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Posts posted by Birdframe_Prime

  1. While I'm not going to say you're wrong, because Gauss is not actually all that fast of a frame when you place him on a tier list...

    I have to keep asking this of players that want him to be faster: Why?

    There is no reason for any of these frames to be as fast as they are.

    Zephyr's Tailwind will not only gain speed the longer your Duration is (you accelerate for the Duration of the animation, meaning you're faster at the other end the longer the animation lasts), but can also gain more with Jet Stream.

    Titania with her Razorwing Augment doesn't even need any further buffs to cross the open landscapes in a matter of seconds.

    And everyone, every single person that I've seen talking about this, has forgotten that the single fastest frame in the game is Nova with Warp, able to cross distances so fast that the game can't actually load the next tiles fast enough.

    There is nothing in Warframe that actually needs us to do this.

    Forget usability, forget problems with the speed itself. There is no reason for us to go this fast, because anywhere that speed matters, it's not straight-line speed, it's Mobility, the option to not just go fast, but go fast around corners and weaving between obstacles that DE deliberately places in every single tile.

    Gauss is perfectly fast enough as he is, because he can wall-crash and instantly recover to keep going in a new direction, which a lot of frames currently cannot.

    • Like 6
  2. 8 hours ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    I didn't quite follow your efficiency example (you surely meant 72% not 172% 😂,

    No, my friend, I meant 172%. This is because in Warframe modding the neutral is a base state of 1.00, or 100%, so 72% would actually be -28% of the stat from modding, while 172% would be +72% from modding.

    You'll notice that I very specifically put the + symbol in front of the mod stats, but when I came to the total it did not have the + symbol because it was the actual stat.

    For the the next part, you actually explained it pretty well yourself. You've gone through a longer version of the explanation, without touching on Efficiency. But to be clear:

    The idea of being able to stack the Strength with two mods, then compensate for the negative Efficiency by using Streamling, Boreal's Hatred and the proposed Absent Expertise, would mean that you wouldn't have used Fleeting Expertise in the build, your Duration would still be about Neutral, and you could use a regular Duration mod instead.

    People underestimate the power of stacking lesser mods instead of using the Corrupted ones, as you've pointed out in your reply.

    What people often miss is that by having stacking smaller mods, you can entirely ditch Corrupted mods for the same, or better, stats.

    While I appreciate that having more small-scale trade-off mods in the form of mini-Corrupted is something you really want to lean into, the entire system of them is greatly overestimated by a lot of modders.

    As long as they stick to DE's particular foibles, having more straight-upgrade mods, like Nightmare mods, is fine. Making mods that exclude another mod does appear to be the way that DE are going. So having a Nightmare mod that excludes, say, Narrow Minded (maybe Absent Minded, for example) for an equally high mod point cost, adding an amount of Duration that makes it compete with the other Duration mods, but not overshadow them, would then be more viable for a build because it gives us that extra Duration mod without the drawback of negative Range.

    I think the point I'm fumbling with...

    The point I'm not really getting across well, would be this:

    It's more important now, since we already have the Corrupted mods for min-maxing in a way DE are comfortable with, what players and DE will want to do is to create lesser mods that don't have drawbacks or negative stats.

    This is because it's often more important not to have a negative than it is to have super-high positives.

    We're seeing it more and more in DE's frame design, that push to have no more dump stats and the push to have something powerful actually available if players try non-standard builds. Take Qorvex as an example of this; his most powerful function is by building for Range and Duration without ditching his Strength or Efficiency. He wants to spam his 4, he wants to have his Chirinka Pillars out as long as possible, and he wants those pillars to be able to touch as many enemies as possible in their range after being empowered by his 4 (since the crowd nuke by proc'ing his explosions by charging his Pillars with his 4  is more powerful than any of his direct damage could ever be). 

    Take Gauss. Gauss just needs to be at 100% Strength, complete neutral, for his abilities to have their full functions. He wants Efficiency for his spam, he wants Duration for his Redline, and he wants Range for his Thermal Sunder.

    Look at what they're about to do to Loki, of all frames, in the next update... it's weird... the new functions they're adding to his Decoy and his Switch Teleport benefit from Strength......... I mean... Strength... On Loki... For the first time since his release.... That one really confused me until I realised they're slowly pushing to have builds that don't fully benefit from dump stats.

