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Posts posted by Kasseopea

  1. We all love and hold our Lotus dear, but when it comes to talking...well. Let me give you an example of what she says and what come to my mind:


    Lotus, Kappa MDef, last phase: "Alarms reset. They do not suspect a thing"


    "Hey, Larry, where are the 50 ospreys we got shipped in this morning, i could bet they were right here a minute ago..."

    "Jim, stop being so f-ing paranoid, what, you think some space ninjas killed them and about 200 of our men, while hacking some terminals?"

    "But Larry, the alarm..."

    "Naah Jim, im sure it was nothing"

    "But Larry, there is a Galatine in my face"

    "I bet it was always there Jim, just like the two-handed Axe in mine"


    Lotus, Vault run, every single thing dead: "This wont be easy, the orokin will do anything to prevent your escape" (or sth around the lines, cant find her actuall quotes)


    "Lotus, get your sh*t together..."


    Lotus, Survival, about 4 life-support capsules standing, ~20% oxy: "Extraction is your best option"






    I mean, cmon, we really have to get some new sentences from her. As it is now, its pretty awkward most of the time.

  2. I know what you mean. Working in gamedesign myself and its as helpful as if a car would have a light that says "Your car stopped working" - well no sh*t it did. I thought i went so fast, it went once around the earth between the frames my brain processed and it only looks like im standing still.


    I know they call the current state "open beta" the same way World of Tanks for in the open beta until they decided to bring World of Warplanes out, but cmon. Kids do this when playing space ninjas in the backyard, yelling "I have trinity's blessing, you cant hurt me" - just because you tagged open beta on your game for a full year now doesnt mean you can have such gamebreaking bugs (yes, it is gamebreaking, when you play for half an hour in a rock-hard interception just to end up disconnecting) AND having no way to report them properly.


    It also show how eager you are to actually fix them. If we cant report more than "Well, sometimes we get a dc and sometimes we cant reconnect", you cant possibly know where the error in the code is and you cant fix it without knowing. It could be, that there is a background protocol running, which sends you the error code, but then why isnt it already fixed?


    Would you mind not pushing in more content but get the game to work flawless first???

  3. @Cebius: Thats great, if you dont want to play with the rest of the community. Which is kind of required in order to farm Vaults. Also - my PC can handle it very well. It has 16gb RAM, IntelCore i7-2600 3,40 GHz and a GeForce GTX 460. I think its sufficient.


    I call BS on not being able to join a session due to PC-performance. Its the same as "A game isnt running? ...Hmmm, well, maybe you should update your drivers" - well, no, it has been NEVER the reason as turns out a week later. The fckd something in the code up

  4. Ok, its fckn enough, seriously. Every 2nd time me and my buddy are trying to play its either "Failed to join the fckn session" or "Fchn connection lost" or "Fckn host migration".


    The game experience is so detrementaly deminished by that sh*t. How the fck are we supposed to joyfully enjoy this game, when we cant even start a fckn match?!?

    How do you fck it up so hard, not even relogging or completing a match helps?!?


    With regards,


    So fckn annoyed, i would have quit if the game itself wasnt so awesome.

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