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Posts posted by Yonm

  1. Guys Chill out this is a good thing!

    Hydroid + Duration + Pilfering Swarm + Range.


    Speed Nova


    Any Damage frame


    Nekros or Trinity = Profit!!! Give unto the Hydroid! With Greedy Milk Tentacles!

    Get off DE's case they've done plenty of good fixes stop being so close minded!

    Except the number of tentacles is limited to 12 and their spawn points are random. That's why you build for minimal duration, so that you can spam it as an instantaneous AoE attack instead of an unreliable trap. That's why this "buff" is pointless and this nerf breaks the ability.

  2. Uh, no? Because there are some weapons on some characters you want to hide, and some on others you don't. The whole point of loadouts is so you don't have to change stuff for each character you want to use. Why would you want to dumb down the system and make it worse?

  3. Like the idea of a Rogue (from the X-Men) type warframe. Hate every other suggestion. It should just a be a regular warframe, no need for all the tedious gimmicks or having to lock it behind mastery.


    Each of the warframe's abilities would be to copy an ally warframe's ability of the same level (i.e you play with an Excalibur, you use your L1 on Excal and you get slash dash on your warframe until you decide to overwrite it) to make it more accessible to people who don't own every other warframe. Its stats should be mediocre since it will be the most flexibility warframe, ability-wise. 

  4. I assume they want plat.  72x3 + 72 = 12 days. Over one week to build a frame. Gtfo. Almost two even. I do not approve.

    Aspect pieces are easy to farm and you can build them simultaneously. Therefore


    12 + 72 + 72 = 6-7days. The last four frames required a minimum of 3 days to gather parts (Since you had to build each part to continue their questlines) on top of the build time for the frame itself. If you ask me, this frame is way easier to get.

  5. Wow, I didn't expect you guys to still be working on it. That's dedication. I don't think any other dev team would have stayed up all night, not only to just to bring an update to us, but to iron out the bugs and ensure it's a GOOD update. Most other games would have said "Aw, screw it, update is coming next week" or just update with a super buggy build. In fact, I know most other games would have done that because most other games HAVE done that.


    Kudos to DE for their hard work, I hope they get a lot of rest after this.

  6. He's talking about the "Appearance" slots, I think.


    And yes, I agree, it would be a nice QOL tweak to be able to save an appearance "set" and paste it to another appearance slot, either in the same WF or another. 


    Quite often I hit upon a good scheme on slot C and think it should be default, and then have to manually look up the colours one by one and apply them to the default A.

    He said mods, and no, being able to copy/paste appearance onto other warframes will never happen simply because all warframes have different color separation. As for the "having to change colors from one loadout to another" thing, yeah it's a hassle but you really only have to do it once so I don't think a "fix" is necessary.

  7. Snipers are already on the Devs' radar. In fact, I believe snipers buffs are coming after shotgun buffs. The Devs are just having a hard time figuring out HOW to buff snipers without making them just a straight upgrade to bows.

  8. Valkyr With Steel Fiber 1260 armor, almost 2x more armor than Chroma ofcourse with Steel Fiber 735 armor.

    I hope you don't think that makes Valkyr twice as tankier as Chroma, because that's not how armor works. At 75 mintues, even Valkyr goes down easily without her abilities.

  9. So, what, you want the Devs to redesign Nekros to have a straw hat and overalls? I'd rather a rework to make him a real necromancer frame AND retain desecrate rather than just cope out and change the frame's intended design.

  10. Just no.

    It's an easy solution to your problem, instead of removing a core gameplay mechanic and making melee overall jankier. Please, stop being a #specialsnowflake. 

  11. Really... The weapon visible toggle was something a lot of people have wanted for a time because of the visual clutter some arsenal choices caused. People had to either gimp themselves to make their warframes not look silly or just deal with it.


    Syandanas are COSMETIC. If you don't like it, just don't wear it. If you want an arcane, put it on a helm or a syandana you do like. This would be an unnecessary addition that would only cater to a niche number of people.

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