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Posts posted by Kasseopea

  1. Well, i thought that it might be logical that if Silva & Aegis can change its color, its fire-explosion should change its color too. I mean, cmon guys, everything else is customizable. Ember's Flames are also colored with her energy. Would be nice if you would "fix" this. Its really off to play a ghostfire Ember just to see a golden-red explosion when landing an Aegis Slam.

  2. They didn't remove quick-melee from the game.  Everything you could do in quick melee (except charge) is still in the game.  With the exception if heavy weapons (whose speed was nerfed, along with Fury being nerfed), pretty much every weapon got buffed damage so quick-melee is still viable.  I routinely still quick-melee things that get close to me when I need to reload.

    Yes, but barely anyone used quickmelee before. Its weak and has neither stagger, nor momentum. Tried to use Dakra Prime before the patch and it felt as if i would gently brush their cheeks rather than cuttining in pieces. No one forced them to remove charge, we could still have the old system when a firearm is equipped and the new dancing-simulator when melee is equipped.

  3. My only complaint in melee 2.0 is the switch time, and I'm surprised you didn't even mention blocking in your post (since blocking is actually useful now)

    Havent found so. Its still kind of wasting stamina for reduced damage. Reflection might be useful, but other than this its something that very few players use at all.

  4. I repeat: Wait, what?

    Melee is more powerful then it ever was.



    Also - no, it is not. To use it properly you first have to equip a different weapon - you know, at that certain point, when the enemy is close enough to hit you and you actually want to use it, and unless you are using this holstering aura - which would be rather wastefull - you will be either utilizing the weak non-combo attacks, wasting time and eating damage by chaging weapons or eat ranged attacks without using ranged weapons.


    The fluent combination between melee and ranged is completely gone and with it the style of combat most people actually enjoyed. Now im not saying that its completely pointless to equip melee as your main weapon and add combos, im saying that removing the charged attacks so people are forced to use combos and channeling was a mistake. I can understand why they did so - you cant make a patch that would be great in all aspects, you have to f*ck up something at the same time, guess its a gamedesign rule.


    Besides - weapons that are supposed to be stronges but slowest are now slowest and weakest. Ofcouse you can score a 400k crit with a galatine, but at a headshot, aura buff, 16% crit proc etc etc. A normal crit deals maybe 5k, 15k if you spin with whirlwind. However, 16% arent worth building for.

  5. Wait, what?

    By that i mean, that melee lost its function. Before you used to be happy that enemies got in close range, so you could kill them easily, now you are annoyed, as you have to back up and shoot them, since your melee is crap and equipping it takes longer than simply reloading your gun

  6. I really looked forwards to Lanka and did what i could to get to it, but in the end i was pretty disappointed tbh. Its strong, but not strong enough. You either get a monster zoom or none at all and you are very much fcked when getting dogpiled. Maybe it will win some popularity when we get stealth 2718.0 or something but as for now its a nice weapon, but far too situational

  7. Truth to be told, combining two longswords is highly impractical at, at best, would look rather clumsy - holding one weapon in each hand weakens your grip and interferes with body balance; (unless you're ambidextrous) it's impossible to execute same range of manoeuvres with main hand and off hand, hence the latter is usually dedicated for defence. Blades of different length complement each other: shorter is easier to operate - it allows to execute swift strikes and quickly block attacks that can't be blocked with longer blade.


    It's not the point - it's a freakin' space ninja game - practical purposes doesn't ally here. There is yet another reason: notice how guns are holstered. Primary gun is placed on back, leaving place for only one melee weapon (second would clip badly while using secondary gun). Developers decided to put second blade horizontally beneath the first one. Sadly, full-sized blade in that place would clip with arms and look plain stupid.


    Are we really going to talk about practicality in a game, where we use short, badly angled scythes, which would be uber-terrible to use in RL at any given point, since the clipping ingame shows that you would cut your own arms and legs off when using them as our frames do?


    Ambidexterity can be trained. Its hard, but just as people who loose their right arm and then gain almost perfect control of the left, you can actually aquire it.


    And the 2nd blade could be just placed parallel to the first, like in any other game or in RL. Thats like saying "Well, we wanted to implement a Gauss-Cannon as a heavy weapon, but since we wanted our Warframes to be sticking it up their nose, its only 2-centimeters big." - yeah, well, how about developing the weapon first and then decide where it will be carried?


    Tanto or Wakizashi were worn in this manner. Not because its terribly practical, but because you could hide them this way and i rather doubt that we are going for "surprise muddaf*cker, i had a knife hidden all the time" after slaughtering about 200 of their troops already in this mission only.

