorly balanced for prices vs acquisition of resources. As is most of the items you get from Fortuna (looking at you Caliban with your need for 40 isoplasts AND 12 orokin cells, wth?).
  2. This sounds like a great way to ease the strain on new players while also respecting what those who came before went through to get all those friggin' bonds (RNG hated me so much for this farm). Any chance the Vox bounties will provide Vox standing instead of Fortuna? That would be amazing but... I get it might not be simple to switch (or intended). In any case, thanks for doing this rework!
  3. Might be a Twitch specific issue? I stopped trying for drops for a few weeks because of the hassle (which isn't a solution). Maybe Twitch knows? Today, I pulled a new window (using Chrome) for the Twitch channel separate from my normal window full of tabs. Kept it max screen on its own in the background and used my normal Chrome window for other work. This time I got the progress to work.
  4. I only get twitch progress if it is the only thing on my screen (can't go to another program while watching, minimize screen, etc) AND only 1 twitch channel open... then it mostly works. Dunno if that helps.
  5. Amazed? Not really... but they perhaps don't have the benefit of experiencing a good Hydroid player. Having seen what a decent Hydroid player can do on a long farming run in normal missions, I can see a player finding a way to make Hydroid survivable on SP. It wouldn't be my choice, but his kit really isn't my playstyle. Regardless, the point stands that the RNG of frames and weapons makes locking Duviri SP behind normal mode and an optional (no longer optional) story mode makes no sense. It completely diverges from core gameplay as well as the delivery and - alleged - player-focused freedom of choice Duviri supposedly represented. It even flies in the face of their own RNG logic because if you can make any frame and weapons viable on Steel Path for Duviri... then why does it matter what level a player is at when they step into the ring? Why are we deciding for new players when they can access more challenging content? So what if they're getting Incarnon adapters long before they can access the Zariman to use them? If they can step up to the plate with any frame or weapon and make it work... then why not? And if they can't (because DE is going to admit their RNG decision and the general-use mod builds they provide aren't made to survive SP and therefore shouldn't have been part of any SP options) then they'll learn that and head back to normal mode. It's even more illogical when SP remains locked from veteran players who bothered to follow the instructions to unlock it because the hotfix didn't fix anything. Honestly, I am no longer surprised by DE's capacity for it-wasn't-broken-so-we-broke-it style of updates/hotfixes. I am just increasingly frustrated by their unwillingness to actually correct the errors.
  6. Again I ask, why did we lock SP in Duviri? This game mode is nothing like normal WF. It's nothing like normal progression. And intentionally designed to be different. So... DE why did you put a block on it? This makes absolutely no sense from any standpoint other than "well, everyone just plays circuit and we don't have anyone doing the Soulframe Beta crap anymore". Uh, yeah, duh! You made a vastly different game mode (with awful mechanics that are a sad mockery of any souls-esque game currently in existence) and shoe-horned it into your existing model without any real content to back it up or keep players returning. So they're gonna farm what they want and leave. That's how it works. So, again, why bother locking up one mode and in turn causing a mass of players to have it be inaccessible despite the "instructions"? Not that DE is ever actually reading or listening to this. If it's not glowing praise it doesn't exist I guess.
  7. I get the premise and if Duviri had ever been like the normal star chart, I'd agree completely... that said, it isn't. DE specifically presented Duviri as a "do what you want" game mode. To the point they actually broke it into 3 separate sections for those who just wanted circuit, story, or combo. The addition of RNG for frames and weapons in SP mode also makes it nothing like the star chart. SP in normal gameplay is a chance to take the oceans of endo and credits you farmed, the hundreds of forma you've built, and the frames and gear you've min/maxed and test just how fast you can turn bullet sponges into Jackson Pollock paintings. It's a challenge... (sort of) Duviri isn't the same. It's either "here is your war-god frame and gear" or "here is Hydroid and the intro weaponry" so you're either useful or a wet rag. I don't see any reason to lock that away from new players if they want to head in. Half the time I've bothered with Duviri I can have MR 5 players rocking a Mesa Prime while the Leg 1 player is trying to keep their Caliban from getting curb stomped. We know it's hit and miss and we know it's carry or be carried in there. My contention is that DE, instead of fixing the issue as they should, just slapped a bandaid on it and - in the process - slapped their player base in the face. If you knew this was going to jank up circuit progression then hold the damn Hotfix until the week rotation starts at the least. It wasn't like people hadn't already been doing this for months without a problem. I mean, I read DE's post on this and face-palmed so hard I left a mark and I don't really care about Duviri that much. Those that do... well I've heard plenty of rants on it. I'm just asking for a little more common sense in applying their bug fixes. And I'd really like to see them put a pin in all the "new shiny" content and actually drill down on the thousands of bugs and problems still waiting to be fixed.
  8. So do I have this right: If I want to play SP Circuit I now need to complete normal circuit for 1 round AND go fight the flying space turd? Ummm.... why? If I don't want the "Duviri Experience" then why should I "have to" play it? It's not my fault I despise this mess of a content island (no offense to any who love it, cause to each their own, but you can keep it). DE would you please stop playing "hotfix bandaid" and actually go back and fix all the stuff you've swept under that rug? The pile is getting ridiculous...
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