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Posts posted by NavyBluePanda

  1. Steam offers "DLC" packs that come with platinum.  Common advice is to wait until they go on sale and they are often considered worth it at that time.


    I'd say Steam is far from the most cost-efficient way to buy platinum, but it scores points for convenience.


    I used KarmaKoin at one point, where I was able to stack a 20% bonus plat from Karma with a 20% off coupon, making the deal acceptable to me.  


    Through steam, if you get the DLC, the platinum and mods should show up in game very soon after.

    You can buy plat through Steam via the Warframe page, too.



  2. From what I understand, make sure you aren't currently researching anything as I was told by support it would be reset, and possibly lost, many moons ago.

    From my experiences as a Warlord, it doesn't matter in the slightest if it's complete or not because it won't let you destroy the room with incomplete research that has been started. This includes any current Dojo colour research in the Tenno Lab.

    Aside from this, you can move rooms around pretty much as you please, and will have all research stay in tact, and all research refunded after room destruction is complete.

    Good luck in your Dojo redesign!

  3. Y'know, the game is meant to be dynamic, full of movement—as much as I know things around you are dying instantly...maybe it'd be an idea to play the game as intended anyway? Moving around and stopping for a few seconds to chat isn't that bad, and hey, you keep your rewards! Moving is the only way to do so.

    When farming, I take a maim Equinox to tear things apart, but still move around because it's necessary for rewards, and because it's not awfully difficult to chat as I move around; no player I have met thus far has had difficulty in doing the same.


    I will admit that there is an issue in the AFK system, especially in endless missions (though I'm talking about endurance runs); rather than causing the person to lose their rewards for that rotation after a timer, it should be put to a vote from the squad as to whether they do or not.

    Unfortunately, for now, there is nothing but playing as intended that can be done, as none of the things you suggested can be done to fix it—we tried with a friend of mine who was our EV Trin and we were killing things too quickly for him to get in any actual kills, so he sat on the cryopod until realizing he'd lost the reward.

  4. It's because it feeds well into the modern day exhibitionism I think.

    Maybe, I dunno. This is probably the only place I'm comfortable in posting pictures of myself publicly, so that's likely another reason.

  5. The Panda has been working out! I has muscles—kinda lol


    Excuse the angry insomniac look, I was panicking about a party I had to go to the night I took the photo.



    ​I just realized that the shower photobombed me xD


    ...I don't know why I keep posting to this thread, honestly...

  6. I meet the requirements except I don't use forums I usually talk in game. Plus I've been helping five new tenno who just started when they get online. So after reading all these comments I can just be in the Strata relay kind of like a Guide of the Lotus and help new people and apply but if I am not recruited I can still do the same thing and apply next time.

    Aussie! Aussie! Aussie!

    Er... *ahem* From what I've seen, Oceania needs more Guides; there aren't too many, and it's great to see people from the OCE region actually getting into the Guide program—I haven't personally seen much interest from OCE players in becoming Guides. Good luck to you, and if you're not chosen this time, good luck to you next time!

  7. Well thats...creepy.

    The Guides offer advice on more than just raids and don't need to have tackled that content to be qualified to explain modding, damage types, companions, quests, planet progression - anything related to the game that's nor just raids.

    I agree that it's creepy...I searched my username and see twenty-five of the Raids I've done thus far... I didn't agree to this, and I honestly feel it's a bit of a violation of what little privacy I have in Warframe in terms of what I do—why do people need to be able to see how many Raids I've done, how long they took, and where I failed??? Not only this, but I just noticed that you can see the currently going Raids and everyone in them. That's...concerning.


    I will admit, though, this here does make me chuckle



    Even though I've done more normal LoRs, the fact that my time is better is amusing


    Extensive =/= complete.

    Complete seems to be what you're looking for.

    I've gotta agree with Noa on this one; no one can possibly have complete knowledge of anything. Especially of a game such as Warframe, so big with so many vastly different occurrences, both intentional and glitches, in which you can't possibly know it all. To say that Guides need to have complete knowledge of the game...you're demanding the impossible. GotL are only human. They still have things to learn about the game, even though someone may think they know everything—they don't. No single player knows absolutely everything, and to say that people need complete knowledge of the game, rather than extensive, as is being asked...would you be a tad annoyed if you were dismissed from becoming a Guide because you didn't know a handful of non-essential things?

  8. i can be an xbox judge , im active and on the forums regularly  


     also looking forward to checking out any vids or pictures that arise ....

    I'm glad to see people on other platforms have interest! Expanding this to other consoles means a wider range of people would be able to join in, and it'd encourage a little bit of friendly competition between players of Warframe everywhere. It'd also be great if we tried getting some players who can speak other languages (i.e. not just English) to go do this sort of thing using the other language clients to reach even wider of a range of players.