  8. They buffed it up, the dual wield and katana's are VERY powerful.


    Heavy weapons however, currently just... Stink.  They didn't compensate those weapons for the removal of charge, and now of course we have a mess.

    Nooo, its "Nikana's"! xD.....Q_Q


    There is basically only one Kata...OMG, Nikana (when will i get it, duh) atm. Dragon Nikana is a buffed up nikana, basically its the same weapon with capped damage types due to mastery Lv.


    Duals and Sparring are not the best aswell - when using the whole system at its fullest you will eat up your energy like nothing due to the high hit-rate

  9. Well, played with it for a while now. Tested Tranquill Cleave, Cleaving Whirlwind and Reaping Spiral. As for now it feels - above all else - redundant.


    1. No charge anymore. Most big weapons like Galatine got utterly useless or very situational.


    2. The combos themself are barely executable unless you are a bored Rhino, Frost or Trinity. By the time you get into the ultra-cool finishing move you've been gunned down by the 20 Grineer/Corpus or obliterated by 2-3 Ancients.


    3. Channeling eats up lots of energy with damage/utility modding and is basically useless when modded for efficiency, since Reflex Coil and Focus Energy take the space of a proper damage mod, the latter being nullified by Corrupt Charge.


    4. Damage multiplier is counterintuitive. You are supposed to combine firepower with melee, basically gun kata. We are the ultimate space warriors ffs! However, the falloff is not even gradual - you can line up 40 hits just to loose them all by running 4 meters to the next enemy.


    5. There is no real melee-dispatching anymore. If an enemy got close to you before melee 2.0 your thought was "Ohhhh, snap! Big mistake buddy! Hehehehe...". After melee 2.0 its "Ohhhh, snap! Now i have to back up and kite them with my main weapon or reload, because my melee is weaker".


    Ofcourse we all can happily hopp on the Dragon Kata...sorry, "Nikana" train and toot-toot into the sunset, but im not playing a game with 55 melee weapons to roll with one forever.



    Now the stances ive tested:


    Tranquill Cleave: Looks pretty, but difficult to execute. Ofcourse you can master it and the payoff will be great, but its the for our beloved and allpowerful Dragon Kata...DAMN! Nikana (sorry, im always forgetting that its not a Katana, because it was too much asked to give us a fckn Katana for once, so they made some thin, ugly toothpick instead of a proud and beautiful blade, showing how "creative" they are at the only thing no fckn creativity was ever asked for). Its also difficult to get to the point of it being sold for 100+ plat on some days, because barely anyone has the nerve to farm Cambria for 3 days or so.


    Reaping Spiral: Slow, unhandy and while cool looking, not very useful. Scythes are small. This mod would have been useful on Galatine or Orthos, but playing Beyblade with half a meter AoE??? Cmon, thats insultig, im getting faster results with a Lato than with this bull. I even had fury and still got shot to clump in a Frost with 300+ armor, ~1200 shield and ~800 HP on a T3 def in wave 10 or so before i could get rid of the enemy. Perfectly executing the combo ofcourse, its not that complicated. Which was btw an easy task with my Hate before melee 2.0.


    Cleaving Whirlwind: Ok, so i can use my Galatine, but only after ive made 2 strikes that deal NO damage whatsoever, then spinning at snail's pace and then, if the enemy dicides not to kindly take one step away and shoot me in the face, i might get a kill or two? Are you serious? Only useable against Infested and even then its questionable at best. You probably will get a proc-hit from a poison or distortion Ancient, which ofcouse is rather bad and although you are able to withstand knockdowns - and with a tankier frame the damage aswell - you wont use it anywhere else.

    Before melee 2.0 it was legit to get to a boss close and personal and just b*tchslap him for 10-30k damage, now you are spinning around him like an idiot, pretending to deal damage, instead of using your Synapse which casually deals 15k crits per tick without having the risk of being pounded into the ground.




    All in one: Melee 2.0 should have encouraged the players to use it more, complete whole missions with melee only, but now - while some people are trying to and sometimes succeed - its less than attractive. Beside Rhino, Trinity and maybe Valkyr and Frost, most frames arent layed out to be in CQC for a long time. Normally you were shooting, charging in, wreaking a little chaos with your melee and parkouring out of it again to continue firing. With the new combos you have to stay close and personal, all while Corpus/Grinee are either backing up or giving you instant nose jobs if they are heavy. With Life Strike being the only defensive mod for the new system and Rage being difficult to obtain nothing makes it worthwhile to get into melee unless you ran out of ammo and you have to.


