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Everything posted by CDexWard

  1. Ok, go ahead and call me a crybaby and a noob and an entitled deadbeat but I have to vent. Deep Archimedea makes me question why I even play this game anymore. This is the third week of this mode and the third week in a row I got completely shafted by RNG loadouts. Nothing I got so far was even remotely viable to get me to Elite and I always had to pick another frame and at least one decent weapon so I can at least clear the regular three missions. But this week even that wasn't possible because of the Mirror Defense mission, which just always fails. It also doesn't help that apparently nobody plays this mission anymore because I just don't get a full team in matchmaking, it simply does not happen. I have played this game a lot for some time now, got to LR4 und obtained and built a lot of powerful gear. Of course I didn't keep all the garbage around because who can afford all the platinum for the slots, let alone put a catalyst and five forma in EVERYTHING? But that seems to be the exact requirement for this mode and that is just plain bad design. Because what was the goal of playing this game over the past few years? Chasing power in the form of warframes, weapons, mods, arcanes and archon shards. And people have long yearned for a "true endgame" to actually use all that power. Now this supposed endgame is here and what does it do? It takes everything we farmed for away from us on an RNG basis. So, what did I play this game for all this time? What did I farm all the incarnon guns for? What did I farm all the kuva/tenet weapons for? What did I forma all those guns for and put several forma on them? Apparently just to be told I can't use them. This already bugged me in the Circuit but at least with decrees you could turn everything into an AOE-slash-nuke but this right here is just terrible. Imagine if other games did this. Just put yourself in the shoes of a WoW-player who farms high ilvl epic items to gear up for the next raid and when that raid comes he has to roll the dice to learn that he can only play the raid when he's wearing all greens. All the time farming all this stuff feels wasted right now and I have no motivation to go on. If this is the philosophy of endgame going forward I just won't bother anymore, because what's the point?
  2. Happens to me too, consistently. Normal bounties also don't give the correct amount.
  3. Please bring back the ephemera. The first conquera ephemera is so nice but I didn't play when it was available and now I'm green with envy every time I see it on someone else. It would make sense to make it available again just like the armor pieces!
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