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Posts posted by Yonm

  1. Matchmatching is already pretty bad as it is. The upcoming elimination of the majority of nodes may fix that, but THIS would only make it worse. There are just too many frames with the potential to ruin your gaming experience.


    Aside from the obvious troll frames (Loki, Vauban, Valkyr), a lot of frames can just straight up steal everyone's kills with their abilities. If it's not Mesa, it'll be Saryn, or Oberon or even Ember. It'd be easier if you just banned abilities altogether, which would be a pretty interesting option in and of itself if you wanted a challenge, but not viable for regular match making at all.


    This is also a terrible idea because it could work the other way. Unscrupulous players would just use it so they'd always get the best possible squad of frames together, no matter what they play. The only obvious solution is to just play solo, with friends, or go to the recruiting channel.

  2. An hour is not 'instant gratification'. 

    Yeah and what I'm saying is the phrase 'instant gratification' doesn't mean what you think it means. It's an actual psychological and neurological process, not just a random phrase you used because you wanted to make yourself sound smart.

  3. No, the entire point of a video game is not instant gratification. If you want instant gratification, they made games like Bejeweled and Candy Crush for people like you.

    No, your right. People play Warframe to be spiritually fulfilled and intellectually stimulated. Truly, [DE]Megan is the Nietzsche of our time.


    Seriously, who are you trying to fool? You think that the reason you play Warframe is any different from the reason Gen Z Timmy plays Candy Crush? It's all just repetitive motions for the sake of meaningless achievements. Just replace "crushing candies" with killing Grineer and points with mods, warframes, plat or whatever. Add an couple extra hours of gameplay and it's basically the same thing.

  4. Not always. 


    For instance, boss fights. They do not always grant you instant gratification, but once you beat it, you would still feel satisfied. 

    Do you even understand how instant gratification works? It's a chemical process. You complete a task, your brain gets pumped full of dopamine, you get a buzz and the neurons that fired to do whatever it is you did to get that buzz get wired together. That's why people play video games. That's why the entire freaking industry exist. Even the longest boss fights in video games that take like an hour to beat fall under this process.


    You know what doesn't fall under this process? Doing the same thing over and over, over the course of a week without getting anything in return. Then it's not a video game anymore. It's just work. You don't get a buzz, what you get is the sobering realization that you've wasted a week of your life for a tiny piece of code that you could have spent doing, I dunno, LITERALLY ANYTHING ELSE.

  5. These are things you are suppose to work towards as sort of a long term goal. Not something that you're suppose to blow through in 2 days.


    The sigils serve the same purpose as having a high mastery rank at the moment. Bragging rights. I don't understand why some people feel everything needs to be instant gratification or have a real tangible value for obtaining. It's not like you have to go out of your way to earn faction points. You get them by simply playing the game.


    And as far as the different rep gain goes, I assume that certain factions value specific modes/enemy types over another.

    Because it's a video game and the entire point of playing a video game is INSTANT GRATIFICATION. I mean seriously, what type of person plays and MMO and thinks "This questline is to take me a year to complete, the rewards aren't exactly the best, but at least when I'm done I'll feel SO ACCOMPLISHED." 

  6. Seems fine to me.



    Sidenote, anyone know if the 'upgraded/fancier' sigils give more Rep?

    Lol, seems fine to you yet you're looking for a way to gain more rep? Why don't you just level them up 1 standing at a time if it's "fine" to you.


    I don't mind grinding, it's to be expected in MMO's like Warframe but it takes 50 HOURS of gameplay to get one of the new ability buff mod. And that's under optimal conditions, i.e super under-ranked loadouts + hour long void missions. It'd be somewhat reasonable if you just get all the stuff the syndicates offered when you reached a certain level like event mods/weapons but from what I understand, you have to purchase them using standing. Which means you'll have to play an additional 50 hours for each mod you want.


    I'm sorry but 200+ hours of gameplay for mods that are just there to make low tier abilities/weapons viable is not "fine" to me. I've yet to receive one, but these syndicate missions better give like 5000 standing per mission or else it's just not worth the effort.

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