    Maybe we could, at some stage, have a big cross-platform competition where the best entries of each region are sent via screenshot (with all the relevant information) to the entire judging panel for the ultimate winner to be chosen?


    Looking forward to judging all your awesome fashionframe talents, my dear Tenno! Sadly, I cannot access the public instances of the Relays currently due to my ISP, but I will be judging from afar via screenshots and/or streaming! Can't wait to see the creativity you all put into your entries! One day, I'll be able to jump back in and judge right there with you all, but currently, this'll have to do. I also have an account on PS4, and will likely also have one on XB1 once I have the ability to do so, though that won't be for a while yet (I am but a poor man!) in which I may end up judging not only for PC (if Ith allows it, of course).


    Also, if people don't know what Ithloniel means by

    2) No glitched frames allowed.  This will disqualify you.

    He means this:



    And, yes, Ith, I still have this screenshot of you as your Proto Nemesis Excal Prime =P

  9. I hope not, then goat must ban me(even though I don't play as much)

    Me too! I've had people ask if I was a Guide and others answer that I am before I can say I'm not because they thought I was (I immediately cleared that up though). Funny thing is though...they thought I was because of where I stand, in combination with my answer to "what is this place?" lol


    Can't wait for recruitment to open up again—maybe after this next time 'round, I might actually be able to answer yes to that! I doubt it, but maybe!

  10. 87411560bgcci.jpg



    That's the trick. That's why you're handsome. Because you're outside, to be seen. If beauty is in the eye of the beholder, then how can you be beautiful if you're hidden away inside a basement where no one can see you?

    That picture is so goddamn accurate...


    I suppose so, and I guess my partner would agree, but I like my balaclava, considering it covers up that one visible thing I have an issue with—my face lmao

    Still can't wait to be able to take the cute couple photos one day; like, seriously, all these couples are so adorable. Unfortunately, LDRs prevent such, and those cutesy Skype couple photos just don't work when one doesn't have a webcam.

  11. I will admit that I've never heard of a woman who got free stuff, simply based on the fact that she is female.

    I have heard of guys who have had success with pretending to be a chick though... So that's weird.

    I have a friend who accidentally passed as a woman online—I thought he was a she until he jumped into TeamSpeak for the first time. That was an interesting evening!

  12. Women will start to pretend to be men online, in order to get free stuff and random gifts. What a time to be alive.

    It's funny how little women actually get that, in spite of popular belief; if you're a good person and try to give to others, usually they'll remember that and what goes around, comes around, even to those who don't necessarily want it to be returned.

  13. Personally, I think it's a good idea, but it would have to have some tweaking; a majority vote system, definitely, but I think this is what the AFK timer should trigger, instead of just making it so someone doesn't get rewards—endurance runs can take a while, and bathroom breaks can be a pain, because there's a high likelihood that someone will miss out on a reward because of it. Hell, we had our Trinity standing on top of the pod once in a T4D using EV and shooting things and the AFK timer still got him.

    Unfortunately, though, this wouldn't exactly alleviate the issue of players running around and doing nothing, but it would prevent abuse, whilst still making it so that those who do stand around doing nothing can be kicked.

  14. I'm 28 and people think I'm 20. : /

    Must be the facial hair.




    26 and sometimes told I look 18 :s


    At least you get told you look younger than you are! I'm often accused of being several years older x_x When I was fifteen, the triage nurse at the hospital thought I was twenty or older and was surprised when I told her my birth date.


    Also, this is what happens when one of your best friends goes out and orders you a Christmas present



    This same guy told me he'd do a workout session with me and have "I'll Make a Man Out of You" from Mulan playing in the background—I'm a transguy. =P

  15. Honestly, that's just a lack of observation; as much as, yes, it may be useful, if a new Tenno isn't taking note of the map that's in plain sight...well, that's their fault. I would understand if, y'know, the map started showing the objective as the other way as sometimes it does, but in this situation...yeah, it's not the map, it's the Tenno.

    Regardless of the above, though, as said, it really just gets in the way of fighting, and considering that's the main focus of the tutorial, it'd likely be more of a hindrance than anything else.


    Also, am I the only one that was getting a tad annoyed at the constand "Ohhhhhh, $#^!" throughout absolutely all of that?

  16. I have over a hundred people on my friends list. Some usernames I know, some I don't; I used to sit in Larunda Relay a lot and met a lot of cool people and we added each other...but I have a terrible memory; I won't remember how I know most people. I'll be returning as soon as the issue with me getting into public instances is fixed, so it'll start happening again. I need this.


    It'll also make it easier on me when people change usernames, because, currently, it's a pain x_x

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