    It's more important not to have negatives in many builds now, than it is to push min-maxed stats. Just enough to hit the right thresholds is fine. And since those thresholds on many, many frames include all four basic stats, it's less likely that Corrupted Style mods will even be desirable.

    That all said.

    I'm not averse to more of your idea.

    I do feel that more mods with medium stats are needed, even if they are trade-off style Corrupted mods.

    Just remember DE's method, where they don't actually want you to min-max any frame and get the full benefit out of them, they always want you to think 'but maybe I shouldn't dump that stat'.

  3. 1 hour ago, CrownOfShadows said:

    BUT keep in mind that they give out a free +100% range on relic fissures and invigorations (hmm is it in arbis and archons too? idk), so there's not exactly a moratorium on it

    Always, always, always remember; Temporary buffs do not count. If all it lasts is 30 seconds or so in a mission, or for a week to one random frame that you can occasionally overwrite to pick your favourite, then it genuinely doesn't fall into the normal limits.

    So the only possibilities you're left with, in realistic terms, are non-stackable mods.

    So a Corrupted version of Streamline, for example? Possibly.

    But to me I feel that one of the supposed leaks is more what DE would do, which was the 'Condrix' variation on Corrupted mods. The mods in the shot were basically just the exact same mods that we have now, so non-stacking, but the positives were lower while maintaining the same negatives. The trade-off for lower positive stats was the bonus damage and resistance to damage from the Sentient faction. So Condrix Overextended was part of a 'set' with +% Damage to Sentients, +% Tau Resistance, and then the stats were only +75% Range with the same -60% Strength.

    Now, I'm fairly sure that the 'leak' was just BS because the screenshot was overlaid with text from a Forum thread.

    So why do I feel that this is what they'll do?

    It's because of the pattern they're working on with the basic mods, Prime mods, Corrupted mods and Nightmare mods. Corrupted mods are the strongest positives with actual drawbacks. Prime mods are not as high stats as a Corrupted, but they have no drawback. Basic mods are just positives to a single stat, while Nightmare mods are able to provide a similar boost to the basic ones, with an additional stat thrown in.

    So if you go by that pattern, I think what you actually want isn't some of these mini-Corrupted mods.

    I think what you're looking for are Nightmare mods that can add on a small boost to a stat plus a utility stat.

    And I think that they would probably be exclusionary in some way, making you replace one of the other mods on your build if you wanted them. Say the equivalent of 'Absent Expertise' which would have +27% Efficiency and +30% Parkour Velocity. Then put it at an awkward 13 mod point cost. Why would DE do that? Because it would allow us to stack Streamline, Boreal's Hatred and Absent Expertise to get to... wait for it... 172% Efficiency. Not quite the maximum, and it takes 3 mod slots to do it. But with no other drawback to your Duration, you can then not nerf your Range using Narrow Minded to get that back up. See? 

    Alternatively, DE could go with the Conditional route, and give you something extremely limited by slotting it into the Arcanes. Where you could get a Range boost beyond what you normally can, but only on a conditional chance that you could easily miss...

    It's an interesting thought project at least.

  4. You know, I'm all for more ideas of Exchange mods, or even just a couple more of the Nightmare mods that add a little of one stat and a little of another.

    I do think you have to be aware of DE's wariness to add two particular stats, though; Efficiency and Range.

    The stats DE don't want together appear to be; Range and Strength; Strength and Efficiency; Range and Duration; Duration and Efficiency. 

    If you're able to balance out the stats of, say, Range and Strength, then you won't balance out Efficiency, and so on, to limit the builds and force people to take their min-maxing choices a bit more seriously.

    So, like the prospect, not sure how things will work out ^^

  5. 4 hours ago, Xzorn said:

    I brought up similar back when Focus first came out. But it was a strong soft cap instead of a hard cap. ie 10 million Focus on Zenurik gives a frame +1 Max Energy then it costs 20mil for another point. Expanding this further would be really useful and bring more longevity to play time. It could expand into Maximum Weapon Capacity +1 though they should probably just fix capacity creep issues. But you get the idea. Very minor perks you get for just playing various content over long periods of time.

    I think this might be where you lost the crowd on your earlier thread, not all of them, but many of them. DE will bring in more power creep, but they won't bring in power creep that's the style you're suggesting.

