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Posts posted by Glitch_Kitten

  1. The change to vacuum is much appreciated, however some sentinels still feel so underwhelming, the little synergy between djinn and gazal is nice step in the right direction but i feel is not enough. Are there plans to increase the effectiveness of the precepts of the underused sentinels and add more effective utilities in the near future? Right now the only useful sentinels (in my humble opinion) are still carrier and helios, shade to a lesser extent.

    On a sidenote, will we be recieving something similar to vacuum for kavats and kubrows?

    Also: will it be possible for sentinels to share mods with your weapons and warframes, as apposed to having 2 copies of everything you'd like to use on the sentinel and its weapon, having to use different copies of the same mod feels restrictive and taxing on endo reserves and doesnt make the game more enjoyable in any aspect.



    5 minutes ago, AdunSaveMe said:

    Maybe, but I think the issue with sentinel balance lies more in their abilities.

    I agree, I personally believe the vacuum within was another bandaid solution™ (patent pending) to another, much larger issue. The utilities provided by other sentinels really aren't all that fantastic, if I DID use sentinels instead of kavats I'd still be using carrier, its new precept solves a lot of ammo issues and frees up a mod space on bullet hoses, like aksomati or kohm. I can't provide suggestions on how to improve the new sentinels, but I'd definitely like every sentinel (aside from carrier and helios) to get a substantial buff to their utility.

    On the topic of companions, I also feel kubrows are under performing, kavats provide amazing and rapid buffs, sentinels are flying roombas that can heal and slow, kubrows feel, atleast in my opinion, outdated and needing a touch up.

  3. 14 minutes ago, Azrael said:


    *Edit: okay, sure, the mara detron has a prisma effect. But mara is still a different classification than prisma.

    this always annoyed me, why mara? why arent there anymore mara weapons, whats the significance of mara if we have prisma, de pls explain

  4. Don't let anyone fool you, saryn is crazy good, spreading viral bare minimum across the entire map? yeah, sounds pretty good to me, also can stunlock with miasma and aggro enemies to her molt. The reason why people don't play her is because they can't clear rooms by pressing 4, instead they have to press 2, 1 then 4, and they just cant handle that apparently. Here are 2 of my builds: 

    toxic lash:




  5. 17 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    End Fashionframe. Make War Great Again (not the sword). I want actual WAR.


    18 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Would be nice to see an open-world exploration and battle aspect added to make this game more of a space-mmo and less of a hallway (dungeon) crawler.

    kek, rework the entire game from the ground up? goodluck with that fam

    18 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Raids are terrible. Conclave is worthless. Archwing is bad. All these need serious rework instead of fixing whats not broken and nerfing everything to oblivion.

    can agree, though you make definitive statements that are subjective and claim to be factual, they need to be reworked, they aren't just S#&$ because you aren't getting prime parts

    19 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Easy fix to Archwing is make it more like Gundam and give the enemies their own Archwings, right now it feels like Duck Hunt Space Edition.

    It's a little more difficult than that, darling

    19 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Dojos need rework. Trade chat is a mess, we need actual Player Markets so people can sell things while AFK, even if its just internal to Alliances/Clans.


    19 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Mod system needs rework, as the inability to lower mod strength thus needing multiple leveled duplicates is absurd.

    that's not the issue with mods, but they are being worked on with damage 3.0

    20 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Weapons should have selectable mods built in. Makes zero sense that a flamethrower can shoot ice just because you slapped a mod card on it, and once you have a full mod collection, theres no point to level weapons other than mastery fodder.

    opens oppurtunity to unbalance and adds unnecessary dev time on the team, also removes all customisation and the core of warframe, so no.

    21 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    Warframes NEED universal vacuum. We should be able to have the same experience that we get in archwing mode, when no companions are equipped. Makes no sense DE decided to nerf Carrier to give a gimped version of vacuum to sentinels ONLY, and ignore kubrows and kavats or players that run solo. That just SUCKS. A simple change to Carrier would be ammo conversion and hold extra ammo, if Warframes actually did get universal vacuum.

    I'm on the fence

    21 minutes ago, (PS4)True_Reclaimer said:

    And lastly, CLAN WARS. Faction wars. Tenno vs Tenno battles. This is WARframe right?

    what's the title got to do with conclave, fam.


    ps, this isn't a rant, it's a list.

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