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  1. New player here, you nailed that piechart while making excellent points. The yellow part is what gets people hooked on this game, letting newbies pay to not play it is crazy
  2. For context, I've started playing this summer, right now I'm building my Necramech and getting ready for The New War. The story quests, in total, are about 10-15 hours of almost all killer no filler. They are not the issue. The real pain points are the grinds in between. Grinding out the amp so I could fight Umbra really made me love the game less, it's just so exhausting. Now that I'm on Deimos, even if the update itself is really cool and exciting, I'm just so cumulatively tired of the grind in between The Good Stuff, I can barely get myself to log on. I'm not a marketing/sales guy, but I'm also not sure about asking new players to pay to skip the best content in the game. That's the content that gets them invested and turns them into hardcore players in the first place. I think the game is better off by asking devoted players to continue spending while finding way to convert more new players into regulars. I just don't believe this "oh I just wanna fiddle around with my friends, I don't really care about the game itself, but I'm still going to spend plat on skips" crowd exists. Warframe's competition is FFXIV, not Fortnite. The ideal solution would be easing up on the grinds for non-mote amps, and adding an in-game roadmap that tells new players what they should do next, e.g. to ignore the open worlds and haul butt to Uranus, or that they need an amp to beat The Sacrifice.
  3. Why would you send new players to Cetus and Fortuna? Both of them are quite hard and not that rewarding to new players, plus in the case of Cetus don't have the tools to fight Eidolons and Vomvalysts, and them matchmaking with people who do risks significant spoilers. This is a huge, obviously negative change to the new player experience that I'd love to see some more explanations from DE. Whatever happened to "our main goal with new players is to get them to The Second Dream as fast as possible"?
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