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Posts posted by Magmahunter

  1. The statement: "Brakk was an exclusive reward for participating in the event", is in fact a true statement that it is an exclusive item, but it is not an implied guarantee that it will stay exclusive. The could have released the Brakk one hour after the event as a boss drop, and they wouldn't have lied if they have said that that the event was an exclusive opportunity to get the Brakk.


    My point was: People equated the word "exclusive", with an implied guarantee of remaining "exclusive", but it isn't the same thing. DE learned not to use that word because people always assume it is an implied guarantee.

    May be true, but only mods (with the exception of Primed Chamber) and Frost Prime BP have lost their event exclusive status. weapons however didn't.

    and don't forget that Detron and Brakk may be different, they are each other's counterparts.

  2. Im not an "arse" im serious.


    And how the hell are you already afraid of loosing something towards a faction after one tiny invasion?

    And even if they they win a node, that doesnt mean they cant invade it again.


    You are talking about something, that doesnt even occured in that way and already panicking/raging about it.

    invasions spread, successfully conquer one node and the invaders move forward to the next nodes.

    Jupiter has a unique spawn of anti-moa's and Detron Crewmen. both being the only enemies to drop toxin dmg mods for pistols and rifles.


    believe me when i say when Phobos get continuously invaded by Corpus, similar rants will appear due to Phobos' unique 'Arid grineer' spawn.

  3. there's no news about the new prime frame, as far as i know.

    though if there's a new prime coming and the new prime is (like many say) male, Ash, Loki, Volt and Rhino are the most likely candidates.

    My vote? Rhino Prime.

  4. 2.0. 2.0 everywhere.

    warframe 2.0 confirmed.


    anyway, back to the topic on hand:


    lemme use rhino stomp, Bastille, energy vampire, every-single-ability-that-renders-you-immobile against you just to show you how bad of an idea this is...

  5. time travel back before the #savexini plague.

    Phorid and J3 were happily prancing about on Eris and Jupiter, killing the occasional intruder and feasting on their corpses.


    jump forward to The Hunt for (s)Alad V.

    J3 watched helplessly while his friends got slaughtered and banished from Jupiter, just because the Tenno and Corpus were hunting down one single man.


    finally to #savexini.

    DE build and deployed a nuke on Eris, clearing the planet of all Infested and forcing Phorid of the planet, now he wanders around the starmap, looking for a place to call his own.


    -=The more you know=-

  6. Brakk is not Exclusive, If it was, they would've said it was exclusive to Gradivus, but, they didn't Expect your precious brakk to be in the hands of filthy commoners in the future. :)

    and so Detron came.
    I don't expect the brakk to be in the hands of 'filthy commoners' anytime soon.



    I am just saying what the official lore is. And I have been attacked by the Stalker  because of Phorid so that puts an end to your theory. And besides now we have Harvester to avenge corpus bosses so DE might have always intended to introduce two "stalkers" so to say. There is no free lunch after all...


    Phorid is a deformed grineer as all quadrupeds are...


  7. seeing you mentioned a NEW prime, i suspect you already have a prime primary?

    if you don't have it already, Boar prime sounds like a good choice. (don't have it myself but i hear it's pretty powerful, even outmatching the Strun Wraith)

    if it so happens you already ranked the Boar Prime, i've enjoyed ranking up Paris Prime and Latron Prime.

    Can't say anything about the Braton prime though since i don't own it and haven't heard anything particular about it.

  8. You cant get it on Xini, it needs to be T3 INFESTED defense, meaning only when that faction 'infests' a high-level defense mission, can you get it


    I'm a PS4 user and since our build is behind I'm not exactly sure how to get the helmet in my current situation. I'm pretty sure our build is 11.0

    for us, Xini is Corpus...

    for PS4, Xini is Infested.

  9. I always use range mods on nova. If you're lazy to pick the loot, that does not concern me :)

    It isn't enough for nova to evaporate the mobs, the loot should drop near you, lmao now that's extremely lazy attitude.


    remind me to take Valkyr if i ever get in the same team as you...


    but back to the topic:

    I've used a Bastille XL. (stretch R4 + overextended R4 + Narrow minded R4 = +82.5% range) and haven't seen anyone complain about it in the more spacious maps (Jupiter Def, Grineer Mining)

    one was even amazed about it's size.

  10. 1) possible but not likely in U12. iirc, the devs mentioned during livestream #20 no new frame/prime was planned for the next update.


    2) i'd rather not see this... adding forma should be optional and not be a requirement for the Mastery ranks.


    3) hmm... having your own room? yes. clearing space by putting weapons on display? no. sorry, but DE needs to make money somehow...


    4) Yes, all of my Yes!


    5) yes? no? maybe? i rather not see existing weapons as consumables though, most weapons aren't too expensive, now that Titan Extractors do the work for us while we're gone.


    6) a Prime that adapts too the existing skillsets?

    so one skill of the first set, one of the #2's, ect...?

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