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Everything posted by M_Armyeater

  1. Well, what the title says. I just converted the first Kuva Lich I spawned, and since I was using Kullervo at the time and didn't know about Kuva Liches, his armor looks a lot like Kullervo's. I haven't done a Sister a Parvos yet, but I assume their appearance will reflect the warframe that stabs them a little. My main question is this: will stabbing them with a prime warframe give them an appearance based off the prime version, or will their appearance just be from the default regular version?
  2. Feasting on enemies like his own personal buffet, his hunger for battle is primal. This is Grendel, the devourer, the insatiable. Dinner is best served with a side of mayhem. Bon appétit, Tenno. —Lotus
  3. So, I've been playing for over a month, and when I first started The Lotus would say her quotes when I bought or built a warframe, but now she isn't saying them if I buy OR build them, what is wrong/what am I doing wrong?
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