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Posts posted by Magmahunter

  1. Seriously, mod your tysis with some viral/heat and pistolero (with 5 formas yes...) and tell me it is an underpowered weapon.

    we're talking about the weapon without 5 forma's...

    you can add 5 forma to everything and it becomes OP.



    my only problem with Tysis is its firing type. It's probably better as an automatic than semi-auto.

    It's a pistol, not a machine gun. how does an automatic trigger change anything if it only fires one dart per 2 sec.

  2. on any alert with BP / invasion / infested mission when a noob does not move "hey thats a leecher!" ... "yeah i hate those" ... then leacher himself writes "i just have problems with keyboard"  -   how the hack does he write? with mouse?


    haha, they better not talk, or my switch goes from Trollban to Maximum Trollban

  3.  That's what you all said about the Aklex... 

    I never said that about Lex.

    i even expect Magnus to have a get a twin soon, but Seer? no


    what's wrong with seer?..for me it quite good..snipe and regular shot..wasn't that a pretty good combo..imagine twin seer with individual mod  slot..hahaha... 


    what's wrong with seer?..for me it quite good..snipe and regular shot..wasn't that a pretty good combo..imagine twin seer with individual mod  slot..hahaha... 

    that and the fact Seer is...

    A) a unique boss drop

    B) a big, bulky pistol


    so no...


    Where is mah twin Brakk?


    this is also not happening...

  4. don't think it's going to work.

    first off, let's look at a frame's BP.

    there's the helmet (which can be exchanged with alt helmets), a chassis (which also come with alternative skins for some frames), the systems (the part that keeps it all together) and an orokin cell to power the whole ordeal.


    now let's take a look aesthetically.

    let's take Rhino's body and add Necros' skinny limbs™...

    what we end up with is a beefy chunk of armor on stilts.


    Lore wise? congratulations, you're now part of the event: The Hunt for ArcanineZ.

    Tenno powers are sacred and shouldn't be toyed with.

  5. Ether Reaper.


    well, if this is the case (which i find unlikely since A. Reaper Prime was implemented before Ether Reaper and B. the two don't come close to eachothers looks)

    then we might have found the sole exception where a normal weapon outmatches a Prime (by Ether Reaper having a V-pol, all other stats match)

  6. a new "grineer stalker" that appears by siding with the Corpus and that drop brakk parts comes out.

    not happening any time soon...



    I don't think a quote by Captain Price is fitting for this.

    Corpus took Kappa,

    Grineer took Baal,

    If Jupiter wasn't defended, Phobos would probably follow.

  7. It seems this is not always true :-/

    well, Dakra Prime and Reaper Prime don't have a direct counterpart

    and Glaive Prime does the same amounts of dmg then the original, but has a stronger charge attack.


    other than this, all primes deal slightly more damage then their original counter parts (which might just be as low as +2 dmg)

  8. Harvester isn't ment to be farmed at all, it happens and sometime drops something, leave it alone, detron is nothing that exciting

    greedy corpus want their little toy.


    OT: as much as i despise the "Brick 'o junk" this is a bit too much RNG to be healthy.

    Stalker's weapons are more or less the same thing but at least you're guaranteed to get a weapon from him once you see that pink ball of joy pop out the [censored]. no need for additional parts like 'Dread string' or 'Hate blade'. just BP, grind, and build.

  9. the trigger is fine, no need to change that.

    though it's base RoF and Dmg could use the buff.


    and a fix for the Proc chance (80% and not noticing any changes)

  10. add Gas damage. cause it's cool

    no. toxin is fine, even if it's dispersed as a gas.


    A charge function, charging for 2/3/4 seconds fires a barrage 5 rounds simultaneously and makes a huge cloud 5 times larger in radius. THESE FLY FAST LIKE THE OGRIS



    yes? maybe? it would let Torid stand out with an unique cluster trigger, just don't make it a burst shot.

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