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Posts posted by Magmahunter

  1. Personally I don't like the idea of limiting the match making more, I myself have trouble connecting to a online session. Besides sometimes trolls make you laugh, except when they screw you of a key or toxins from the event

    for example: got trolled 3 times in the cicero crisis and it only went up to 90% each time.

    BUT since I know I'm mature most of the times (Lets be honest we do make jokes and try to be funny sometimes) I suck it up and go on.


    this wouldn't be funny if you were trying to get the Twin Wraith Vipers and only got 90% each time because someone decided to troll the group.


    sure, Vermillion would guarantee you all rewards, but are costly to make, the ingredients are hard to find, you have to wait max. 6 hours for day/night time and the event is ending quite soon.

  2. The whole stereotype is there already. Tall armored knight with a big frigging mace. They might as well complete the cliche.


    so? they didn't give Vauban his mining helmet/pickaxe to complete his dwarf cliché...



    I still want the helmet. And for Tim Curry to do the voice acting for the Oberon.


    We're mute you know...

  3. don't expect this to happen anytime soon...


    my bet would be the oldest frames (rhino, loki, nyx, and volt, might have missed one or two) would get their prime versions first.

    followed by the frames that came in with updates like Saryn, Vauban, Necros and lastly Valkyr (and the currently unnamed templar frame)

  4. Ever since sentinels came out, you could 'program' them to do things you'd like it to do, each coming with their own ability and attack precepts.


    later came the ability to switch out weapons.


    now how about we change the attack precepts and allow those to be interchanged amongst the sentinels?


    other then Shade's Revenge and the others 'Attack first visible enemy', i would like to see:


    -Attack weakest enemy in range

    -Attack strongest enemy in range

    -Attack owner's target

    -Attack closest enemy


    allowing us to truly 'program' our sentinels as we see fit...

  5. Accelerated Blast

    Barrel Diffusion (x2) (one is even rank 2)




    Infected clip (x3)

    Melee Channel (x2)

    Ammo Transmution (1 rifle, 2 sniper, 1 shotgun, 1 pistol)

    Power throw (x6)

    Reflex Guard (x2)

    Spoiled Strike

    Stunning Speed (x2)

    Thunderbolt (x2 with one fully ranked)


    Simply send me a message in-game with your offers.

    (preferably platinum)

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