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Posts posted by Magmahunter

  1. In Livestream #21 they announced Loki and Rhino being primed with one of them making an appearance in U12.

    my question to you guys:

    Which prime will come first? Loki Prime or Rhino Prime?


    simply vote on the 2 posts below.


    Edit: Welp... this just got awkwardly merged with this thread... i'll just remove the 2 posts below and go stand on my head...

  2. get another BP of the Lex (or maybe 2 if you used a potato on your first, Rank 30 Lex) and build it (/them)

    then get the Aklex BP and an Orokin Cell and use the 2 lexes of your choice with the BP...


    everything you need can be found in the market under secondary blueprints.


    note that the rank and catalyst will NOT transfer to the Aklex

  3. of course, yes, but the drak is mostly slash damage, this thing would hit twice as hard run 2 elements and basically be a primary stug on roids with a really slow rate of fire.  as always, the big fun gun.

    i meant the Drakgoon is pretty much a reference to UT's Flak cannon.

  4. sorry, but the UT shield gun has been confirmed to come first, jk.


    OT: so. basicly, you're suggesting an Ogris that launches mini nukes?


    as a tribute? fine by me, i mean we got the Drakgoon...

    as an absolutely ridiculous weapon that does massive damage? let me introduce you Ogris, Penta and Stug (A.K.A. Krestel with C4 strapped to it)

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