    With the new "champion" units or whatever they are (frost shield and fire ring abilities) we have even less reason to go in, since it makes the whole thing rather suicidal.


    As for myself - i am disappointed to alsmost 100%. Most Stances bring only one attack pattern more. Thats not the cool DMC-/Darksiders-esque system we were promised, its a gimmick and you will see that most players a treating it as such. After almost 2 weeks i barely see anything disintegrating, unless a nova is there. No one uses channeling and barely anyone uses melee-only and even if its mostly for the lolz as the players themselves admit when asked.



  10. I find it hilarious, how some people go "Yeah, well, the off-hand is shorter, but its not a dagger...its a shortsword...yeah..." - well, you dont get the whole point of having dual swords then. Its about elegance, balance, perfection. You have two identical weapons which are wielded with equal skill in both hands. Sword & Dagger means, that your off-hand executes simple movements like stabbing, rather than actually fencing like you would have with a sword.


    Dual Zoren, Dual Kamas - they look marvelous, because they represent what ive spoken about. Sword & Dagger is just not the same as a pair of swords. To put into extreme comparison, so you understand wtf is meant - imagine one frame with dual heat daggers and one with dual Galatine.

  11. Ok, now ive got Cleaving Whirlwind and its BS. Realy BS. With channeling it will eat up energy very fast and hit for low damage, without it will deal almost no damage and those 4-6k everyone is talking about are crits with organ shatter, which means you get your 6-4k damage at every 6th hit (16% with true steel, could get to 20% with true punishment, but cmon, no one would use it).


    So the weapon is still unusable and i cant get any damage out of it.

    Current build:



    Spoiled Strike

    Pressure Point

    Killing Blow

    Corrupt Charge

    Organ Shatter

    True Steel

    Focus Energy

    Fever Strike



    Spoiled Strike

    Pressure Point

    Voltaic Strike


    Organ Shatter

    True Steel

    Molten Impact

    Fever Strike



    People are claiming to get 64k, 100k and even 400k crits with it, but its the case of "loool, omfg, rofl - look at dat number" and then roll with 1-2k per hit again. Thats adorable, that you can push the weapon to such ultra high crits, but there is no boss or anything there, that would have some sort of damage threshhold you would have to pass, like any damage below 200k is getting ignored or something.


    I doubt anyone goes into battles with it all like "Well...i sure will have to hit them 20 times, but when it procs i will kill them".


    And yes, i am pi55ed and bu77hurt, because it was a great weapon and now its only good for decoration and ocasional "Lol, ive critted the ancient after only 200 strikes"

  12. For a just for fun build i'm using true steel and berserker with the spoiled strike+fury combo, really helps with cleaving whirlwind's spinning i think. Don't really know how viable i can make it at the moment though as I haven't really been playing around with it a lot (been lvling melee weapons)


    Edit: srry was side-tracked and forgot topic of the thread and only looked at the end.

    you could always go full on channeling damage with pressure point and spoiled strike. Using Focus Energy would negate the loss of efficiency from using corrupt charge.

    Well atm i have Spoiled Strike, Pressure Point, Killing Blow, Corrupt Charge, Focus Energy, Fever Strike and now thinking which 2 last ones i should put in. First off - i still dont know whether Jagged Edge makes the base attack of a weapon higher, so the other mods scale higher aswell or if its just a normal +90%dmg mod, just nonelemental. Secondly, i could place True Steel and Organ Shatter, but i wont be relying on 16%, so i have to somehow find out how high the broken bull crit is.


    I know it increases damage, but most of the time the numbers are barely there, i wished there was an option to let them stay a little longer than half a second, so you can actually spot and read them in the middle of all the particle barfing. Sure, i could turn the graphics off, but its still too fast to recognize and read them. Sometimes it feels like they arent even there, which is great for immersion but S#&$ty when you try to get your damage calculations.

  13. Well, the old Galatine had different stats when charging, like increased crit chance. The question would be, wether channeling also increases it to some degree.


    Point is, that i prefer Galatine even while having Dragon Nikana and Tranquill Cleave, because its a Claymore and fckn awesome.


    I would like to play it on crit damage, but when the chance stays at 10% (+6% from true steel) its not very much and neither worth it to mod it with Organ Shatter and True Steel, thus taking away 2 slots for jagged edge or an elemental mod.


    Wiki is rather useless for now, so i thought that one of you might know it. Will also test the crit rates myself by simply counting the strikes/crits and getting an average number.

