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Posts posted by NavyBluePanda

  1. Dragon Nikana is amazing, and most certainly worth building. Only issue I have with it is my inability to get it to 0/70 with any worthwhile build on it (without forma).


    As ArchPhaeton stated above, you really should test out all weapons and frames (including non-Primes; don't run straight to the Prime version!), if for nothing but helping you reach the point of unlocking Syndicate primaries, such as the Rakta Cernos, Sancti Tigris, or Vaykor Hek, which you unlock at MR12 (360,000 Mastery points; that's 120 weapons, ignoring any frame levels you gain).

  2. Your points that go towards Mastery Ranks are based on the amount of equipment levels you have gained (for the first time), and the new nodes you have played on planets. Your Mastery gain is not frozen, you just don't see the added points on your profile until you rank up.


    I failed the Mastery Rank 1 test for two months. I would never have made it to where I am now (just hit MR18) had the Mastery frozen because I'd continued leveling equipment after I reached the MR1 rank up stage.

  3. Nope, nothing special, we're just talking me, sitting there like a normal player sending out invites to play a void mission.  All I know is before the latest updates you could FORM a group THEN go click on the mission

    even now, if i'm in the star chart, like I said, it's the only time I can send invitations at all, and it's incredibly unreliably, really doesn't work


    Nonono, that's not what I mean. I mean, is there a chat tab labelled as Squad when you're trying to invite people, because you can only invite people when that tab is accessible.

  4. Please don't post flashing anything here.

    I'm epileptic, so, please, be respectful of the above, Tenno.
    Also, please note, this isn't a rant, as it seems people have taken it; I'm legitimately curious.

    Now that that's been cleared up, I'm wondering what the obsession with flashing images is? I mean, it's all well and good, but at least use spoilers or something (and give warning that whatever it is flashes!)

    I suppose I don't understand what the obsession is because I have to avoid them, but I'm genuinely curious as to what people love using them so much, and why people don't seem to think about the headaches they can cause (taking epileptics out of the equation entirely to provide an example for the general populace—at least, from those I know).

    Please explain?
  5. Is this when you have access to Squadchat? You can't invite without having an active session (i.e. when you've either gone to manually invite people via the menu, or being in Navigation).

    As for it not working all too often regardless, are you leaving Navigation before all invites are accepted and everyone is in the Squad? Leaving Navigation without two or more players in a Squad ends the session.

  6. Greetings LeoLyo.

    You can check these sites for general information.



    You can also ask around in the trade channel too if you are unsure.

    Welcome to the forum , Tenno. :)


    Warframe Trading is very out of date, and has been (at least it was a couple of months ago when I last checked it).


    Stalking Trade chat is usually too tedious a task to be doing, and asking around usually doesn't yield any solid results; you're better off going to Warframe Market, as has been suggested.

  7. TeamViewer will not be able to help in this regard. The performance between connections is usually painfully slow, and the In-Game performance is terrible. This is more of an external problem, that should not, and most likely can not be tampered with through TeamViewer.


    TeamViewer is also incredibly insecure... I have used it once for remote troubleshooting purposes, and I would never recommend anyone try use it, in a circumstance such as this no less. However, this is just my knowledge gained after living with a programmer and computer technician for x amount of years; I've always been the hardware person. Building 'em since I was a little tyke! But that's beside the point; I still wouldn't trust using TeamViewer.


    As for not being able to take a screenshot; does this include using the F6 screenshot function? If that doesn't show up, taking an external picture would probably be best; would be a big help.


    Do these horizontal lines show up when you play other games in fullscreen mode? Watching YouTube videos in fullscreen? Details, details!! =P

    Really, it seems like an issue with your laptop; plug it into an external monitor/TV screen and let us know what happens. Laptop monitors are very finicky sometimes; your laptop may have broken or faulty wiring, or any number of things. Is this a newly bought laptop? Or an old(er) one?

  8. In order to summon any enemy in the Simulacrum, you must have them fully scanned in the Codex, which, manually can be a major task (and a tedious one), so, as stated by both Karkinnos and Pepsi, you're best off building Helios (Clantech sentinel from the Energy Lab in your Dojo), removing Targeting Receptor, setting Investigator to slot one, maxed rank, and buying a lot of Codex Scanners—trust me, you think you'll be fine with a couple of hundred? *laughs* I had a good couple of thousand at one point; I haven't used Helios in a long while, so my Codex is maybe half-filled.

