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Posts posted by Artekkor

  1. I think that would be awesome. But Tenno should not be the main characters of the story, but a neutral force that shows itself time to time and gives awesome fight-scenes.

    This is how i see it:

    The main character is a clone that supposed to be Grineer. He's rather handsome, which is something that's very rare amongst those clones and his DNA is a lot more stable and not as damaged / degraded which already makes a character that stands up on his own. He has a positive altitude towards the world in general, makes jokes and such and just a funny guy. Which will often confuse other grineer. He also pretty skilled at figihting. Maybe he even will fight with Tenno once. Not to the death though, just a proper fair fight.

    But later he will start to question grineer goals, their methods, refuse orders. Sooner or later he will be considered a traitor to the grineer cause, leading to him becoming rogue and fighting for his life with his former teammates, even though he doesn't like it. Later as he will travel through the system on some stolen ship, all alone, he will be found by Steel Meridian and it will take them some time to proof to him that they're the good guys and make him join them where he will remain, flirting with Steel Meridian boss, making silly jokes and confusing the S#&$ out of the tenno with his all-over-the-place positive altitude and random actions / quotes.

    Oh, and he should become BFF with Clem!

  2. I'm okay with most of this, but against some things.

    Primed Streamline - I NEED IT. I really need it, it would solve so many of my problems! I'm sorry but Transient Solitude sucks and i hate it and usebon very few certain frames, and even then i hate because i have to use both Primed Continuity and Constitution to counter duration problem. I can live without P Intensify, P Stretch and P Rush. But i would solo fight Stalker, Zanuka, G3 and Manic in the same time or pay 2000 ducats and 1.000.000 credits for a chance to get Primed Streamline.

    Primed Elemental mods - i don't see any problems with it. You can't have too much damage with enemy's HP and Armor increasing in geometrical progression in endless missions. And people rarely use those mods in the first place. Man, i did not even upgraded my Primed Heat Charge, because very few of my secondaries use full damage builds in the first place.

  3. 100% status chance

    When are you going to do something about it? I mean, it's awesome and still works, but i have one question: why i can apply only SOME of my status chances at once? With 100% status chance it's logical that my weapon should apply every single status chance it has on every shot / hit, but instead i end up with procing only 2 or even 1 (i'm not sure though, it's kinda hard to see). I would LOVE to proc multiple procs at once, would make status chances a lot more reliable.


    Void Trader.

    How long until a very awesome content from him? I'm pretty much happy with everything that he brings, i farm ducats and buy every single thing he has, but some of those things just end up being "for collection". I really liked idea of Prisma Weaponry though. You know. you can use it to buff low-tier weak weapons while also giving them a new cool look (like you did with Gorgon). I'd really love to see Prisma Grakata, Prisma Kraken and Prisma Sheev one day (oh, and Prisma Skana of course).


    Weapon Reskins / Models.

    We have a lot of skins in the game. Like Desert Camo for Grakata and Kraken. But how about completely new models? We already have few like Proto-Skin for Excalibur or Brokk for Fragor. But how about making MORE of those? Like having 2-3 skins that will completely change the way weapon looks, and that for EVERY weapon. I know, it probably will be a lot of work and time, but i really want my Grakata to look... Different. Don't forget cool new reload animations too.


    Silva & Aegis.

    This weapon is WEAK. Especially for the one that you build in Dojo Lab. There is a lot of weapons that are better then S&A in every way: higher status chances, higher damages, higher range of attacks. Maybe there is something that makes this weapon a lot more special? Something i can't see? Like lower stamina consumption on blocking? It's a shield after all. And don't tell me that all of this weapons "unique feature" is just a fire damage.


    Braton Prime.

    Two words: PBR, reload. This weapon is good, but looks meh right now. Needs a PBR injection and fast! And reload animation drives me crazy: it makes no sense, the character just reloads air. Do something with it, and i will have a new favorite weapon.

  4. Loka are a little bit too fanatic for me. And so are the Red Veil. Also it seems that Loka is against progress (at least its what seems to me, judging by their hate towards Suda). Nothing against Perrin, but... They're just the Rich guys with armies of robots. I've stayed with Steel Meridian (heroes), Hexis (just cool and smart guys) and Suda (Science and knowledge is everything).

