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Posts posted by NavyBluePanda

  1. Welcome To Annihilation Ninja , we are here to have fun and work as a team, Help each other out. 


    we are looking for more clans to join forces so that we can start solar rails on dark sectors we have 4 shadow  clans atm with 20 plus ppl in them each clan and  we are looking for more please comment or message us if your are interested thanks


    dojo is complete as well more people means we have more fun and more of a chance please message me or impox me regards


    You mentioned Dojo...is this a Recruitment post for a Clan, rather than an Alliance? If so, I’m the Head of the Pact of the Dragon, and would love to have you join us! We’re an Alliance of thirty-three Clans, fairly active (and hoping to become even more so once we start properly recruiting again!), and pride ourselves on our care and respect both within, and extending outwards from our Alliance. We’ve also got a partnership with three other Alliances for when Dark Sector conflicts come back, which will be exciting!

    We’re helpful to all, and are always happy to have it in a friendly competition, whether it be in our own ranks, or pushing past into the general Warframe community! Solar Rails, once they’re back, will be a large project for us, but we’re not entirely focused on PvP—many of our members are just as eager to jump into a mission and have good fun with others in PvE too!
    Any questions or queries, don’t hesitate to contact myself, or Shinobu_Scorpion, either via Forums PM, or sending one of us a PM ingame! 
    We look forward to hearing back from you, and hope that you enjoy your time with us, if that is what you so choose to do!
    Sorry for the confusion! I use the dark theme on the Forums, so didn't see the rest of the post! My apologies! If you'd like, however, we'd be happy to have you join our partnership!
  2. Was excited until I saw the 500 hours. I may be a Founder, but I pretty much overplayed this game back then and am just now getting back into it. I've figured most of the new stuff out and love helping people with what I can, but I'm still down at 428 hours, so no official title yet. D:


    Bet I can get there prety quick though, I guess. I've already logged 46 hours in the past 2 weeks. Maybe by the time I do there'll be another recruitment wave. :D


    *elitist chuckle* Not enuff!!


    Terrible jokes aside, you'll get there, hun, don't worry! I thought for a long time that I would never make the five-hundred hour requirement... I'm currently sitting on a little under 1,800 hours, from looking at my Warframe profile (Steam hours don't count!). Think of it this way; I hadn't yet reached three-hundred hours not six months ago. You'll make it, bud! And good luck to you when the applications open again!

  3. My cursor turns invisible <.<   >.>


    Hmm... I'm not sure what's happened, since mine and (it'd seem) everyone else's is fine. How did you change the cursor? From the mouse menu accessed from Control Panel? I'm a hardware guy, so my ability to help when this side of things stops working, but I'll do my best.

  4. Wow! Glad people are enjoying this! I made it for Shinobu_Scorpion and myself, but thought "hey, others might like this", so just went ahead and put it on the Forums. I'll take some screenshots and add them to the OP sometime today—it was uploaded at 0100 my time, and I had a 0630 start, so I didn't particularly want to spend another hour messing around trying to get screenshots.

  5. I was talking with Shinobu_Scorpion a week ago about how it'd be great if there was a cursor we could get that looked like the current one ingame, because we're nerds =P 

    He mentioned something about it earlier tonight, so I did some poking, found the image the cursor uses, made it into a cursor file, and voila, here we have it! Our very own Warframe cursor!




    • Like 2
  6. Ahh okies, I was wondering why a few in the Relay where throwing that name around lol.


    I figured as such, as some where saying things such as "Ah Senthe, don't worry about him, he's harmless. They usually show up pretty often.", something along those lines lol.


    But still gosh that was funny. Doing the Eclipse Narta while shooting Zephyr's tiny Tornadoes via Agile Animation lol~

    Senth is a pretty damn cool person! But,yes, certainly harmless; wouldn't hurt a fly...unless it were a Corrupted fly. Then they might.

  7. never heard of him, can you elaborate on what he does?

