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Posts posted by Yonm

  1. I don't think this is an Excal bug, it most likely the Daikyu itself. The Daikyu's quiver clips into almost all the Warframes' backs and I know it's not supposed to because the bow didn't clip in the codex, or character profile when it was first released.




  2. What the OP is saying is that there is an option to overwrite a polarity and make it blank which is represented by a white hexagon with no symbol inside it. What the OP did is cycle through the polarities until there was no symbol at all and applied the forma, thinking it would give him an empty polarity, but actually did nothing.


    And yes, this is stupid and should be removed. You shouldn't be able to consume a forma if you make no changes to a weapon and the "empty polarity" symbol should be more obvious.

  3. Can't really do that..-- As Vor once said


    "the warframes are not the power.. The tenno are.. The warframe just bends it so they can use it"


    or something like that


    ie-- without a tenno warframe==useless..(Shhh)

    Not really. In "Patient Zero" a Mesa Warframe is sent to attack you by Alad V. Lotus refered to it as "a hollow Warframe being puppeted by Infested flesh". Warframes don't require a Tenno to be useful.

  4. Rather than enemy frames (as that doesn't really make a lot of sense lorewise), we should have more unique enemies like the Manic.

    In "The New Strange" storyline, an Chroma Warframe that's being controlled by an enemy is sent to attack your character. The Stalker also wears a Warframe when he goes after you. I don't think Warframes are exclusively used by the Tenno, other people can control them as well.

  5. Grineer and Corpus are fun to kill, but sometimes I get sick of fighting jobbers/ gimmicky boss characters. I think we should get some missions where we just fight other Warframes/Warframe-like characters.


    I really liked fighting against Chroma and Mesa in their respective quests. It kind of replicates that feeling you get in a game when the main character ends up facing a rival character who has almost the exact same powerset and fights on par with the main character. Like Dante vs. Vergil, Raiden vs. Jet Stream Sam or... Hayden Tenno vs. Nemesis! It's pretty epic and I wish we could get something like that in the game 


    (Yes I know conclave exist, but most encounters only last for a couple seconds. Not that exciting. Stalker exist but he's a random encounter and, as he is right now, is super easy to kill). 



  6. Innate reflective bullets sounds effective, but I imagine it being quite a bit of labor for DE to calculate the hitscan trajectory of a reflected bullet. Though it sounds like it could be easily implemented for projectile Snipers like the Lanka.

    Another idea is to simply introduce a mod that gives Snipers fragmentation/explosive rounds. On impact with any surface, the shot would explode, dealing 90% of the original damage to enemies in radius. Mod rank scales the AoE radius of the the explosion.

    Why introduce this mechanic as a mod? Because making it innate seems way too novel.

    The point is to make snipers more unique and facilitate different play styles. If it were a matter of just making the sniper better, buffing the damage and giving them innate punch through would be the most obvious choice, but that would make them too similar to bows, as would a thunderbolt-esque mod. Making the mechanic a mod itself would be too OP as it would be way more effective for beam/full-auto weapons, bringing us back to square one and making snipers less viable (compared to other weapons).

  7. It's no secret that Snipers are one of the most underpowered weapon types in the game. I have a 3 forma'd + potato'd Vectis and it still fails to compete with other weapon types. Continuous fire weapons and assault rifles greatly outclass it in DPS. Bows are a similar weapon, but they're silent AND outclass it in burst damage AND bow weapons have innate punch through, which afford them some level of CC.


    A great way to buff snipers, and to differentiate them from bows, would be to give them "bullet ricochet". When aiming, you should get an indicator as to where the bullet will go, like with the Tonkor, then when you fire, the bullet will travel along that path while bouncing off the environment while hitting any enemy in it's path.


    When added with punch through mods, this will allow snipers to deal with crowds of enemy much more easily than they can right now, where they have to focus on one target at a time.

  8. You are not! I color my Volt Prime to look like the Flash and the only thing that looks off is the helmet. They obviously can't make an exact copy of the Flash's mask, but a helmet with thunderbolts sticking out from the ears would be good enough. Also, a buff to speed would be amazing too, lol.

  9. Excalibur: +5% attack speed with weapons. -10% stamina cost on melee attack for swords. +100% melee weapon damage with only melee weapon equipped.


    Since Excal is supposed to be a melee frame and this would make melee only builds more viable. The values can be played around with, it's more important that he just has these passives.

  10. Am I the only one who's always liked the way the Skana looks? The design of the weapon is pretty non-specific. I know a lot of people think it resembles a katana, but other than the fact that they both curves slightly, they're completely different.


    The Skana still looks pretty unique in and of itself, but isn't overly flashy. It's simplistic, but not boring. I think it fits a Warframe like Excalibur perfectly, and much better than any fancy blade or boring old longsword possibly could.

  11. Not instant, doesn't make you invis, cant be used on walls, doesn't scale with power strength.

    1. Jumping and meleeing upwards is instant, has the same effect and you can direct where you want to go unlike super-jump

    2. The invisibility was never useful. It only happened briefly while you were in mid-air and enemies would immediately aggro as soon as you landed.

    3. It CAN be used on walls, and unlike superjump, you can fling yourself horizontally as well. Super-jumping off walls was hardly useful anyway.

    4. Who cares? When have you ever need to jump 20m, besides looking for secrets in the void?

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