  5. 1) Buff the damage. Tiberon outdamages galatine. not cool.

    2) Buff blocking. Stamina consumption is too high.

    3) Rework channeling since nobody uses it.


    Melee supposed to be a fighting mechanic that must be incredibly OP since it creates a bonus risk of coming close to an enemy. But in warframe it's just doesn't work. We take the risk to get near enemy, but we get nothing from it. Except for some stances that have stagger attacks that can open enemy to finish. Like "seismic palm" for fists.

  6. It's simple:

    Critical chance means how big is your chance to random crit an enemy with given weapon.

    Critical damage multiplier means how much damage will that random crit deal. For example 3.0x multiplier means that on critical hit your weapon will deal x3 more damage (or +200%).

    Different weapons have different crit chances and multipliers, and while some can actually make use of crit-builds (like soma for example) others can't (tiberon, boltor).

    And and you must understand that random crit and headshot crit (bonus damage dealt on headshot) - different things. Completely different. There is even a chance that you will random crit while headshoting an enemy, dealing just devastating amounts of damage.


    EDIT: about your question - what would i prefer? Critical chance. Only critical chance. Higher chance of crit - less you have to worry about your luck. Critical multiplier upgrade goes AFTER critical chance upgrade. They complement each other. But chance should always go first.

  7. Seriously, no. CP is ours only way to fight high-level grineer enemies (since they're the only armor-based faction). I'm so tired of having to bring corrosion with me all the @(*()$ time... I could only wish for CP having 100% armor reduction so i could just solo those T4 survivals like nobody's business (not like i can't, but still). Though i can accept reducing it to 25% so 25x4=100, not 30x4=120 where 20% of aura effect goes nowhere.

    BUT REMEMBER! As DE once said - there is a balance-bucket filled with game's balance. If we taking something out, we must put something in. Maybe buff some other aura/auras? Or maybe some under-powered weapons / frames.

  8. So, i was sitting on my Liset, looking at the Ceres, where i spend most of my time. And had this thought again. What are we fighting for? I mean, we fight Corpus, Grineer, Infested... But does any of it have a point? Is there anybody who needs this to be done? I haven't seen a single civilian since the day i woke up. It almost feels like if i'm stuck in some kind of personal hell where i have to participate in this endless war for all eternity! Please, tell me i'm not going crazy and that all of this have a point, that there is somebody who appreciate all the hard work that Tenno across the solar system do.

    Or i will drive my Liset into the Sun. I wonder if Ordis will let me do that...

  9. I don't think it's a bug. Shooting while sprinting have no sense and would make us ultimate gods of firearms. In other words - OP. And with enemies being less accurate the more you move... It's how it should be. You want to shoot enemy - stop and take a second to shoot at him, you want to dodge - go dodge. Simple as that, just like in many other games.

  10. Guys go on Twitter, Reddit, Facebook or whatever S#&$ DE is on and spam them with the dumbass nerf for excal. TOGETHER WE SHALL BRING IT BACK!!

    No, we shall not. Because killing everyone on the map by pressing 4 is stupid and anoying for everybody else. Better just ask them to buff damage on those Javelins, or maybe the range, but not the latest LoS change.

  11. Did everyone already forgot Excalibur nerf? When will you fix it?

    The one that made him as they wanted him to be? Probably not. But i'm sure they will buff him one day. But not by returning back what they took, but by something else. No Dead Animations on cast is a good improve in my opinion.

  12. Thanks for the help. The idea is REALLY silly and even reminiscent of freemium phone games.Where I put the effort into leveling up and still need to wait. Why penalize players advancing faster than others? Even more god damn absurd that I have to wait ANOTHER 24 hours after I hit rank 2. I feel like they just gave me a Batista bomb through the commentators table. 


    I guess that is the way the bones shatter when I get put through the wind shield of the car I am purposely crashing into a tree. FUN GAME WOULD RATE BUT NEED TO WAIT 24 HOURS.

