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Posts posted by (XBOX)DShinShoryuken

  1. Yay!!

    I have access to my online Forums account again

    So I thought about dropping a curious ask of the community 

    Should DE make TERROR an actual drop ship or just a skin?

    I was excited when they said Stalker had his own ship as I was looking forward to it. Hek, when it comes to flying things Drop ships and Archwings are almost tied up 

    Then I saw the art of Stalkers drop ship and thought- those would be cool to get as skins from the Acolytes..

    Sad to hear when they then said that Stalkers TERROR was a skin only. What heartache felt like was in that moment. Imagine getting a new ship from Stalker with a new Air Charge to use....marvelous

    Anyways, I would kindly set this up to see who else would like a drop ship instead of a skin as well as people chiming in what would be TERROR Air Charge

    Take care out there in the real world and keep rocking them missions

    • Like 5
  2. I adore this game

    The crew behind it have been levels above other companies in terms of guiding the game to a glorious spot in many of those who plays it's areas in life

    When DE started talking about the changes coming with this update, I was in my feels in some (RIP Hydroid Passive) and okay with others. I missed the chance to take a pic of my first frame Excalibur with his flaw mods (life stuff) and when I signed in on Oct 18th, my Flaw mods were gone 

    Now here I am signing in to see that in the Iron Wake, there is a dumpster filled with Flaw mods to buy....wha tha hek?

    Did DE just grab and go with the players earned Flaw mods to sell them back to us? Did we get ponzi hit? Those flaw mods had purpose and meant something to some of us. I stayed in Vor Prize trying to get all I could before going to the real game...then had em snatched off my first frame to be replaced by the run of the millions ones I have tons of already

    They were rare to me....and now I gotta pay to get them back?

    This one hurt me....less than losing the Hydroid Passive...but it still hit me heart....

    Since I don't know how to read (Talk to chat is grand), any news on what reason DE did this to the game? 

    What are your views on it?

    Keep racking up them kills

    • Like 3
  3. Same reason for the changes to Hydroid....vocal minors that did not know how to play the frame made newer players that had no idea how to play the frame complain the frame did not have any big EXPLODY type moves

    Hydroid was about styling and wrecking with the know how if a pirate ninja. Yes, they could have given him his puddle as a hold button but DE (Pablo more than others) was terrified of the true power of Undertow- casting it at mission end would make Hydroid become a tiny frame. That terrified Pablo that tiny Hydroid would slip into his place at night and drown him....or so the legend goes

    • Like 1
  4. You play the game to either enjoy the game or to satisfy the power fantasy

    If you are playing and farming to enjoy the game, you get what is needed and make whatever builds you want to just run and gun it

    If you are satisfying the need to build up to bestest, you farm to do the long missions and see the red numbers (with !!!!! Now!) and hit those 5000/9999 levels of enemies to melt them

    Either way, you are playing the same game...just depends on where you set the goal post at

  5. Was watching UreiFen stream and they had some technical issues with the drop.

    They got it up and running and it informed that had to watch 20 minutes to get drop. Claimed it and now seeing that others that claimed as well did not get the drop

    I am away from my Xbox but would like to know the claim went through but if it did not....what is the next step to get the claimed item that was not delivered?

    May it be waiting for me in INBOX.....but if not there....?????

  6. Go watch the DarkSector beta vid from around 12 years ago....then watch Dark Sector videos from the Xbox360/PS3 days to see what the frames are "supposed" to do to reveal their mouths

    .....yeah yeah...blah blah...Dark Sector ain't canon comments....


  7. On 2023-07-31 at 5:44 PM, (XBOX)Architect Prime said:

    Operators and their Warframes are practically best friends, connected through years of shared expirience and symbiototically helping eachother. They fight together, they survived the Orokin Empire and creep Ballas together, they keep eachother's insanity and wild powers from getting unwieldy. 50 peas in a pod. 

    And the drifter? Some stranger who shares your DNA. Welcomes themselves to possession of your Warframes, which seems pretty violating. Uses your stuff without asking to do stuff that doesn't seem to matter (at the time of writing). Lives in your house rent free when they have their own home. Does missions on your behalf without telling you. You let 'em stick around, but they got real comfortable in your space real quick. Probably doing adult things with your Warframes. 

    I think the idea of an adult operator is cool, but this body intruder is just gross. 



    I have not seen such blind admiration for the Operator before....and there are some that adore the Operators as the best part of Warframe out there.

    First of all ..the Operators and Frames do not share a "happy fields and rainbow" experience as you would like to push on the real story. Operators are puppet masters that take over the minds of the Frames and have been doing this since goddesses knows how long. 

    We know that the history is written from the side of the winner and we also know that Ballast, as the main author bends things to his way of seeing to make him the wronged person. Warframes were individual minded beings that were not following Orokin commands blindly. This is the reason the Orokin would torture and do other things to get the Frames to obey. Hek, if the people of today did to pets what the Orokin did to Frames people would have an uproar in distaste...but that is one of the reasons people see the Frames as not being people- easier to disregard how they are being treated

    The Operators were going to be destroyed by the Orokin until they did something the Orokin could not do- they made the Frames obedient puppets. So instead of destroying the Operators, they allowed these void demons to control their Warframes to win the old war that the frames were turning the tide on faster. All the while, the Frames went from being free thinkers to becoming puppets with no say. 