    The strategy that DE has stuck to, even with the invention of things like the Archon Shards, is that if two players (regardless of Account level) go into a mission with the same Warframe, with the same Mods and Shards on them, they perform identically.

    While there is convenience from Account MR, such as starting mod points and the ability to grind more in a single day, they have come out against the idea of incremental power to Warframes (such as max energy points) by gaining Account MR.

    So the point of suggesting the reworking Account MR as Intrinsics is not a way to gain anything over and above what we have currently, but a way of giving players much more of a perceived and interactive way of choosing the benefits they have from Account MR to highlight it.

  6. Do you know what?

    This does give me an idea.

    Rather than an Intrinsics system that expands just one part, where we have Duviri and Railjack, which are... unfortunately... not quite the repeatable systems they were billed as, no matter how long the actual grind makes them appear to be nearly evergreen.

    Rather than that, I would like to see the overall Account Mastery Rank system redone as Intrinsics.

    So ranking up your Account in Warframe grants you Intrinsics for your Account, and there are four trees that you can invest into, giving you the rewards of MR and maybe a little more.

    For example, you have an Arsenal tree, and what this does as you rank up is grant you the 'Initial Mod Points' and other benefits that affect modding and Warframe/Weapons. It can even have the rewards built into the different tiers like 'X amount of Customisation Loadout Slots'.

    Then you would have the Syndicate tree, which unlocks the levels of gaining Standing and access to the Syndicate Augments and Weapons, and so on. The Focus tree, which unlocks the higher levels of Focus gain and grants you access to the School Honours shop when you max out a School. Then the last would be the Acquisition tree, which affects the maximum Void Trace cap, accesses things like the Auto Slot feature on Ayatan Sculptures and so on.

    The key here would be that each rank costs the same (it doesn't scale up like the other Intrinsic grind) except, every time you level up, you can't gain multiple levels in the same tree. You can save up intrinsic points and level up all four trees at once, but you can't gain a new level in the same tree without going through another Mastery Test.

    Why not? Because it stops people from trying to min-max by saving up and just buying through all the levels of one tree at once.

    Then, once you have unlocked MR 30, it automatically ranks each tree to max, and you gain the True Master Intrinsic tree as an addition ^^

  7. 15 hours ago, VibingCat said:

    They could be unbreakable without having to use big numbers, just like bedrock in Minecraft.

    I think you're missing the key point here; DE have said that, in order for something to calculate the damage it takes (for chaining down the line or charging up another effect) specifically in The Evolution Engine (which is what Warframe is coded in), that thing has to be able to take damage in the first place.

    You can't make an entity (and let's be clear, that entity can be spawned like Mallet or Tornado, or invisible like Iron Skin and Warding Halo's charge portion) not take damage and then also calculate the damage it takes. Not in this game engine. You can't calculate something from damage it didn't take.

    When you see something appearing not to take damage, and it instead calculates a new effect, like Iron Skin or similar, that's the game generating a new 'entity' (an invisible health bar, if you will) that takes the damage instead of the player character, and then calculates the effect based on the damage it has taken.

    DE have said that's how it works, and testing has confirmed it.

    So, Tornado has to be able to take damage in order to calculate the damage that it deals back out. Not just for the elemental effect, but the basic 'shoot Tornado and it deals damage to everything Tornado is touching with a 2x Crit Damage multiplier' bit. That's the bit that breaks Tornado, see? Not the elemental damage switching, although that's part of it.

    If all it did was calculate the amount of damage for the elemental effect, then it could do exactly what Mallet does and take base damage. It could do what all the other things do, which is take base damage. The base damage could switch the elemental type and it wouldn't break, because it isn't taking modded damage.

    Tornado has to be able to take modded damage, so that it can deal damage radially based on that modded damage. Not just as a charge-and-release, but live. Calculated as it gets hit.

    That's why Tornado breaks and none of the other abilities do.

  8. 5 hours ago, VibingCat said:

    For example, remove the damage cap completely

    That's the thing, I don't know that they can easily do that. Everything that actually takes damage (which they need to for the calculation) needs a health pool in the Evolution Engine, we know that from previous comments they've made on DevStreams, and from testing. Health pools in the Evolution Engine cannot be infinite.

