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Everything posted by (XBOX)MagmaticGem

  1. Excalibur Umbra has it which is the example, I thought that portion of the game was the best part because generally the rest of the story does nothing for me because most of these people you either just meet for grinds or you rarely ever see or interact with them do you don’t have much reason to care about their story but we interact with Warframes everyday we hop on and know little to nothing about their backstories besides what we are told about them or a little description. They’ve gotten better with it as time went on but I’d rather experience it than hear about it and I think it’d be fun and make more niche frames like Valkyr more recognized and loved through story and possibly get a cool new skin and passive ability as well!
  2. Have you noticed how we are only told how Warframes come about and their personality in the descriptions and the info grams? Ever wanted to see and experience their past? Well, I’ve had a passing thought that I thought would be pretty awesome and add a bit more depth to the game and stronger connections to the Warframes! What if we could have playable backstories for each Warframe! Just imagine Valkyr for example, we never really get to see what she has gone through or how she escaped in the game. Imagine if we could experience what she went through, how she was captured, and eventually how she escaped. It would be cool if we could play their backstories even if it’s a human form for some frames! And maybe as a reward for completing it we could unlock maybe some human form or whatever form they had in their past and they gain the ability to be autonomous like Excalibur upon exiting the frame! P.S. Just a morning idea I had in mind, not sure where to put this so I put it here, if it needs to be placed somewhere else please let me know!❤️
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