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Posts posted by Glitch_Kitten

  1. 1 hour ago, SanguineSavant said:

    Honey, counter opinions aren't raining on someone's parade. They are adverse opinions to your own. There was no design to ruin this guy's day. Only a reasonable suggestion that he acknowledge there is a lot going on in this game already and he should polish the idea a little more instead of congest the game with content that isn't going to help the current issues with this game.  Also, detail and competency? He posted two or three pics and said "Wouldn't this be cool?". Yeah, it would be. Who wouldn't love more stuff? I'd be glad to see this but you know what? This game is already congested with stuff and it's reasonable to point that out. Just like it's reasonable to suggest you compose a grammatically correct sentence while you're up on that condescending high horse of yours.

    I like you.

  2. 5 minutes ago, ZenshadowOfZramx said:

    The stuff they are doing with Ash Bladestorm looks interesting, maybe it could be applied to this as well.

    Maybe you could press down 2 and sweep your cursor across the enemies you want to Tribute, where each enemy hit drains the usual amount of energy for Tribute?

    this is a really good idea

  3. 4 minutes ago, GreenDragon said:

    Shouldn't stars drop from mobs?  What are they doing in 'random' crates?  They would be too valuable to be left in any random crate, or locker, no?

    no. it rewards dedicating time to exploring the map and opening lockers, it gives purpose to them for once and it's great

    we dont need more rewards for mindless killing, there's more to this game than that and the devs are trying to explore it

  4. 38 minutes ago, Rokador said:



    I'm waiting for this discount for very long time, but since month I had 0 of those. I have 20$ to spend on this game, but I need discount for it. So is there is any way to increase discount rate? Does resetting my log-in streak increases this chance? Halp!


    raise your MR, the higher the mr, the higher chance you get a 'rare' login reward, i believe at mr 19 or 20 it's 100% for a 'rare' login reward, that'll give you the highest chances of getting a 75% discount. Other than that, pray to rng

  5. Just now, erny0507 said:

    In mirages 1 if the camera is blocked by the clones, the parts of the clones that block become see through

    yeah but the wings would always block the camera, because they come out of its back and are frankly quite large, so you'd always have that see through circle thingy

  6. Just now, Godzilla853 said:

    They are going to make taking arcanes off cosmetics a free thing.

    mudfam is talking about the OLD, old arcanes, where cosmetic helmets used to have a pro and a con, instead of just being cosmetics, these werent arcanes as you know them, but actual stats tied to the helmet.

    They still exist and are tradeable, but you cant remove or transfer the stats.

  7. 4 minutes ago, Xekrin said:

    Problems get fixed regardless of their age.  It took years to fix sniper ammo problem but they got around to it eventually.  Don't dissuade people from reporting problems based on the longevity of the issue.

    not trying to dissuade, im just a pessimistic person providing a pessimistic response. DE's got a lot on their plate what with TWW, umbra and damage 3.0, im just being realistic (atleast in my eyes)

  8. 1 minute ago, Keybopsef said:

    Testing to see what exactly causes the stealth streak to break when using Sleep Arrows. 

    So far it seems that it's luring enemies with Sound Arrows and putting them to sleep that ends up breaking the stealth streak.

    Since enemies always spawn in alerted in the simulacrum you'll have to test in a normal mission.

    alright, what @Gelkor said above sounds plausible, also

  9. Just now, Keybopsef said:

    I was using the Telos Boltace. The frontal finisher has very little movement which could make me bump into any other enemies. Still no stealth bonus though : /

    weird, oh well, inconsistency is a thing in warframe and it'll remain to be, i can test it for you if you'd like a second bit of data, just tell me exactly what you're doing and ill hop into the simulacrom 

  10. 4 minutes ago, Keybopsef said:

    Right. I'll have to quickly test this out. 

    EDIT: Bumped into a scorpion I put to sleep. Finished her off and my stealth streak did not break. Will test with sound arrows now.

    it always does it for me, but usually when im in stealth im loki with a greatsword (because im too lazy to change weapons), which lunges me forward during the finisher animation

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