    It's not a problem on other abilities, as I mentioned, because they take base damage and then calculate it out. So they'll never take enough damage to 'break' the way Tornado funnels do. Because Tornado takes modified damage, and has its own feedback loop for any damage type that then creates radial damage, you can reach damage levels that affect enemies with EHP in the hundreds of millions. Meaning that even if you make the health pool in the hundreds of billions range, there's still a chance to break them.

    So... that's what I meant about 'does it exist in The Evolution Engine'. There are limits to DE's engine.

  9. 3 minutes ago, VibingCat said:

    When it comes to coding, there exist ways to go far beyond the value of 2147 millions. A reliable system with approximations could allow us to enjoy numbers with over a hundred digits (think about incremental games) so there's no excuse to tornadoes breaking in a split second. They could absolutely be fixed without nerfing the elemental synergy and the damage absorption.

    They do exist.

    Do they exist in the Evolution Engine, though? Because I'm certain that if they did, DE would already be using them. And for fixing one function on one ability, going to the trouble of adding things like that? That's a consistent thing of DE not doing that (like the option to cast Helminth abilities on Merulina, they would rather Augment her to make Yareli not be riding Merulina to allow Helminth abilities to be cast as normal, rather than coding the abilities into K-Drive movement).

    So... we'll see?

  10. On 2024-03-13 at 8:53 PM, HunterDigi said:

    Will we get to customize all frames' invisibility, and if so can we get some global way to affect all of them (like a slider to decide percentage invisible) ? :}

    This one's a good question. I believe that we can customise the invisibility on a Warframe by Warframe basis (literally a listing saying 'Loki' and type of invis, 'Ash' and so on). According to the screenshots we've seen, there will be three types, one being 'true invisibility', the other being 'partial invisibility' and the third being 'normal visibility with a special effect applied'. 

    So the logical thing will be that if you are affected by another frame, the effect that you (specifically) get will be rendered as per the settings you used for the Warframe in your menu. If you get a Smoke Screen invis from another player using Ash's Augment, you get your own settings for Smoke Screen, and so on.

    I just hope, for all our sanity, that they add all the frames to the list whether we own them or not.

    • Like 1
  11. 4 hours ago, Zahnny said:

    Huh, seems weird to be intentional.

    I think what people are missing is that it's not so much 'intentional' as that there are two types of terrain on the tiles, they function differently not because of the punch through thing, but because of what they define on the map.

    So objects that you can likely punch through are what you could call 'terrain objects', basically boxes with collisions on them that prevent you from clipping into them. The devs use these to make all the bits that can define the obstacles and set-dressing in the room, everything from crates and stairs to fences and cannons.

    There are, however, what you can't pass through and that's what you could call a 'boundary definition'. These are the ones that define the absolute edges of the terrain, and if you pass out of those you are now in the skybox, outside of the defined map area. Unfortunately, DE sometimes sculpts some basic terrain objects out of this, giving the room some pre-defined shape, before they populate it with actual terrain. 

    Now, what this means is that hitscan can't functionally calculate punch through that penetrates these areas. It reads them as dead zones or the same as you hitting the boundary wall and it going out into the skybox, so there functionally shouldn't be an enemy behind there, even though you can clearly see there is.

    Projectile punch through, however, like the Fluctus, generates an object that has no clipping. So it can, and will, pass through that type of barrier and continue out to the skybox, or back into another part of the map on the other side of the external object. As long as it has 'duration' on its travel time, it'll keep going.

    And the Zenith is a separate thing, yet again, as instead of a simple punch through calculation, it actually maps the enemies, giving you a target to aim for that is guaranteed inside the tile, so it doesn't even take into account any terrain that's part of the 'boundary' because you're ignoring the calculations for punch through in the first place.


    It's all DE spaghetti code, but there is some logic to it when you break it down.

    • Like 4
  12. 11 minutes ago, VibingCat said:

    If they did, it must be a minor difference because electricity and gas damage still break tornadoes in a fraction of a second. 

    Yeah, no, so the way the player base has worked this out (because DE don't release their code, and we have to test everything) there are two ways to have something calculate damage to deal out to enemies from another source, and they're basically the same thing, but applied differently.

    The first method is to make an entity that takes 'base damage' and then triggers that back out. The other is an entity that takes 'calculated damage' and deals it back out.

