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Posts posted by kennylagenz

  1. have been 3 reactor alerts an 2 catalyste alerts in the past month not including the event, if you run a alert  notifaction system like the nexus phone app or the raid time tools site warframe.raidtime.net you will have a much easier time getting the reactors an catalysts you need

  2. dang this sucks .... stupid busy weekend excuse me while i go cry my sorrow out in that corner

    anyway..... oh well at least i got 43 missions in last night thanks DE for the event it was awesome

    dont despair there is a good chance the t3 rewards will be added to clan research later on

  3. This happens every event, just cause they say it will go on till whenever doesnt mean the community wont finish it early. Plan accordingly in future events.

    actually it lasted longer than they said an the community had nothing to do with it

  4. They said nothing of the sort in game, so unless you actively went on the site looking for the information, like the OP said; it was a mystery. 


    Personal, I have been spending all my forum time in game lately. I to missed the 100 missions by about an hour of play...

    so you checked the rewards but not the duration...


    if it was so important to you why wouldnt you check that and this post slightly contradicts your other forum topic as you said you where tied up with school an not game play

  5. they stated the event would end at noon today est time an it was extened to 1 est time


    wraith weapons are event exclusive however it is possible the pistols may be added later on in  research


    also hard to take you seriously with a name like that lol

  6. i call this one bullcrap


    3 hours = 180 minutes = 1,8 min/run

    4 hours = 240 minutes = 2,4 min/run


    you got to be very very fast


    but still BULLcrap

    i think you missed the part about the burbon so it probly seemed like 4 hours but he was just drunk

  7. Doubt it, maybe the detron, but i dont think the brakk is coming back, as neither are the snipetron vandal or strun wraith.

    they have said  before that weapons will come an go and possibly come back only the future will tell

  8. Not everybody are attached to their computers to play for 7 days 24hours mister...

    i got 100 missions in 3 days it doesnt take 7, should the event be a month long? they announced it gave everyone a week now its over thats more than enuf time to get it in

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