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Posts posted by Yonm

  1. LoL is a competitive game, which is why it's important for them to have a test server. Warframe isn't (for the most part), and we already hotfixes so a test server isn't really needed. Not saying I don't want one, but a test server would require a lot of resources and it would delay updates unnecessarily. 

  2. "Many seem confused". I don't think that's true at all, I'm pretty sure most people know what a frame's theme is, considering it's usually right in their character description. A lot of frames have thematic overlap, so it hardly matters anyway. Anyone making a fan concept shouldn't feel discouraged if their character have some elements that are similar to an existing one.


    Also, since you're doing the animal thing:

    Oberon = Deer

    Valkyr = Cat

    Rhino = Rhino (don't know how you missed that)

    Ember = Chicken

    Excalibur = Horse?

  3. Someone translated Changyou's post on reddit. Excal Umbra is a separate frame from Excal and is coming to the global build. Excal Umbra Prime is a Founders only frame for china and is not coming to the global build.


    Because there is a primed version, I assume that Excal Umbra will be obtainable in-game somehow, and not through a paywall but, like eveyone else, I don't know for sure.

  4. It's already been explained why China is getting timed exclusives. It's not about money, it's about giving Chinese players a reason to play the game and get it off the ground.


    This content is coming to us anyway. You're literally whining and crying about nothing. It's kinda funny actually, I heard that the Chinese players are making fun of us westerners on their forums for complaining about this.


    They're completely justified.

  5. Yes!! I love this idea, I'll defenitely turn the option off... Just a thing... how about splitting this option into three: Primary, Secondary, and Meele? I'm pretty sure there is someone out there like me that loves how their secondary looks, but hates most of the primary and meele on the back... please DE, make it happen <3

    I was just about to type this. If this is implemented, it should be for each type of weapon instead of an option for all three.

  6. I can admit i was wrong OP played Ash more than i though still 




    Dont know what happend to DE maths but any way says 39000 kills with my Ash actully its 96000 kills 

    I don't know how you would know you have 96000 kills unless you systematically kept track of every kill you've had and counted them. Also, according to this, OP has more kills per XP (which you can use as time spent with frame) than you do so I don't know what you're trying to prove.

  7. Ranged attacks in the combo and a high status chance with no physical damage to clog it up? It's not a pure damage weapon, but it's fine.

    Ranged attack*. Singular. And have you ever tried to hit anything with that attack? It's range is terrible, it's at the end of a combo chain, and since the weapon deals such little damage, you're better off running up to whatever you're trying to hit and attacking it several times than going for the shield throw.

  8. This is basically an amalgamation of good ideas already suggested by a lot other people.


    - Smoke Screen with ACTUAL aoe smoke effect along with invisibility.

    - Free-aim teleport

    - Interactive blade storm 


    That being said, it's nice to see them all in the same place. I think this is the exact kit everyone wants Ash to have. All it's missing is giving Shuriken innate punch through (along with incorporating secondary mods for damage, perhaps) so it's actually useful and not just a attack that kills itself by slamming into a wall.

  9. You're ult idea is effectively a nerf. Blade Storm and it's bleed procs already ignore all armor and shields. It's probably the highest damage dealing ult in the game with little falloff in higher levels and you're completely invulnerable during it.


    What you're basically suggesting is to:

    - reduce the damage of the ult.

    - reduce it's effectiveness at killing enemies by making it a melee buff instead of an AOE attack.

    - remove the CC afforded by the invulnerability with a chance based gimmick.

  10. Ember's ult animation has been replaced with her L3. I know she recently got a buff that sped up the animation of her Ult, but couldn't they have just kept the old animation and sped it up...? The new one looks so flacid on the ult and doesn't fit it at all.

  11. Excalibur is one of the most, if not the most balanced frame in the game. You have to do a lot more than "Press E to win" as he is still vulnerable with Exalted Blade out and EB isn't an omnidirectional nuke like some ultimates. In high-level play Excal requires a lot of skill and concentration to be effective.


    Instead of crying for nerfs, why not do something productive and call for fixes to all the other underpowered frames? Ember, Volt, Nekros, Banshee are still useless outside niche situations. 

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