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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. Oh right, because a company that is unprofitable keeps doing unprofitable things. That makes NO sense at all.

    Did you read the deal? They are supporting DE in the development of the game. They are backers of the game, so in turn my statement is true. They don't need community support, which was the case when they first started making the game. If players didn't support the game it would have been much smaller in scope than it is now, by far.


    If you mean it is purely for profit for DE now, then in that case. You are totally right. Which again, makes my statement true. It isn't about helping support the game, now it is just profit.

  2. I don't care which frame is next or when it is coming out. I want to ask DE to keep it tasteful, pretty please. If we look at the "Livin la vida loca" factor from Excal prime until Nyx prime, the Liberaceness (that's a word) multiplies exponentially. The gold trim was an accent, but now has become almost a wild growth on the frames. They were sleek and cool looking, if we look back at Excal and Frost. Now, they look like something that stepped out of a Vegas show.


    All I ask, is please DE dial it back and make them more streamline again or at the very least, don't give them giant golden heads that fill my screen so I can't see the battle ahead of me.

  3. If all you are going to do is start going on and on about Excalibur being bad to fight level 100 stuff I will simply laugh at you.


    This entire game focus is around the Solar Map. The rest, like Endless is the equivalent of playing other games on "Insane" or "Nightmare".


    You are basically saying "when playing with ultra stupid and arbitrary difficulty, some Frames are worse then others". Really? I never would have guessed, and since you are an Excalibur player, you what, feel left out?


    Get over it.


    With enough energy pool and help from team mates you can permanently lock down everything with spamming Radial Blind from inside a Snow Globe every 10 seconds. "But that is boring!" you scream. Yes, that is the POINT of playing ULTRA INSANE NIGHTMARE difficulty, where standard game play goes out the window, and cheap tactics and exploiting the hell out of every AI, map, pathing and mechanics becomes "the thing".

    Going a little harsh here, be careful. As an excal player I too feel he needs some major love. They need to find something better for him other than making the javelin his new shiny and ultra spamable. Before the javelin buff, there were two types of Excal players, new guys that didn't have a choice and the people that truly love excal. I want to play with style and not use all the little cheats and exploits to be a good player. I use excal because he forces me to do exactly that. I also want his new tweaks to help me continue to do that. He should be thought of as the purest of the Tenno, the one that doesn't need tricks and cheat moves to win.


    With that said, I wish his super jump was able to target where you want to jump, if they gave it some type of aiming system. As well as the blink effect they plan on using in the future for him.


    Radial blind is fine the way it is now, in fact it is his bread and butter, please don't change it.


    Slash dash should have a bounce effect to it, much like Ash and his blade of storms, but in a straight line. What I mean by this is that he should stab everyone in the line of the moves path. Instead of just a base line damage for everyone caught in it. This way mods will get killed by this move and not just get a little bit of damage. If this is overpowered for a first slot move, you could always kill the first two in the line and then do a damage scale down the further down the line it goes. The point is at least something will die from this move and not just watch excal go flying by.


    Javelin just let the blades bounce off the walls for a few seconds. instead of traveling through walls and killing everything in a giant ball around him. Let the blades fly out and either hit a target or bounce off the walls for a couple seconds to try and hit targets and then if they still don't then let them stick into the next surface they contact.

  4. I 100% agree with the OP on this. I love the idea of it scanning the stuff I miss or don't have time to scan and it is hard enough to give it the time it needs to scan (which is quite long) but, then tohave him scan just random junk I don't need like the crates and low end baddies that I have had scanned from before Helios was even around is very annoying, so much so, in fact, I have stopped using it as a pet.

  5. Reminder :


    U7 : March 18, 2013. Monday.

    U8 : May 23, 2013. Thursday.

    U9 : July 13, 2013. Saturday.

    U10 : September 13th, 2013. Friday.

    U11 : November 20th, 2013. Wednesday.

    U12 : February 5th, 2014. Wednesday.

    U13 : April 10th 2014. Thursday.

    U14 : July 18th, 2014. Friday.

    U15 : October 2014.