    Senth is the subject of the images; they're the one the OP is referring to. Basically, they break the game.

  8. As someone who knows Senthetix, this is a day-to-day thing. I haven't been in the Relay lately, so I've missed a lot of this...Senth is the master of Fashionframe, and you will quickly come to learn this. They will do anything and everything to break the aesthetics, and it can end in some...fun...results.


    Mirage with Rhino palatine is soo gay

    Is there anything wrong with being gay?

  9. Uhm...I.


    You're using that wrong, sweetie.


    The speakers are supposed to work, I haven't tested them out since I found out it needs to charge before use. XD


    I got them from Axent wear - I believe they're also purchasable in Brookstone stores.


    I envy you so much...I see them popping up all the time, and I'm too poor to get them... I remember when they were just a concept...

  10. Sooo, two weeks ago, I posted pictures of me pre-life cleanup. I've gone and done some stuff to get my life in order, and make myself more presentable (even though I was told not to worry about that)
    Edit: Took a better picture.

  11. while that MAY be true, it wouldn't make any sense for some frames in-universe. Valkyr and Zephyr were all developed after the downfall of the Orokin, which made the Prime variants. While DE COULD make Primes out of those frames, it would make absolutely zero sense with the lore of the game, so I SEVERELY doubt that they would.

    HOWEVER, I do see the possibility of those frames getting a Vandal varient that is on-par with the Primes, as Vandal is the Lotus' distinct flair and "Bling-Of-War" that she gives gear.


    Are you talking about this thread? The OP states that she won't be Primed, but is immediately corrected, as Oxium is a lost Orokin technology that was rediscovered. This is confirmed by Operation Oxium Espionage.


    As for Valkyr...I don't think that's true. As Omega-Shadowblade said, DE has stated she's a Berserker frame. And, besides, she's based on the Norse mythology of Valkyrie, who was the chooser of the slain (which is the translation of the Norse name valkyrja) who chose those who died in battle, and those who made it to Valhalla, so it makes sense she's a Berserker. Death, not life.

  12. Yes yes I know they're meant to be challenging~ = 3=


    And you know what they are!~


    Just not in the way I was expecting~ It really put mah leadership and explanattory skills to the test and the raid wasn't something I can do with just anyone, but rather with people who will listen to you to every word and specific details. 


    I doubt just any new player can do that. I also doubt MR20s who are full of themselves would actually listen to a word someone lower MR than they are regardless of how much play time he has~ o -o


    There's a difference between leadership and bossiness; the first means you can lead and people will want to follow you, the second you tell people what to do and they either follow because they're scared of you, or argue because they don't like your attitude. A leader can direct (and listen to) anyone, and get through things. A bossy person cannot, and thus complains when they don't get their way.


    You're also generalizing about the MR20 thing; I know far more really good higher MR players than I do elitist ones; a good friend of mine is MR20—and could be MR21 if he'd leveled AW stuff, so he "should" be even more elitist in your view of things—and he's absolutely lovely, as are all of my other friends, and plenty more I've met. Do not generalize people like that.


    You only get a split second to hack the panel while all 3 vaporizer bubbles are making contact with the 3 control panels in front of them.


    If you did the raid you would know how crucial they are and how failure to prepare beforehand would lead to a disaster. So I don't think you are in any position to criticize those who use ciphers.


    You have no idea what I have and haven't done, dear. Please do not assume.


    That was probably the toughest part~ A lot tougher than the standing on the 8 switches part for the Law of Retribution raid, and believe me it felt great succeeding. But I want a raid where you can do it with just about anyone and not worry about preparing and being thorough with each person on your team.


    A Raid is meant to be challenging. If you're too lazy for it, too bad; don't complain about it not being easy.

  13. We actually failed cause one of our guys who had to go in the golem didn't have ciphers~ >.<


    I had to play soccer with the spores outside for a looong asss tiiiime.............with those giant maggots flying after me........such a pain.... =/


    Probably because people rely too heavily on ciphers. They're very quick and very easy if you know how to do them and haven't practised. You should make sure people know how to hack.