    And even if you don't particularly fancy having Helios scan everything for you, build it anyway! Great Sentinel, and certainly worth the resources.


    If you want to check your progress on scanned enemies, go to your Codex on your Liset, the stand opposite the Market, and click Enemies, and there should... *eye twitch* It would seem all my scans have been reset... Did you previously have completed scans? I'll be sending in a Support Ticket about this now, and if you did have completed scans before now, you should send in a ticket as well. <-- Tired Panda didn't even think of relogging.. I feel so stupid now!


    Recommendation: Use the Synthesis Scanner to pick out enemies you haven't done yet, if you want to scan fast. (Incomplete enemies will appear with a Red aura V.S Completed enemies that appear Green.)


    ...do Synthesis Scanners scan faster?

  9. I could envision it becoming a real issue if players could see how much platinum everybody has.  "You're not a real player, you're just a wallet warrior". "Dude you have like a billion platinum, give me some!"




    As a personal stat sure, in fact it wouldn't surprise me if DE is already tracking this internally. But as a public stat... I'm not really seeing the benefit. And we don't really have an easy mechanism to present stats to the player in a private way.  Guess it could be added to accounts details page in the web interface?


    I agree; it'd probably become an issue. As a stat on your account info page? Sure! On your public profile..? Uh-uh. No. Non. Nein. I'll stop at four ways to say no, but I heavily disapprove of others being able to see my total income or spent platinum. I mean, I can tell you from the top of my head, it's close to about...thirteen(..?) thousand, due to me having bought plat twice, and this round of Prime Access, but I don't want that to be something anyone can view, y'know? As much as I happily buy things for people when I have the plat, I don't want people seeing that I've done something for someone and watching until I suddenly gain another stupid increment of plat to ask for something because I "can afford it". It'd be unsettling.

    Tl;dr: I like the idea as a private stat on your account info page, but most certainly not as something anyone can view.

    Edit: I didn't previously see the OP state as a personal stat (should probably not have skim read the replies), but my above comment still stands.


    I personally think this thread should be in General Feedback. Solid idea, but I wouldn't want people seeing my plat stat either.


    Yeah, it really should be in General Feedback. This really isn't something that's particularly helpful, one way or another.

  10. I suggest taking a screenshot of your inventory where the Mirage helmet blueprint should be, and of your Quest page (from the Codex), and sending those into Warframe Support. I'm sure they'll add it to your inventory as soon as possible. It's the only way you're going to be able to complete the Hidden Messages.

    I had an issue like that (sorta) happen with the incubator segment, waaay back when I started a year ago; that one, I could've found someone else doing it, but no one was doing it at the time...as soon as I got the segment added to my inventory, people started popping up all over the place wanting to do it... I wasn't impressed. DE was good about it, though, as usual. Hope you get the Quest completed soon! I know how annoying not being able to progress can be...

  11. It will be amazing if i got selected for recruitment, but who knows, good luck to everyone!


    I think everyone who applied feels the same way! Some four hundred applications, and there's only a select number of places; I think anyone would feel pretty grand! Can't wait to find out who the new Guides will be! One more day, isn't it? I'm from the future (in Aussieland), so not entirely sure on times xD

  12. This is why the forums need to enable some tables. Formatting's a pain for large lists.

    I can see what I can come up with, and ask if I can change it here, as I do agree with you.

    Personally, I'd separate them by Platform first, Region second, and Rank third.


    Yeah, separating them like that would be a plan; we've really got no idea who's where and what rank they are. You can only just make out who the Junior Guide is amongst all the hyperlinks.

  13. I hope I become one, most of my friends are also rooting for me


    I'm the same, though, really, we shouldn't hold our breath. Heard there was some four hundred applicants, so that's a lot of people to be standing out from! I wish you all the best.


    You should have said no more than 1 application at the beginning, a lot of people have most likely sent in more than one application.


    People who are logical thinkers most likely would know, though, I agree, it should've been stated on the page right from the beginning; I had an ex-Clan member decide to scare the crap out of me by saying they'd sent in an application for me... I don't think they did it, though.

    it does says in red text at the first page if u read the FAQ. And hes just remind-ing people.

    Goodluck to everyone btw one day to go.


    From memory, it didn't when the applications first opened (mind you, I have a terrible memory for these things)

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