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Posts posted by ZeroPhobic

  1. To be honest, the braton and lato vandals are both trash at this point and even if they gave us all one of each of these, we would level them up and tuck them away and probably never use them for anything other than what that guy did and that was rub it in someones face.


    My friend has the Lato vandal and never ever ever uses it, so it really is all about the grass is greener and we want what we can't have, I mean really think about it. I would rather get a free boost to my master score to equal me up to the score of the guys that have two weapons I can never get or make those so they don't count toward mastery as equal us up that way.

  2. I am a long time player as well, I also have the same issue you do. I have always checked in every week though to see the new update (if there is one) I come back for short strecthes and burnout again pretty quickly. Someone already posted my suggestion I was going to make, only you know if you are ready to find the fun in this game atm.


    If anyone from DE reads this, I hope they take a look at this issue and realize they need that quest system, proxy wars and the other veteran sustems they are kicking around, because PvP is simply the wrong way to go to keep vet players interested in this PvE game. Lore and a great story will hook people, but some kind of big picture system will keep the players here once the grind is gone. Instead of working really hard on vitual pets and PvP, work on keeping players here...

  3. I would be happy to see the "major update" do nothing but this, however, I need my weekly fix with the weapon and cosmetic piece(s). If they wanted to focus wholly on the polish of the game and retune everything they can, I would love it! But, keep one small team making weekly love for us vets that need that weekly fix...

  4. I'd really just like Cloth Physics to FINALLY BE ADDED TO VOLT, TRINITY, AND FROST. .-.


    Or am I the only one?

    You are not alone, but I do want to point out. They promised the "Prize" mission forever ago and they are finally getting around to it. They promised cloth physics much later so, we have a while to wait. You are also forgetting DE has an attention span of a sparrow, they work on something then, jump to something else 1/4 the way through and then say "oh, we will revisit that later" Look at any major project on this game and you know that is 100% true. If they stopped now and "revisited every thing theyt need to and fully flushed it all out, they could probably launch a solid game, but the new shiny project is "just around the corner"

  5. I like the ideas , in fact they are very cool, but I have to ask the same question I ask the dev team when they release their armors. How is this ninja? The first one and most possibly the second are very ninja, but the rest miss the mark. The saving grace is, so do most of the DE armors so far.

  6. I wonder if Trinity prime will have a skirt that doesn't look like a lobster's carapace?

    My hope is the tech will be in place to let the skirt move as it should and it is redesigned a bit, but who knows, it has become her calling card so they might need to keep the lobster and design around it?

  7. Q1: Trinity has been left out in the cold lately when it comes to skins and animation. Is she getting any love anytime soon?


    Q2: The design council was asked to come up with general powers that could be used by any Frame, since then we have heard nothing about anything moving forward with these type of universal powers, any news?


    Q3: Why did you go back on your decision on PvP and why do you think it should be "endgame" instead of something more fitting ninja, like stealth based base conquer or making bases really hard to get into and players needing to use their parkour skills. Almost any idea is better than PvP, wouldn't you agree?

  8. Excalibur Primed

    Ember Primed

    Frost Primed

    Loki Primed

    Mag Primed

    Rhino Primed


    Potential Primes:

    Ash - more likely will be Primed

    Banshee (Released in U7)

    Nyx (Released in U6)

    Saryn (Released in U7)

    Trinity - more likely will be Primed

    Vauban (Released in U7)

    Volt - more likely will be Primed









    - i'd call them Frames MK-II w/o Primed variants



    Yeah, probably will be Trinity (black Prime), Nyx (white Prime), Ash (black Prime), Volt (white Prime). I hope Ash Prime's design matches the design of the Fang Prime. That'd seem to be a fitting weapon for an Ash Prime.

    You two, I think have this all worked out and have cracked it. I'm going to print this out and see how we do as the Primes roll out.

  9. Totally off the top of my head guesses:

    - Nyx

    - Trinity

    - Volt

    - Ash

    - Banshee

    - Saryn

    - Vauban


    Personally, I want my Vauban Prime yesterday, but I feel the community desire would be for Volt and Ash first.

    You got the same list I'm thinking of, but we will have to see.

  10. They confirmed a long time ago in a stream that they go gender order.


    It's been so far Excal, Frost, Mag, Ember, Rhino, Loki.


    Figure the genders out yourself.

    If this is the case they will have to break out of the original 9 to make this happen, because all that is left for female primes of the 9 is trinity, so this then makes them go outside and probably grab the next which would be Nyx. So, it will be Trinity/Nyx then Volt/Ash in which ever order. I was hoping we would see all 9 first before going further, but hey this just gets us closer to Nekros Prime. One prime at a time.


    If they wanted me to empty my wallet, they could do a surprise Prime pack and drop all four on us and skip a few entries of regular Frames. Tie in the four surprise Primes with the release of the proxy wars... just dreaming out loud, sorry.

  11. I want that avatar so much...but i'm just going to buy the prime accessories pack <.<

    (i WANT to farm for my beloved loki prime <.<)

    The platinum and avatar really sold this pack for me, of course Loki is all his glory helped a bit too :)

  12. 2 girls should be next, Banshee and Nyx. (Just because I like banshee more)

    DE's release pattern:











    You just pushed Trinity straight out of this list... ouch!

  13. I believe Nyx and Saryn, were made after the "original 9" which are the ones they seem to be doing first. And I say original 9 because these were the characters that were all apart of closed beta and Nyx and Saryn were the first of the frames made in open beta.

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