    Welcome to Warframe, a typical F2P game where the only resource you really need is time. Everything in Warframe takes hours and hours to accomplish, from bulding new weapons for 12 or 24 hours, and grinding RNG based parts for Prime weapons for days and weeks. There is only 2 things you can buy with plat in this game: cosmetics and TIME, from rushing craft of items, to just simply buying them from the market with their own slot space and orokin catalyst installed. This game is all about time and patience. You have to accept it, and just go with the flow. There is always other games to play while your new Warframe is being builded.


    Edit: Oh and slots in your inventory for weapons/warframes/sentinels. Another thing that you can only get with platinum. Totally forgot about them.

  13. Probably trying to ignore elemental damage mods for weapons and trying to not use coptering. Not a noob mistakes though, just me hating elemental damage in general as a thing that exists (i want my bullets to kill because they're bullets, not because they covered in toxin) and using of unrealistic exploit that turnes the game into Rushframe where Rhino with Tipedo is faster than Loki with Galatine.

  14. Current mechanics to farm Mesa Warframe sucks. Really really sucks.

    Step 1: Be lucky enough to find invasion with nav coordinate as a reward

    Step 2: Be lucky enough to complete the invasion before is disapear (and it will disapear VERY fast, just like catalysts/reactors)

    Step 3: Be lucky enough to get all 3 mesa parts in 3 runs since bosses are known to give you the last needed part only after you kill them like what, 10 times?


    With that being said it means that getting Mesa is going to be the hardesst and longest thing EVER. Even most of the Prime Weapons are not that hard to get. I'll probably give up on getting Mesa with all things considired... And not even going to buy her with plat. Hell no. So basically - she's a warframe for rich kids who can get her with plat, while everybody else will have to spend LITERALLY (!) MONTHS to get her. That's a knife in the back, DE.

  15. I would not be opposed to Rhino's armor being increased to 300 or so armor. His speed, however, needs to be fixed. Rhino Prime shouldn't have the speed increase it has. I would bring its speed to .95, so that it's between Rhino (.9) and the current Rhino Prime (1.0). I would also decrease the Vanguard Helmet speed increase to .15 (currently .25). Both of these bring Rhino's speed in line with Saryn, who's speed is capable of staying with a group, but doesn't allow her to be a ridiculous speed runner tank like the current Rhino Prime-Vanguard.


    Maybe you right about Rhino's Prime speed nerf. But i dont think that nerf of the arcana helmet will make sense, since it's already nerfed, almost deleted from the game to be exactly. This helmet is only obtainable through other players for like 200-300 plat. And you know what? I'm not going to buy this thing. Not only because 200+ plat is a lot, but because i want helmets to be what they are, and what they supposed to be - just a cosmetic item. If people really want to give their plat to somebody else to be OP wearing a helmet that you probably dont even like - it's their choice.


    Should i remind that since those helmets are not obtainable anymore, their amount not only not increases but probably decreases since there is even a special blueprint to turn it from a game-changing item into just a cosmetic?

  16. I find it amusing that the OP was edited to admit to using the rhino almost exclusively.


    Perhaps actually play the other 20 frames before suggesting things? At best, your times stated (150 hrs rhino, 250 total) would mean that you've spent no more than 5 hours playing any other frame.


    Also, rhino looks like he's "muffin topping" out of a very tight framework--like he's just so fat he barely fits in his warframe. But hey, if you want to imagine that's "armor", more power to ya'.


    Also, if we're modding frames based on "looks like", he appears to be wearing a tight corset, which would suggest he can't breath as well as other frames, and thus, his presence should double the rate at which life support drains on survival missions.


    Of course, as the OP argument is actually based on "I only play rhino and I want him to be even-more-OP-yet", it neglects all of the other frames and all of their appearances, except valkyr(who it claims should be heavily nerfed for no meaningful reason).


    I find it odd that other posters are littering a thread named "rhino, rhino, rhino" with "let's nerf valk" talk.


    He needs Iron Skin rebalanced, and that's it.


    EDIT: And again, if rhino needs any other changes than that, he needs a severe nerf, as he's already unbalanced compared to the other frames.


    I dont think he's OP. Not so OP as people think he is. Let's see.


    His stats are not OP. To be said, they exactly one as the Frost's. And i cant remember anybody talking about frost as OP warframe.