  14. That's actually part of the problem~


    It just awakens the elitist in me and I usually end up tossing the poor lad who can't do his job right cause he was having a nervous break down of some sort during the raid since there's so many things happening all at once and he didn't know what to do even though we were telling him what to do and then he got scared and up and left, the party was all MR18s-20s, they let me in cause I was an exception~ >.>


    Well, then, that is your flaw, and you should address that. Being elitist is terrible, and it's something that causes strain on good a community like Warframe.


    So instead I did it with my clan instead of other people and took the time to teach them through the text chat instead of teamspeak and believe it or not we managed to make it to the Jordas boss rather very quickly~ Tbh I should of done it with my clan in the first place~ o 3o


    You can do that with new players who aren't in your Clan/Alliance too.


    But that's not the point right now~ The point is I kind of want something just simple for a change that I can run with just anyone~


    If you want something simple, don't do a Raid, as they're not meant to be simple.

  15. Currency is converted from your country's currency to USD, though, as Lightsmith said, there may be a conversion fee. I'm a (studying) criminal lawyer; I don't know much about exchange rates and what conversion fees are =P


    For example, I'm Australian, so I pay in AUD, which is currently at $0.71 in USD, but when I go to pay, the number listed on the Buy Platinum page is converted to AUD for me, so I know what I'm paying—let's say I'm buying the $50 bundle, which is a little over $70 for me—the payment screen will say that converted figure, but it'll still process the payment and (hopefully) go through, just as any other payment you make online. It'll automatically be converted to the appropriate currency when the payment reaches DE.

  16. No, it does come as a reward on Draco, it's just a rare one, it seems. Earth isn't that special! =P

    You're probably better off doing The Law of Retribution; I tend to get one every time. Currently got three spares, actually, so if you want one, PM me ingame and I'll happily trade you one (free). I've got no use for it, considering only one or two of my builds actually use it, and I've got that one I need.

  17. The thing is...you don't.

    Vaykor Marelok has a high status chance. You build it more for that, rather than crits. As Darzk said, your build would be better on a Lex Prime. Your Vaykor Marelok really should not have that many forma on it (though, I can't talk, because my Valkyr build has...a lot, but that's due to build changes as time has passed and whatnot); you could get far more damage on it, and have it built for a far higher status chance (mine is at 95.3%), of which suits the weapon far better that building it for crit chance. I'll leave my build below to show what I mean; please note, it's not quite done, due to an excess of sixty forma having gone straight into my Clan Dojo—being a Warlord can do that to you...

    You're also using mainly radiation damage on it, which I would recommend swapping out for, say, corrosive, or viral if you're that way inclined. Radiation isn't all too useful in most situations.

    Please note: there's probably far better builds than mine, it's just an example of the stats it can reach when you build towards what it has the highest potential for.EV8SyKp.jpg


    When you make builds for weapons, you look at what their stats are, and build it off what its best stats are—Vaykor Marelok has a high status chance, and fair damage, so you build it according to these. Just because you have Primed mods doesn't mean you have to use them on a particular weapon, as if that's not what it's for, at base, building it will not yield quality results, no matter what you do. Sure, it may be a fair build, but you're going against what is its innate "nature", so to speak.

  18. I couldn't help but post these; my day has been great, and after a student stole my highlighters in a class I was helping out in and started drawing a rainbow on their hand, I've managed to turn into a "walking Pride flag", according to a sophomore-aged student (since I'm in Aussieland, it's called Year 10, but same age).





    And just as an added thing, here are my poor man's tattoos on my wrist (drawn on in black pen!)


    Jeez These photos are such bad quality...

  19. That stinging feeling...yeah it never goes away. Welcome!!!


    Dacond linked me, and from the beginning, just...what?


    *reads other messages* ...WAIT WHY AM I BEING EATEN???

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