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Posts posted by Magmahunter

  1. not sure what mods you mean, but using all four and flow? you just set yourself up with a fragile frame at the cost of powerful skills... a fair trade if you ask me...



    Thats true, a rhino and nova are frames for people with no skills. Still lets not get away to far from the original post.


    sure, it doesn't take skill to pilot a rhino and nova... but it does take skill to pilot a rhino and nova properly

  2. *Iron skin*

    what are you talking about?


    joking aside...


    One change I would definitely love to see would be that when a camera spots a tenno it activates the laser doors for that room and only that room. That means no more being trapped by rushers who never take out the cameras. And it wouldn't be that hard for DE to do, and would solve nearly all of the laser door problems.


    honestly, the issue lies in that the Tenno isn't always propelled away from  the lasers and can get trapped in the beams.


    this should not happen. if you touch those lasers, fine, you got damaged. but propel the Tenno clear of those lasers. always.


    Thank you I understand that. But if you are behind and a team mate sets off an alarm. Where is the camera for you to shoot? Oh right it's where you can no longer get to


    not to mention not everyone can match the speed of Volt/Loki

  3. Then, that's what game about. You can buy it, or you can farm it.

    9k salvage in 25-30min on Jupiter survival, so 30k in approximately 2-2,5h

    The only question, do you have these 2-2,5h, right?


    Not everyone can spend 2-2.5h into a game due to life.


    Magmahunter, you do realize the amounts of salvage and rubedo you can get from one Sedna Kappa run is ridiculous right?


    No, i don't nor should this justify the immense cost. There are better things to spend these resources on (like 6-7 Glaives)

  4. 30.000 salvage is NOT ok.

    no blueprint should have a 5 digit resource cost on an uncommon resource, it just changes the game into a boring, never-ending grind-fest.


    same with the mutagen. why would i waste thousands of salvage in constructing keys, only to get barely enough for one mass?


    all by all, the negative feedback i've seen on the forums here massively outweigh the (possibly only) positive feedback...






    no : l    I love its drop rate.



    get a 38% chance for forma bp for fighting l20 enemies? are you for realz?



    Gonna have to agree with all the "no" here, I like the amount of forma I get, I feel like I can forma stuff without feeling like I'm gonna run out.


    your bad luck at the roulette table isn't a valid reason to change the odds...

  6. sigh... i've said this plenty of times and i'll just keep repeating it till it fries through those thick skulls of the people who think this is pay to win:

    the ONLY items that can be bought with Platinum only are colors, accessories (Sentinel attachments and Syndana's), Excalibur Prime, Skana Prime and Lato prime.


    Weapons and warframe slots can now be acquired through the referral program as well as the usual platinum


    Potatoes are usually given during/after a livestream and last for quite some time (they're even marked as 'A gift from the Lotus' under alerts)


    All weapons and warframes are accessible to everyone whereas the plat-bought equipment comes with a potato and slot


    Now as for getting plat:

    there is an extensive list of payment options, ranging from a credit card, to mobile phone, to prepaid cards, and even steam...

    i would be surprised if none of these options would be available to you. (unless you don't receive pocket money, but that can be fixed with a little bit of work)

  7. *Note: Seeing a lot of posts about Raptor drop date. What may be happening is drops are occurring out of bounds (or getting knocked out of bounds) and being teleported back to the center of the "Boss Arena". We will further investigate this. 


    Center of the boss arena?

    as in inside the central building somewhere?

  8. not sure why you would want speed trigger on it since it empties it clip faster then a viper.


    Metal auger is required for penetration


    Hellfire should have an effect since they showed that ice elemental works on it in the last livestream.


    in last live stream, they used cryo rounds, Ignis is a fire based weapon, Hellfire is a fire damage mod. OP's question: Fire + Fire = moar fire?

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