    Rhino's Charge claimed to be the most useless skill of his. Almost nobody uses it. And even that augmentation from syndicates dont change much, considering that nobody knows how good it actually is.


    Iron Skin makes him unthouchable, but mostly for low lvl enemies from 0 to 30. After 30, Iron Skill just gives him a little bit more time to survive, against 50+ lvl enemies is just 1-2 additinal seconds of life under fire, no more. Good way to survive a little bit longer, but Trinity would surive longer.


    Roar is a strong skill, considering that it gives 50% damage bonus to current damage mods included. But it uses 75 energy, which is a lot and with default Rhino's energy pool its just 1-2 uses. I rarely see Rhino's using this skill because nobody wants lost half or more of their energy for 15 seconds of bonus damage. Actually that's the reason why i use power efficiency build on Rhino, trying to spam Roar whenever i can.


    Stomp is probably the mose usefull skill of Rhino, which is sad since it's his main ability that takes all the energy to be used (again - fixed by power efficiency). Also low cast speed can be considered a good counter to all of this.


    Conclusion: Rhino is good against high-lvl oponents only while he can use Stomp, or, at least, Roar. His survivality meanwhile is the same as Frost's or Oberon's, only he cant heal himself, and his Iron Skin dont scale to end game as Frost's Snowball does.

  17. So i can see i'm not the only one who bothered by Rhino not being the tank that he was clamed to be. I actually wanted to create my own topic about this, but since i found that topic i just leave it here.


    I really think that Rhino right now is not good enough as a warframe. He have strong sides, yes, he is perfect to destroy low lvl enemies (below 30) but he's not the tank that he was supposed to be, or claimed to be. Iron Skin gives him additional tankines, but this tankines turns into just 2-3 additional second of living against high-lvl enemies. Not only that, Iron Skin in current state is a boring skill. It's so boring, that i, instead of spaming it whenever i have energy for that (how many people do), i activate it ONLY when i need this. Let's say when i see that my 1050 shields starts go to zero with speed of 300 shield per second.


    Here's a little idea that i had while thinking about it. Give Iron Skin some of the mechanics of Frost's snowball! At least the one that gives snowball 2-3 second after cast when it consumes all incoming damage adding it to its health's. If Iron Skin would have that - that would be just freakin awesome and actually making Rhino a usefull tank in high-end game when enemies deal 200 damage per bullet.. Ofc just adding that would be a direct buff, so to counter this change i would suggest lowering the default amount of Iron Skin's HP by, let's say, 50%. People then will actually use Iron Skin with a strategy, when it needs to be used, instead just spaming it whenever they have energy to do so (which is silly in my opinion).


    I really hope that DE are actually reading these topics, and we dont talk here over nothing wasting our time with dying hopes and dreams. Because i love Rhino, i play him all the time but... Seeing people throwing dirt at him, being not usefull enough for the team and his Iron Skin being nothing at high-end game (against Trinity's godmode for the whole team for example) just makes me sad and depressive.

    Thanks for attention.


    EDIT: I just saw somebody above having the same idea as i do (Reaver_X). Glad that i'm not the only one with that idea.

  18. Warning: Probably bad english.


    So here's the thing.

    I like how my Rhino Prime looks like. And Rhino in general. But here's the problem: using Iron Skin ruins it. It ruins the Rhino's look. And it wouldnt be so bad if it covered his whole body (like it was some time ago, i never actually seen that), but instead it covers him in a very messy way. I dont want to use Iron Skin just because of that.


    So, how about to make a setting that give you abbility to turn off Iron Skin's visualisation? Like Weapon Constant Trail and Element FX for example (i have both of them on OFF).


    Problem with this is the fact that the player will not be able to know if his Iron Skin is ON of OFF. As far as i know, Iron Skin gives you additional HP that have to be destroyed before enemy will be able to hurt you. How about something that will show you how much Iron Skin's HP you have left? Like power duration showcase for example. Or maybe even new part of HUD close to shield/hp bar that will show you your additional health in a form of yellow numbers and yellow bar.

    That would be very awesome.


    Still, i dont know how other players with Iron Skin Visualisation OFF will know that Rhino that plays with them used Iron Skin... Maybe yellow bar on teammates HUD?

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