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Posts posted by Kasseopea

  1. Yeah, that is kind of the funny thing here, isnt it? People go "oh, you dont know his performance, oh, you dont know how he moves" - i dont care about his performance or his movement. I care that it is not a dragon. If you were promised a chocolate cake and then got a turd served to you with the argument "well, yes, it is a turd, but have you ever tasted it? No, so why judge? Its just as brown and as soft as a chocolate cake, you cant say you dont like it! Here, let us push your face into it, because you as a player have no saying in this"

  2. This thing is still going on? Mother of Lotus... the damned frame isn't even out Yet. While yes everyone is entitled to an opinion with the freedom of expression, is it too hard to agree to disagree and take final passing judgment on the frame when he is released?

    Let's really take into account that there is a high chance DE won't change his look. They had a specific art direction with him and intend to follow through.

    Chroma is nothing like any of us expected that much is certain. But we have absolutely No idea how he will perform aside from the energy color = damage type thing.

    I wish the backlash to this frame wasn't so intense but I completely understand why it was appropriate. Hoping this all dies down over time.

    But we are not discussing its performance - we are discussing its looks. And the looks are horrible.

    People wanted scales, not one more infested, deformed something.

  3. Chroma has no eye stalks, a narrower snout, deeper red coloring, glowy bits, a physique not typical of a wiry adolescent nerd, and whatever that loopy thing on the top of his head is.


    I doubled your challenge; what's my reward?

    Congratulations! You can now play Jar Jar Binks in Warframe, while being absolutely assured its not him, but an infested anteater-seahorse!

  4. And if they had put one that was like Endrian's concept in the game, you'd be saying "GJ DE you are the most uncreative game designer ever why'd you rip off a fan concept".


    Also, these are all swords:







    Dragons are the same way.

    Aaaaaand its still a sharp blade on a handle.


    A dragon is not a seahorse-anteater.


    Also - they did it with Silva&Aegis and Kronen, did they not? Yeah, k, they fcked S&A up, because this SHIELD AND SWORD is eating more Stamina up than a fckn dagger when you block something, but still.


    Besides, its not about pleasing all, its about pleasing the majority. Look through the thread, go on, i dare. You will find that most people are disappointed, then a good part who says "yeah...could be worse...you know, like an african tribeswomen in space...who makes 0 sense because tribeswomen never have been warriors" and then some few which will defend the devs to the death, even if they make a Kim Kardashian X Justin Bieber X Nicki Minaj Warframe.


    Point is - the frame looks crap and everyone knows it. Its not original, its not pretty, its not cool. Its just annoyingly weird.

  5. Chroma's shown helmet *does* look like a dragons head... may it be the chinese red dragons with the long heads, or from several other mythologies, fairy-tales and classic movies and art that is sword&sorcery-themed.


    Playing a game rated M for mature, and yet we have half the forums whining and stomping like 5-year-olds because of a virtual pixel-design. lol

    Yeah, what a bunch of loosers, getting invested in something that was created by other persons as a form of a creative expression. Like, duhh, who does this? Like i dont even at all. Can you imagine? Someone having an opinion of a picture or a sculpture? This never happened in the history of humanity, and if, only to 5-yo on some forums. Geeeeez, lol, omfg.


    And it does NOT look like a dragon's head. No matter which one you pick - no dragon has such a slim snout. You know why? Because they arent anteaters or jar-jar-binkses. They are carnivore hunters who haunt your nightmares. They have jaws, not a trunk.

  6. Oh really?

    Sword = Katana, Flamberge, Estoc,...

    Dragon = ?

    From middleaged paintings to Disney's Toothless. What shall it be?

    Opinions, opinions...

    Yeah, so? Katana, Flamberge, Estoc - sharp metal blade on a handle. Its not a shield, its not a chair, its not a potato.


    Dragons have 4 classifications:

    Western Dragon - Your typical "save the princess" dragon. 4 Legs, 2 wings. Your Smaug, Touthless or Charizard.

    Eastern Dragon - The flying snake-thingies with beards and no wings. Cosplayed sometimes by a bunch of duded under one costume. Your Gyrados.

    Leviathan - water dragon, which are looking like this in case your were going for the seahorse argument:x_80311dc6.jpg

    And finally feathered dragons. Your quetzalcoatl or Rayquaza.


    I meant this one (he sure as fck is more similar to Frost than Chroma to a dragon of any sort):



  7. "the gifs are getting annoying" only thing that keeps me going


    "What part of my statement was the "no" for exactly?" Vergil looks nothing like frost @_@ that's like saying frost and thinking of a beetle XD

    Uhm...i mainly meant the coat/clothes. (Also the noble animation looks rather fitting)


    Besides - do you actually LIKE the new Chroma design as in "Woah, its the Dragon Warframe as it should be" or are you merely accepting it?

  8. No one understands that to make a new frame u have to be true to the lore, which Chroma is. Look at Oberon, he was supposed to be a deer, hes not. he has to look oddly misformed.

    Look at Frost. He looks like Virgil 2.0 (the proper, DMC3 one). Or Saryn? Deformed - maybe. Ugly? Not by a chance.


    This one looks like Lephantis' head smacked on a Vauban.

  9. One thing: 


    Chroma does not have that annoying voice that would make you want to rip your ears out. 


    Second thing: 


    Chroma does not give emergency powers to the Chancellor who happens to be a Sith. 


    Third thing: 


    Chroma does not end up almost getting killed from being ignorant. 

    Well, we dont know any of that yet.

  10. io6py.jpg

    This. Seriously, exactly this.


    Getting sick of this "uhh, you got brainwashed by the media" - sorry, but there ways things look. If someone says "Sword" you think of a bladed thingy that you can hold in your hands. If someone says "Ball" you dont think of Black Holes. If someone says Dragon, you shouldnt think of a goddamn infested seahorse-anteater.


    We had an awesome design gifted to us by Endrian. Gz DE, you are "creative". And worse than a single dude with a pen.

  11. This game is not in the beta, its out for so long it would be somewhere around kappa by now. They cant even implement new features without them being buggy.


    And yeah, there are more pressing matters. I just wonder why the hell those are here - probably the illuminaty smuggled some in. Not like all were caused by them, right? I mean the game has awesome artists, but the programming....yeah

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