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Posts posted by Kasseopea

  1. Is there any way we can poke the devs until they start actually interacting with the community so we can get the other side   (if there is one) to this story? PM them a thousand times?

    You can write to support. If we overload it, they will have to react. However, that would require many people doing it once in a while so the amount flushes them out in the open. They are too much of a coward to come forth on their own.

  2. don't get mad at DE, it's not their fault, remember Perfect World Entertaiment bought more than the 50% of warframe meaning that DE have their hands tied to what Perfect world ask for em.

    If you've ever play'd any Perfect world "Free to play" they all have the same grinding (either pay or spend 99 hours getting to one point), any stealth nerf that have been added is to ensure that grind. Cuz of that DE may have intentionally "miss place them"

    Yeah, i bet that they didnt make enough money already, being one of the most successful f2p games out there. Its their own fckn greed.

  3. But what if Prime Vault actually buffs the stuff and then when it's released again everyone pukes rainbows.


    Yeah, could happen. You then would have to finish 3 missions: A 10h long survival in a T5 void, a 100 Conclave limited interception with Lv200 enemies and a defense with a 1-health-pod that you have to protect and that is half the map in size.

    Then you would have to craft a key (the blueprint for it would only cost 5.000.000 credits) and then run a raid to get randomly one out of 8 part-blueprints: Left Arm, Right Arm, Helmet, Torso, Right Leg, Left Leg, Systems and Ornaments.

    Ofcourse, you would then have to craft them, for which they each require one top-tier weapon from every lab. You know, Opticor, Lanka, Synapse - stuff like that.

    Also, every part would need 72 hours and 500.000 credits to complete, while the warframe itself requires 144 hours and 2.000.000 creds.


    Or, you know, you could buy it for only 500 plat. Oh, and btw, every missions gives now 1.000 creds top.


    Year of Quality™


  4. Guys, give up, they wont give us more creds, because they are just as greedy as any other gaming company. They teased with a great game and now that the community is built up, they will push more and more grind into our face, until the game is 0 fun, unless you spend plat to rush everything.


    They also wont answer any pleas or questions, because there is no excuse and no reason for that beyond greed. Unless ofc you are as brilliant as EA who stated for Dungeon Keeper Mobile that they might have innovated too much.

  5. That's a conversation that should be held with the admins that post the patch notes, not a moderator. We don't have our hand in that cookie jar.


    But hey, some things are left out because the ones writing the notes were not notified in time to write them down. So long as we catch them on their mistakes (and not scream at them), we continue to move forward.

    Yeah, then how about any of the goddamn DE finally answer ANY of the things that the community is currently fed up with?!

  6. hi everyone. I know nothing about grinding, farming, op items, underpowered frames ecc, and I won't talk about that.


    There's a thing about this game that really bewilders me, it puzzles me, it shocks me and there's many more words I'd like to use to describe the feeling but you get the idea, I hope.

    I mean... why the hell sliding makes you go SO FREAKING FASTER? seriously, this is a huge gameplay bummer.

    As if it wasn't annoingly weird enough, the same crouch button makes you go as faster EVEN IN THE AIR.

    I mean... WHY? I've been playing videogames like this for 15 years and this really looks like a 0.0001323 alpha version bug.

    I saw this when I first tried this game when it came on steam like one year and a half ago (maybe it was early access, don't remember) and i thought "well, it's a crappy glitch of the early days", this and other crappy things made me uninstall the game right away.

    Yesterday I reinstalled it, steam made good advertise of the latest amazing content and I thought "let's take a look at how things are now with this game". I see many things have changed, the game looks and works better in many ways but you still have this STUPID MOVEMENT MECHANIC. just tell me how is this possible. How is that gamers might like that, because there's no universe in where a gamer might enjoy moving like you have to do in this game.

    please change this stupid thing. make it so that when you slide you have to go through the entire slide (until you are nearly still) or something like that. It makes me feel really silly to have to continuosly lightly tap on this button to have the "turbo" mode when it should be intended to just slide. It REALLY is shockingly stupid. And moreover is weird and annoying to see people do that all the time, they go fast like nobody in a game like this is meant to go. Or at least not nearly as frequently.

    please, make the slide just a slide and not the TURBO button. Is it too much to ask for?

    Actually, I'm astonished that a post like this one is even needed. Just fix this already.

    Oh, im sorry, i couldn't hear you over the sound of my Space Ninja wielding a Mega-Laser-Gun, a 2-handed sword that denies the laws of momentum and shuriken, that punch through solid metal, while wielding the powers of ice because of reasons. Could you repeat please?

  7. Uhm....yeah, they could be smart and a good developer, ooooor they simply push more and more grind unto us, so it turns into the fckn Dungeon Keeper Online, while still hiding from the forums and not answering the community, that is clearly fckn mad at them.


    Like, seriously, Chroma takes a full week to build. A FULL WEEK. What's next? A Warframe that ist being crafted out of every part of every other warframe + 20 forma?

  8. Enjoy those credit nerfs if your even crazy enough to try to stack arcane bonuses. 

    Even if not - they drain credits whereever they can. The Syndicate ranks, the new scanners, the primed mods, the weapons being build with other weapons - its everywhere.


    Slowly im getting the impression that they wanted a big community just so they can then squeeze money out of us, because any content whatsoever aside from the basic stuff is not affordable anymore unless you grind every day like hell.

  9. When they give reasons that you think are insufficient why do you think insulting them is an acceptable response? 

    As of right now they haven't actually posted a reason/explanation for the dark sector changes. 


    If they did say something to the effect of your example, do you disagree with them wanting to make other missions more valuable?Or is it just the way in which they have gone about it?


