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Posts posted by Magmahunter

  1. You obviously didn't read my Post... I already stated "This weapon ist NOT about dealing Damage!"

    i did, just trying to fix this issue:


    There would be one major flaw with this entire idea.

    You cant get experience with a weapon unless you kill something with it, or another player kills something.

  2. Forma is DEs best selling market item. They may have good reasons to make it rare.

    Lucky you, who seems to have enough formas for the rest of the year. For me to 5-forma is to pay 100 plats.

    the only reason i have enough forma's to last me a lifetime is because i've learned how to deal with the limitations of certain weapons.

    5-forma? [censored] please! a new weapon is always... just around the corner™

  3. how about an impact based hand cannon? (not brakk/detron handcannon btw)


    it would function similar to the Penta but with a timed detonation instead and would only use impact damage on both the hit and explosion, both adaptable with elemental mods.


    and please don't make the dmg just 1 as the elemental mods only use an percentage of that damage. I'd suggest something between 30 and 75.

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