    But... didn't they go to a wednesday update time from U11 on? Before U11, wasn't it a friday update schedule, they changed it, because they started running into weekend updates if things went wrong. DE now has two extra days to iron out bugs if needed, right?

  6. it is proven fact.


    your brain deteriorates constantly. if you are not constantly active, learning new things, forging new connection you're in a negative trend. you're losing brain matter constantly. the only way to combat this is to create more neurons. repeating the same thing over and over doesn't help either. you create LOTS of neurons when you are learning things and thinking critically. you create few if any repeating the same tasks over and over.

    It is not a fact, you got a hold of some half baked science from some where and adopted a neat theory, but it simply not true. I'm not going to ask for you to quote the paper(s) you got this from or even debate it any further with you. I would ask you to go out and look up a few things, that is, if you are truly curious about this subject. I would encourage you to do so, it is a fun thing to research and get lost in (the study of the brain) I will say this though, we do know that even if a person is in a coma and still has brain function, that brain continues to be very active even with no outside stimuli.


    Yes, we do lose brain cells everyday, but they are replaced everyday as well. We have total recall, believe it or not, if you only knew how to access where your brain has stored the information you are looking for, if you were to say our brains are terrible at accessing information that we gather and you should train everyday on how better to access it. Then you would be talking "fact"

  7. And Excalibur Prime is only a bit of Mastery points and nothing more then a regular one with gold trims. But cyclically I see topics like 'Gib uz founderz' and things like that.

    Plus the fact that only a small part of PC players are founders: first of all because the Founder 'program' was quite expensive for these days (a lot of money for a game that wasn't nothing more then hope for the future and trust in DE, and they clearly asked us money to be able to develop the game they would had do years ago), second because PC players too aren't all veterans of Closed beta or the first updates of the Open beta. 


    And, however, Founder packs weren't for free (in reference to vault weapons). 


    The matter isn't if we should or shouldn't have those skins/weapons too bla bla bla, but WHY, in a game that shares everything between platforms (except for the Founder pack and ONLY for legal reasons), there are still platform-exclusive things. 


    I repeat. Tell me why because I really cannot understand. 

    I also have an exclusive skin from a website that was giving out skins for our Bratons a while back. Exclusives are a way to bring in people to a game or help to get them to spend money. To be honest its only a skin for a game, in the big picture really, does this matter? It's for a gun you probably never used after the first hour of playing the game. Think about how much this skin will really alter your game experience if you had it right now, would you be a better player, would you use the gun past showing off your new skin today?


    With all the hype over excal prime, I don't see that many people other than me playing him. I do because I truly love excal, but it is few and far between that you see him on the field. All those summer sale skins people paid real money for, how many of those do you see in action? This is just about something you are not allowed to have and nothing more, it is silly to worry about these things. Let them have the exclusive skin and thank them for supporting a great game.


    Matter of fact, I would have to go buy both these starter weapons, because I haven't owned them in over a year. Do you still have these in your inventory?

  8. Think about it though, we have a bunch of MR17's and we have been hammering for a year, got it all, seen it all. We still are just over half way to the 30 they have set atm, think of any new player that has to go through all of this just to get here and the long haul we have to wait to get that next little bit filled in working toward 18.


    30 keeps looking further and further away...

  9. We need fewer exclusive things in the game not more. I wish that DE would just have a blow out week where the all the the old rewards would come back for a week.


    I can tell what would happen, everyone that didn't play that week or missed it for whatever reason would be right back here on the boards asking for another chance at the rewards. It is the nature of the beast, people that missed out feel left out and want in.

  10. Ive seen a bit of these posts, and I recall how someone insulted how corrupted mods were designed and Steve flipped out a little, but to me, that reaction was justified.


    Whats really funny about this is he was flipping out about what was asked of him, but Rebecca asked it wrong. The post was a respectful post that asked a really important question and it is a problem that a lot of the player base is concerned about. That was a case of not getting the facts right and asking a question the wrong way which led Steve to as you say "flip out" which he should and would have if that were the right question...

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