  14. i agree with you to some extent, that is usually why i only play on private mode and if with anyone its with friends that speak english, would be nice to have an option for that, although i wouldnt turn it on, good luck deeling with this. And btw you say its the Russians right? You know it couldve just been that one or few people and not all of them, not a good idea to think of a whole race they are like that when everyone has their own choice, something to think about.

    As i said, im russian myself, would be a little dumb of me to consider the whole race being A******s if im one of them...well, ok, im kind of an A******, but thats not the point here.

  15. Hi, a buddy of mine got a bug. In some missions (Most often in Void Capture) he randomly crashes, without no apparent reason. His PC is good enough to handle the game even on high settings and he already put them down.


    This is extremely annoying, since it sometimes happens in a long survival or defense run and he gets no rewards whatsover. Sometimes even after a vault run he just disconnects and is left without the reward.


    He is so frustrated by now that i had to make the thread ^^


    Anyways, are there some run-of-the-mill solutions for Warframe crashes?

  16. Well, first of - no, im not racist, im partially german, russian, ukrainian and tatar (each grandparent from different nation) and i dont have anything against a particular nationality, skin color or whatever, BUT in some games some people from some nations are plain annoying.


    In League of Legends its the french, that will speak french even if they are the only one in the whole match capable of doing so and in Warframe it appears to be russians. You get into a map, trying to explain whats the plan is or ask what theirs is and after 2-5 minutes of attempting to communicate they answer some slur and then get all cocky, because they think you dont know what they are saying.


    My question would be - can i pleaaase exclude certain regions somehow, so its possible to have a team that actually communicates with you instead of acting like 10yo? I am also not the only one who thinks so, but the moment you say "I dont want to play with [nation] players, because they annoy or act immature" you are getting treated like a nazi. I dont want to them excluded from the game, i just dont want to play with them, thats all. I know that you could reduce the ping for connections, but then you have the warframe-servers telling you, that the guy who sits next to you has a 200+ ping to you.

  17. Im not one of the min/max guys that use +5 chaos Zwei,yeah im a casul


    Obviously BKGS is much better, even if its not chaos.



    I can't disagree with you 

    but on the same train of thought, why doesn't everyone use the Soma, penta or supra ?  

    Because people use Ogris and Boltor Prime aswell. But thats it, you wont see a match without at least one of those.


    Trinity has low offensive, yes, but if you cant die, it doesnt really matter.

    As for Nova - her debuff doubles the damage. Imagine there would be a frame that doubles your guns. Like it activates an ability and you hold 2 ogris or 4 Dex Furis or 2 Galatines. Thats what her ulti does, to the whole team. No other frame debuffs so hard. Also halves their speed, so melees cant keep up with you and ranged are easier to hit.

  18. Well, stumbled upon the "Whats your most hated Warframe" thread and thought to ask the question here.


    First off - its not about hating, its about trying to understand. And ofcourse im talking about high level areas and stuff that drops rarely. Not about managing it somehow through the first mission on Mercury.


    Let me explain:


    Nova doubles the damage, halves the speed of enemies with her ultimate and allows for teleports into difficult to reach locations like secret chambers in the Void, especially those where you have to be fast or dodge the lasers precisely.


    Nekros lets the enemies drop more. More life support, more orbs, more mods, more ammo. Basically reassuring that you can survive endlessly, as long as you deal enough damage (Nova) and survive the hits (Trinity) all while getting better rewards.


    Trinity makes you invincible. You are in a survival and the air ran out? Np, she will just make you completely untouchable for half a minute. Take your sweet time and walk casually to the exit. She also can supply you with energy. Because why not.


    Now, why should a team consist out of anything but those 3 when going for really high leveled areas? Logically, not "Because it would be boring". Lets say we would have some robots who would like to play efficient, without "wasting" time.


    Personally i feel a little forced into Nekros, if i want to farm stuff myself.

  19. Well, its not the first time and probs not the last. Maybe even this thread will get deleted. Lets see.


    I saw very often, that a thread with an interesting title appeared and then suddenly disappeared again. The last one was "Reason for DDoS attack", which is really interesting - what do you want to hide DE? Are you so afraid of truth or is it an attempt to keep people in line, so they dont annoy you with questions?


    Because right now it feels like we are in china or north korea (i mean, i thought you were in canada) with all that censorship.


    It would be really nice to know why you keep deleting one thread after another. Got the balls to answer properly?

  20. My game is not working the update failed cause connetction error.Itryed to re-install the game and it's still not working.

    What should i do?

    Edit: Meh, got frustrated.


    Anyway, wait for it. Its done when its done. I really wished though flaming would make problems go away faster...then i would have solved it in like a minute or so.

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