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Posts posted by Magmahunter

  1. As someone else said, the fix the Ogris needs is just a reduction to its max ammo pool. It doesn't need to be swapped to the rarest ammo type in the game.


    that's the problem...


    the max ammo pool is defined by the type of ammo a weapon uses.

    haven't noticed how all rifles have 540, all snipers/bows come with 74 and all pistols have 210 reserves? (don't ask for the shotgun though, i haven't used those as often as i should.)


    in order to fix this 'issue' people want the ogris/penta/torid to use sniper ammo. not for the rarity of the ammo, but the small pool that's linked to it.



    I don't see how that's a problem. All that does is f- up a lot of builds by making ammo mods a necessity. If that. The Ogris is pretty much built for ammo conservation.


    Ogris is already as ammo efficient as it gets. AoE + low clip size + slow RoF = you're not gonna get through a fifth of your 545 rockets, unless the mission is dragging on for hours

  2. ok, so, for those against the massive ammo pools.

    Why bother? we have ammo mutations keeping every explosive weapon well stocked. add in the slower RoF's and low clip size, changing the weapons to the sniper pools wouldn't impact the weapons greatly, even if sniper ammo is the rarest ammo drop.


    for those in favor of the massive ammo pools.

    we never, EVER, fire 545 (pool + clip of Ogris, Torid or Penta unmodded) projectiles in a single mission, not even in a normal def/surv mission.

    then why carry these large amounts of rockets anyway? as i mentioned above, the dropped ammo packs would keep your AoE weapons filled, no matter what.

  3. No.


    1) Why would you want to remove a potato in the first place and even risk not getting it back?


    2) Potato's are not expensive, a mere 20 plat. with the rare chance of getting these for free during alerts or login rewards, heck Live-stream #20 is just around the corner and the Gift of the Lotus has always been a potato or forma!


    3) Don't have plat? go farm keys/rare mods and sell those in Trading.

  4. I think we should have a lot of abilities but only 4 can be placed so it makes the game more complex and players all wont have the same abilities like the others.


    Molecular prime

    World on Fire


    Blessing (or Iron Skin)



  5. I really like both of these, but let's mash them together for MAMXIMUM GREEDY MILK FACTOR.

    At wave 5, you pick between two mods.

    At wave 10, you choose between two pairs of rewards.

    at wave 15, you decide on one of two groups of four rewards.

    And so on, until you can't continue or until your game crashes from having too many rewards.


    wave 100.


    "will i take this group with 50 fusion cores? or will i take that group with 50 fusion cores? maybe i'll do 5 more waves and see what it gives me then?"

  6. 1) Equip Valkyr with her Ripline, Energy syphon and all energy efficiency mods you have.

    2) Other player decides to leech.

    3) Drag his sorry -censored- into danger.

    4) Clear the area or if you have Shade, go invisible.

    5) Enjoy the massacre.

    6) Kill the enemies for additional mods and/or affinity.


    atleast, that's what i try to do...

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