    Both of these use the same function, as far as we can tell. It creates an entity that absorbs damage. Like an invisible health bar.

    When a player character, or item, or enemy, becomes 'immortal' through any of the functions we have (like Mind Control, Hysteria or Absorb), and then must be able to make calculations from that damage, it generates an invisible health pool of some large amount that takes the damage instead. It takes the damage, calculates that up, and feeds it back out on whatever calculation it has, whether that's potential self-damage when de-casting Hysteria, radial damage when triggering Absorb, or killing the enemy after Mind Control ends. (This is entirely different from straight-up damage negation casts, like the immortality on Mass Vitrify's cast, which simply prevents taking damage.) It even applies to charge-up casts like Iron Skin, Warding Halo, Molt and Merulina, all of which generate invulnerability on either the player character, or the object they leave behind.

    This applies to generated objects too, like Tornado funnels and Mallet's orb, these are live-calculated from the damage dealt to them and fed out again either instantly or over time.

    So the difference between something like Tornado and something like Mallet is simply whether the damage taken is base damage or modded damage.

    Mallet calculates based on Enemy Level and it only takes damage from enemies, not us, to calculate from. Since enemy damage is a fraction of what we can deal, the health bar generated by Mallet for its calculations can't be drained by any single hit of damage. And we know it takes base damage from the Irradiated Immortal Trinity build the playerbase came up with once and was patched out due to DE hating fun (grumble-grumble-rassin-frassin), which nuked defenses by irradiating Trinity, making her Immortal with the Switch Teleport Augment, and then had her wail on Mallet with a hard-hitting melee with Link active, doing absolutely insane damage out to all enemies in range, as well as even more damage to those hit with Link. The damage it dealt out to enemies was calculated to be the enemy-level-scaling calculation using just the base damage of the Melee, rather than the modded (which is why, at the time, the Gram Prime was the weapon of choice to do this with using Heavy Attacks). 

    But Tornado calculates based on the modded damage we deal, and when you're using the massively high-damaging option of the Electric or Gas feedback loop... it overwhelms the healthbar of the calculation object.

    Now... this used to be possible with just a well-modded Tenet Plinx with its alt-fire, the single burst of high damage was enough to kill a funnel easily. This doesn't seem to happen anymore, I could be wrong, but it didn't all through testing in Netracells.

    However... the patch they did was probably to increase the healthbar's actual numbers, to try and bypass or ignore this problem and... if you're saying it's still happening, then the likely point is that they probably doubled, tripled, or even added a couple of zeroes to the end of the number to try and stop it, making the health significantly chonkier.

    But with that method?

    Yeah, that's likely still going to happen. Simply because of the possibility of hitting stupid levels of damage ^^

  13. 9 hours ago, VibingCat said:

    Alas, that issue is still there.

    Huh, they must have just increased the damage cap. I tested the same weapons that bugged it out before, and they didn't this time around.

    I knew it wouldn't be so easy to fix, because of how DE's Evolution Engine does damage calculation.

  14. I've been chilling at some pretty high levels with my Zephyr.

    See, the only things you need to worry about on the Circuit are Defense rounds. All the other formats you will finish as long as you're killing enemies and completing the objectives.

    So with Zephyr, you have her aerial movement to keep away from melee units, you've got Turbulence to keep away from ranged units, and you've got Tornado (recently buff/nerfed to no longer do the infinite Electric loop, but also to not bug out if you pump too much raw damage into it) as one of the best hybrid CC and weapon boosting Abilities in the game. Combine that with quickly dragging in enemies with her 2 (swap the tap-hold around if you need to) and you can survive and kill for days.

    As for Defense, Tornado and Turbulence combine into an impersonation of Vauban. What you don't lift with the Tornado (like the Eximus) you can still kill with the Tornado. What you don't deflect with the Turbulence (like the Eximus Abilities) you can safely ignore because they're rarely stacked together longer than it takes to kill them.

    Just keep your Energy up, keep your 3 and 4 up, and read up on the mechanics of Tornado, because there are some weapons that will genuinely mess with reality when you combine them with Tornado, and you might not pick them in the cave if you didn't know.

  15. As far as I understand it, DE built the answer to this into the mod itself.

    Since the Quick Thinking effect prevents damage to your Health so that it cannot go below 2HP as long as you have energy, and since you cannot gain energy from Rage/Adrenaline if you do not take the damage, then the loop can never be infinite.