    If you have seen the movie UPGRADE, this is basically what the Operators do to the Frames. Put the mind in a tiny little box where they do not have freedom to be who they are. 

    Always a different way of seeing the interaction between Frames and Operator..

    And Drifter is better as a character instead of a void demon puppeteer who destroyed the Orokin

  8. I do this from memory when I sign in for the day

    Might be coolz if there was something like this on Xbox instead of going by memory as being 40+....it is starting to get slower in there

    Or if this was in game as a checklist that checks things off when you do it

    -Kill 100 enemies in a Mission ✔️

    -Pick up one of each mod in a Mission ✔️


  9. The game does this with some missions where you get boosters and relics already upgraded

    It is truth that doing missions on SP and the like should have something better than a 3000 credit cache but you gotta look at the WHOLE player base. There are players that have hundreds of prime, relics, credits, and plat. This is to show that playing the game for reward is not where the hoarders are here for- they want them sweet sweet red numbers and endless running to show off

    Giving rewards to thousands of players each minute is exhausting since one can never get the right balance of what to give. This person got a Vitality mod going for an hour while this person doing 25 Captures got 25 relics. The reward is janky at times but that has been the way of things since events stopped being the prizes areas to get that reward sent to your Inbox

    There is one final reward in the game for playing and it happens at MR 30. Some want it and others...they don't care...and that is the story of rewards in Warframe 

  10. Greetings and hello

    I have not gone to Zariman since the update of Duviri until today

    When I got to the Dormizone, all the items I had placed up were gone as well as no access to the Vista area even though I have the key.

    And the items that were taken down, many are not back in my inventory such as the Tiger floof, the Lererian cards of Warframes, and some other items. They seemed to have just disappeared

    Please look into this as those items should not be able to be deleted from the game. They are not in the Leverian areas where I found them and nowhere in my Inventory

  11. On 6/12/2023 at 1:29 AM, (PSN)slightconfuzzled said:


    I can't deny. 

    That when a Frame floats in with itty bitty range, and a round thing in your face, you get Spring!... Loaded Blade, no Primed Fury or Stretch needed, cause you noticed that Build was Stuffed. Deep Fashion frame interfering, a Scorpion hooked me, I can't stop caring, oh baby I forgot Primed Sure Footed, do I have Unairu? My homeboys tried to warn me, but that Wisp buff, that she had makes (me so forlornly). 

    Finish the song....

    Finish...the goodness....of the song


    • Like 1
  12. DE still the best company at giving to those who give their time and effort and other things to make the game go forth and be the juggernaut it is.

    Many thanks to all the things that were given to those who support the game as well as those who play for free. We all are in the game that is lightyears beyond all the competition.

    Looking forward to the new year on Consoles and seeing what the fruits of the dream bring us to venture forth. Cheers and Merry times of Holiday celebrating and family & friends appreciation to all at DE and in the gaming world of Warframe!


  13. Had this happen in a Extractor mission today after I joined in and the other two players jetted for extraction. I presumed that I would stay as there was only 1 extractor done (I stay for 4 to get AABC) and the next thing I know I am back at my ship with none of the items I had gotten.

    If this is a glitch/bug....another one on the board

  14. Gas needs to have a more statusy effect to it to make it fun....yeah, yeah...each person's idea of fun is different 

    What would be kinda coolz is if instead of damage, it did crowd control more. You shoot Gas into a face of an enemy and they canno see for a few seconds. The next body shot makes the enemy bend over coughing and unable to attack. Start a Gas cloud and the enemies start gagging and running away from us and the cloud area. Final form of Gas- if it ticks enough damage/enemies....it becomes a GAS MONSTER that attacks the strongest enemies and once they is dead, it dissapates

    I know this is probably way past DE game making skills....but it would be cool to play with on a new Frame


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  15. Will not use it but I do enjoy Rolling Guard. Something about using agility of the frames to get added immunity time is pretty much my way of playing. 

    I use the Void Demon power that heals and gives a bit of invulnerable time as well. Find it fun with the Extractor missions. I am attempting to break the bad habit of using the Void Demon to revive others as it feels....wrong.

    I have a Pac Man Volt that I use to break containers and run around shocking to death enemies. I use a low duration Trinity to Energy Vamp when I do pubs to allow others to not worry about power or shields. I have a Firelord Nezha that uses all fire weapons and keeps the heat on with his 1 and teleporting ring of fire.

    There are many others and will keep doing variety builds instead of what we already know works. I just made a kitgun that is made for COLD....needs some work but it is fun to use. Going to attempt a Radiation one that does low damage but long rad proc to watch the enemies fight amongst themselves without using Nyx. 

    Cheers 🥂

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