    There will always be new things, expensive things and time limited things. Apart from the time limited content you can do any and all of it at your own pace. We've discussed people's desire to fully 'keep up' with content releases, but I have yet to see a good reason why all people should be able to max all content by the time more is released. 


    It is good for the game to always have something to play for, it keeps people playing in the long run. If content release drastically outstrips the average player's ability to achieve it then I could see that as being a problem, for sure. However most people just have issue with high end costs for entirely optional end game items like primed mods (or any void trader item for that matter.) 

    But thats the thing - there was NO excuse at all. They just make changes and say nothing about it. Because it would be really, really hard to explain why they include sh!tty upgrades that cost 500k a piece while cutting off our cred supplies.

  10. Didn't DE say that they would be procs that player would have control over? As opposed to boring passives?


    I expected something like proc on a headshot or proc on a finisher, not % chance.


    How can I base a build around 5% chance of something (mildly useful) happening?


    Year of quality™.

  11. Yes.


    And the cost to equip this on every frame you own? ZERO. No mod slots wasted, not a single mod point used up. You are, objectively, 100%, better off than all other players that do not have this.There is no tradeoff whatsoever.


    Therefore, ANY power it provides you at all is nice.


    But you still have to obtain them somehow ffs!

    Look at auras - there were none and then we got an extra slot, bonus capacity instead of consuming capacity AND a powerful effect. That would be an appropriate reward for a mission so hard, buggy and big. It's a raid damn it - that's what other games have to aquire the best gear in the game. You know, the stuff that everyone on the server wants to have, but has not the skill, the level or the team to pull it through.


    And when you finally manage to beat the raid in ANY other game? You are rewarded with the best of the best, since you are now the best of the best. You have shown that you mastered the game, so the game treats you like that.


    And now back to Warframe - "Oh, you finished our most challenging mission? You found 7 other players to act as a team and managed to complete this raid? Well well well, you clearly deserve those 3% on reload for 15% more damage...i mean, when you also pay 500.000 credits for it, which you will easily NOT get because we also reduced the Dark Sector credits...yeah...go F yourself, Tenno, DE out"


    I'm flat out calling you out on being either a troll, a fanboy or a [DE]Ninja, because you clearly don't listen to reason and are the only one who is defending this pieces of crap they threw at us.



    Because getting in contact with a DEv is surefire... k. (They're cool like that but I'd rather not waste their time on something insignificant like this when they're swamped with fixing)


    They wouldn't have to fix that much if they used any common sense whatsoever #Chroma #InfestedSeahorseAnteater



    Nope, people are angry because the time effort isn't equal to the reward given. Truthfully, I think the complaints are just angry and dissatisfied members of the community who have tried, failed, then in doing so immediately come to the forums for venting purposes. I wouldn't pay it much mind to be quite honest as some of their points are valid, but it's mostly anger fueled and lacking cohesion that many good feedback posts need in order for change to occur.


    Yeah, i imagine all those wild stories, where players go "OMG, def T4, nkay? So we are at wave 160, and it's getting really tough. We are thinking about leaving and stuff, but THEN - THEN THE RELOAD BUFF ON MY PISTOL KICKS IN!!!!!!! Do you even imagine how i rekt dem corrupted? Wave 300, instantly, Arcane ftw.


  12. As for the last three posts - insulting DE and accusing them of being greedy/cowards: please be constructive.


    It is easy to complain, why not propose a solution to something rather than venting about it on the internet?


    Well...yes, it IS easy to insult them, because they are doing all those changes to get more money and don't state any other reason. They are not even giving half-assed excuses. You know, kind of like "We felt that Dark Sector was the only goal for players, so we regulated the cred reward to make other sectors as lucrative". Nope, they just press on reducing the amount of creds we can farm per hour and bring in more and more and more expensive stuff like weapons needing other weapons and the new void trader.

  13. Considering the fact you get to add these on top of whatever else you gain through mods, it's actually rather nice. They shouldn't be insanely powerful, and the [DE]lerious one is you for believing otherwise. Your favorite scarf should not be granting godmode, no matter what you've convinced yourself of otherwise.

    Its not about being godlike, its about the cost-benefit ratio. If you break it down to the average boost, they are really just not worth it.


    I.e. the attack speed arcane: 2,5% on hit gives you 5% attack speed for 5 secs. The average boost is 0,125% attack speed per strike for 5 secs.

    Or the reload pistol one: 3% on reload gives 15% attack boost. The average boost here is 0,45% damage per reload.


    They are not even mediocre or slim - they are utterly and completely unnoticable. The guardian proc? Well, stacked a couple of times it MIGHT be useful, but the cost just outweight the point of it.


    They are supposed to be endgame content, but by now we all know that the endgame is either too easy to bother with any perfection, or requires cheap tricks with overpowered abilities (like Mag who deals dozens of millions of damage with her new augmentations or constant loki disarm and nyx chaos). There is just no place in this game for such tiny bonuses. So yeah, ok, i get dat 15% proc for my pistol. And then there is a Mirage who simply multiplies her damage due to why-the-F-not.


    And it wouldnt be a problem if they were something like syndicate offerings for 10k standing or so - they require you to run what is supposed to be the most challenging mission and then pay 500.000 credits, while they simultaneously cut our credit income from dark sector. Tbh i wouldn't even know where to farm creds now. Dark Sector isn't worth it and they took away our T4 key source from the offerings. This game turns more and more into one of those free2pay games, where they will bleed you dry of resources to force you buy plat.


    P.S. I think it is the [DE] way of responding to us *@##$ing about the new Chroma. You know, kinda like "Oh yeah? You don't like our infested anteater-seahorse? Well, then your raid rewards are going to be utter crap"

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