    Once you hit 2HP you stop taking damage to your Health, and so can't benefit from the Rage effect. 

    Nourish will allow you to take the Energy from your Rage effect to completely fill up your Energy Pool from taking enough damage in a short amount of time, but all you're effectively doing is... maybe putting a third again onto your effective Health Pool.

    And, to top that off, if you don't have the Energy because you drained too much with Quick Thinking, this will mean you can't cast your abilities, you definitely won't if you used Blind Rage to get the high Strength.

  16. 17 hours ago, MR.Chronic said:

    there is a mute button

    Welcome back ^^ It's been a while.

    Also, this solves absolutely nothing.

    Put it this way: This is why we have chat moderation. No matter how good or bad you think Warframe's chat moderation is, this is the reason we have it. So that people who say things that are out of the normal realms of conversation can be removed so that they don't impact the wider group of comparatively normal or sensible people.

    In the more normal sense, we have moderation to move players to, for example, Recruiting chat instead of Region to prevent people spamming their requests in a place that will not help them. The same exists for Trading chat and so on.

    Moderation is there to ensure that players behave in less offensive ways, even if that 'offensive way' is just putting their text in the wrong chat.

    As there is, currently, no way to do that on Voice, then Voice will continue to remain an un-moderated mess full of people who know they aren't being moderated.

    Some people should not be inflicted upon others, and blocking them personally will not stop them from inflicting themselves on each person in turn after me.


    That said, the point I made will still stand. Even the tiniest extra bit of convenience for accessing Voice will be something I'm against, because what it does is make people do at least one extra thing to activate it.

    If it even dissuades 10% of people from saying something that is cruel, offensive, out of pocket, or just argumentative for no reason... then it's an improvement.

  17. Ooh, ooh, I know this one!

    While I completely sympathise with the desire for this option, DE have repeated on multiple occasions as far back as the great Volt Speed Opt Out experiments, that they don't want to implement this as an option.

    That's it. That's the report. That's the current answer until DE release another statement on the matter. And asking on the Forums for them to bring it up again has not worked at all.

    This has been your PSA on the topic, as raised.

    • Like 1
  18. 20 hours ago, Numerounius said:

    This is another reason why I think going for a variant that is not prime will give you a better chance. The amount of prime weapons are numbered whereas we can get swathes of weapons in a major update like how we got the unexpected Proboscis Cernos in Deimos.


    All Tenno faction weapons can, and eventually will, get Primed because that's what DE is doing.

    I just answered the question as written, in good faith.

    And why does the statement that we have an opening for the weapon to exist in the next Prime Access even prompt the response of 'go for a different variant'? I'm giving OP hope that we don't have to wait for another variant. 

  19. 20 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

    Except no, that isn't what you said.  You have changed what you said several times with every post.  It's all there for anyone to see, and you were rightfully corrected

    Original statement: The player base has expanded, you are able to encounter more of the bad players than before.

    Argument from you and quxier; That's not how proportions work.

    Explanation: The statement is correct because one person's experience does not match up with the averages or proportions, because that's how deviation from the norm works.

    Repeated argument from you and quxier: But proportions...

    Explanation: Proportions are not ironclad rules of how one person experiences the game, and the original statement is correct in how it allows for the experience OP has stated.

    Repeated argument from you and quxier; We're talking about proportions!

    Explanation: I'm not. I'm talking about, and have always been talking about, how numerical increase allows for deviation from the norm.

    In the absence of being able to claim 'proportions' anymore: You've changed what you said, that isn't what you've said, it's there for anyone to see.

    Counter question: Is Drod seriously illiterate? Or are they just trolling?

    I have been nothing but consistently and patiently explaining the actual function described by my original statement, trying to put it in ways you can understand and then move on from with a better grasp of how statistical mathematics functions. Your inability to grasp something so basic has embarrassed you so much that you're going to pretend that you've won the argument by claiming I'm inconsistent.

    Slow. Clap.

  20. 8 minutes ago, quxier said:

    You know why they are ignored? Because they are not worth DEVs time.

    You know why they're not ignored? Because I'm not the Devs and I'm answering the actual player's direct question on the Forums.

    You're literally arguing for the sake of arguing now, quxier.

    You've joined this entire discussion to make a point (specifically to me, not even to OP, just to me) about something that didn't need the point making and isn't even the correct point, because what I said is correct under the stated theoretical situation.

    Just let it lie. You don't have to keep arguing this, it's so far off the topic. My point was made, was valid, and does help explain to OP why they are experiencing what they're experiencing. Even if the explanation turns out to not be correct, because the basic theoretical was wrong and we're just filling up with toxic people, it can help OP go back out there and hope that there's lots more good players that they can go find if they keep looking.

    I'm not wrong. And OP's question was answered.

    And you're just arguing something that doesn't need to be argued.

  21. Huh... Let's see...

    We've had it spoiled by Rebecca that the next Prime is Protea, and she'll be replacing Garuda.

    Garuda had her signature Nagantaka, but her bonus item was the Corvas Prime. Protea's signature weapon is the Velox, so she could have a melee weapon with her, and that could be the Sarpa Prime.

    We have an opening in the next Prime Access, basically.

    For the rest, it's likely Xaku after that, who has a signature Melee, so not happening there. Lavos is after that, with only a signature Shotgun, and is replacing Revenant who had a signature Melee... I don't think the Sarpa would fit there, but it's an opening. Sevagoth is next, only had a signature Secondary, and is replacing Baruuk who had a signature Melee and a bonus Secondary, so there's space there, even if I don't think the Sarpa fits Sevagoth. Yareli? Nah, they wouldn't put a melee Prime on Yareli, she can't use them on Merulina. Gyre, with just a signature Primary, is replacing Wisp who had both a Primary and Melee, so another chance there, and Gyre probably would like the Sarpa... I think? Caliban should replace Grendel, with a signature Melee, no chance there. And then Styanax will likely replace Gauss, and the Sarpa definitely doesn't fit Styanax, even if there's space.

    That's a quick look ahead at the next 2 years or so of Prime releases, you've got a couple of chances, the first being as early as the end of April. And the next likely slot is not until Summer 2025.

    Take of that what you will ^^

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  22. 12 hours ago, Nossius said:

    P.S. The length of the consuming animation is a also big factor when considering flow because it makes you stand for a very long duration with your mouth open.

    Just roll around, dude, removes the animation limits and clears space so you can change back and shoot things again.

  23. 1 hour ago, quxier said:

    Yes those exist but they are small so they are ignored.

    Unless? You are the extreme.

    Unless you're OP who has a deviation from the norm.

    Unless they aren't actually all that extreme and just represent a deviation, rather than an extreme.


    I say this because, in case you forgot, I'm answering OP's question. This whole argument about averages and proportions has been over the answer of me saying, in summary, 'OP, you're just a deviation from the average.'

  24. 19 hours ago, Lord_Drod said:

    You will not run thousands of missions and just magically always hit the toxic players or never hit them.

    But you can. That's the point

    You've literally explained how, as a player plays more, they trend towards the average, because that's how an average works. Until they play enough they can deviate from the average and have experiences that are not the average.

    This is literally how averages are formed.

    18 hours ago, quxier said:

    That are extremes.


    Yes, they are.

    That's the entire point I'm making.



    Averages are not ironclad rules for data sampling when taken in isolation.

    You both are just doubling down again and again on ignoring this basic part of it in the hopes that you'll somehow argue me round when I'm right.

    The extremes exist, and they're only possible to exist in the way described (for reference, after the expansion of the data set to include way more data points, the result found of a single source encountering numerically more of the adverse data) because of numerical availability that allows them to exist.

    The lower the numerical amount in a data set, the less possibility for a single data source to encounter extremes of data deviation.

    The higher the numerical amount in a data set, the more possibility for a single data source to encounter extremes of data deviation.

    That's literally how this works.

    You cannot argue this function does not exist.

    You cannot argue that my statement is wrong.

    It literally walks the exact line of what happens when you expand a data set numerically, and that happens regardless of whether the data set was expanded in proportion or not.

    There could be a million more toxic players online completely skewing the data and being disproportionately more present in the game, and guess what? A player could not notice at all, because their experience of the games they play does not extend far enough for them to come into contact with those toxic players at a greater frequency than before.

    It works both ways. It works whether proportional or disproportional increase happens.

    That's the entire point.

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