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Posts posted by (XBOX)DShinShoryuken

  1. Indeed this has been asked for since I first started playing the game.

    I have so many Relics that I KNOW u shall not ever open up all of them ever....so having some trader/merchant to do something with unopened ones would be nice. 

    Also giving a Resource transmuter would be precious for those materials we have tons of but with nothing to use them on. Give us a mini quest where we have to find the trader and help him open up a place in the Relay to visit him.

    Speaking of the Relay.....when are we gonna get other floors and doors open I. That sucker. The last thing we got in there was Octavia Music areas....and those are not even in any areas we have been kept out of by the forcefield all over the place. 

    Sigh....I gotta say the game has promise still but this is probably gonna be one of those things such as how long it took to get Wolverines origin told from the time he was first shown. Many a fan left comics since it was a 30+ year tease....don't do that DE

    Cheers 🥂

    • Like 1
  2. Imma list the ones that I WANTED to do yet something has stopped them from being completed....

    Mark 0/5 Mods or Resources- on Consoles, I have my buttons changed to muscle memory and the button that I had as MARK/INSPECT does not map anymore. Been asking DE to fix this but no go....and then this popped up and I could not MARK anything. I could move the MARK button to another button but then I lose out on MERCY KILLS or RELOADING....

    Make 5 or more enemies float at once- I thought this was going to be a fun one...and even though I have done this a few times, I am getting the bar under the challenge filled up to 1/4th as though I have to fill it multiple times. Seeing 7+ infested floating around after slamming from a jump is strange to know it is not counting them but that is what I have ....

    Exterminate without alarm- yeah...yeah...most do this in the Void but I used to do this on Eris. Did it three ways and for some reason, this has not popped as it used to. Killed all with stealth and took time to not get Jiggy called in, did it with Juggy waking up as I was slaughtering them all, and did it where the Jug gets woke and comes in to get itself killed....but did not pop as it used to from other runs....

    Those have been the only ones that do have bugs/can't be done the way they used to be done IME...

    Cheers 🥂

  3. Nooooooooooo (place Darth Vader gif here)

    That is one of my fave things to do on Corpus missions. Gather a posse of stompy mcstompers be and see how long I can keep em going....goal is gonna go bye bye with this update. 

    Dang it DE.....it was one of the things that made me stop and smell the hack

    • Like 4
  4. On 2020-06-11 at 8:46 PM, xxvaderxxar said:

    Secondaries hit harder, nuff said...

    On top of this, pistols have access to better damage and crit mods.

    When I first started playing Warframe on the Xbox, the PCers had a chance to bring their accounts over and I ran with a few of them. Met this one guy and he would always tell me to not worry about Primaries as Secondaries were more powerful and will out perform Primaries. 

    This statement from Cryotic Front days on Xbox has always rang true....but Primaries are still something to use to get the full aspect of the game. If all you want is power, run only Secondaries and Melee. Cuz anytime a Primary comes too powerful, the meta flocks it to death and nerfdom finds it. 

    • Like 3
  5. There was a few other loading screens that they have gotten rid of as well.

    The ones I recall going bye bye were the ones flying into the planets atmospheres with the camera behind the ships during the morning and afternoon.

    There was also one where we could see the atmosphere of the planet coasting over the ship as we were flying through. Air currents and clouds flowing over the ships as we did our little dance. 

    What I really miss is seeing or Landing Crafts waiting for us at extraction if you parkoured a certain way. You could see the ship waiting to attach to the escape areas. 

    • Like 2
  6. 13 minutes ago, Nehra96 said:

    Wait what! I didn't know that you could get argon from red lockers! 

    Yeah it happens

    I got a few a few times when squads used to open the lockers. 

    It's kind of like a RNG game. The less you do in a mission, the less RNG has to spin the wheel of what you are gonna get. The more you make it work, the more it has to pull stuff out. 

    That has been my experience with the game. From getting better Prime drops to mods that are wanted ...the more you force the game to dig into it's bag of goodies ...the better the chance.

  7. Players nowadays ain't got time to check lockers.....but they have time to crymoan they don't have Amber stars to the point that DE made a blueprint. I was into running Jupiter and Saturn with Master Thief and Scavenger when I first started. It was great opening lockers and getting Argon Crystals without having to go to the Void.

    Hek, to make it that players don't even have to worry about lockers and loot....they made SO and ESO. Lockers are a distraction for the speeders that want to get the end result as quickly as possible. 

    Ah well....game gotta be a game and players gotta decide the path they will walk (or run).

  8. Or time ran out.

    There is only 48 hours to use a coupon...as in real time.

    Once you get the coupon, you have 2 days to use it or lose it. 

    You shall get others such as the 75% and 25% and more 50s. 


  9. 52 minutes ago, lukasystem said:

    Actually will just try another tileset without....wormholes? i mean, he legit just spawned, used his charging, ability and *poofed* away from the platforms/cliffs.

    Had this happen to me on a Host Migration doing Void Sabotage for the Grinny. Was fighting the 2nd Sister after killed the first. She did the rocket propulsion attack....and disappeared off the map.

    Had Stalker drop a Dread and Smoke EMP....found all the Caches.....looked for her for a few minutes, laughed, and reset the game.

    As for the Index.....I wish I could see John Prodman. When I do Index matches, I get nothing and lose the rewards even though my squad and I win. I tried it last year and it still happened. Gonna try it again after TennoCon and see what is up.

    Thank you for letting me know to watch out for his Charge move and make sure it is on a closed tileset. Good looking out for the future runners

    Cheers 🥂

    • Like 1
  10. Stop being so dependant on energy being given to you and go earn it. X

    Stop dropping pizzas and popping your Void Demons to give you energy instead of getting it from the enemies and loot items that give it out in abundance.

    Yes, this game is a Power Fantasy game but there are so many ways that the game makes it balanced out but the players crymoan they want MOAR POWAH....and that they are bored. We have to be the focus and not just the drunk monkeys running around casting powers all over the place. 

    I am not fond of the void demons but they are in the game. They are there as either a tool, the main focus of the game, or a crutch that once you are used to it will be yanked away and used to beat you down with to show how addicted you were to it. There are other ways to see them but that's how I view them. 

    We do not need more ways of getting energy as there are many. We have more than enough powers to use it with...

    But that's just my casual way of seeing things 

    Cheers 🥂

    • Like 1
  11. 2 minutes ago, (XB1)DOMPATRIOT said:

    Nothing about the current state of Warframe is fine...

    What drugs are you on so that I make sure to never take them?

    The current state is an evolved form that has taken years to get to where it is. It has had some bumps and it has grown with strength and forward progress....but the current state is not on a bad take. The bad side is the players that are not seeing what the game has been, is becoming, and what is possible. The players want what they want and if it's not given, they crymoan. Doesn't matter that they canno make a game themselves so they take it out on those who are making the game they want. 

    As for the exterminates.....it would be cool to have different ones popping up. Make some just regular. Others have a mini boss/squad that comes to take out. Then some have a change of plan that pops in that you still have to eliminate everyone but another thing to do. Kind of like the bounties have extra things to do in them that if done, give something extra.

    Cheers 🥂

    • Like 5
  12. It's cool to have video and guides for those that might not know exactly what they are getting. For the longest time, I used Shattering Impact with no realization on the difference it was making until I saw a few vids stating AND showing what it did. 

    These guides are for new players or players who do not know everything about the game. If you know it, kindly pass it on to others who do not. If you didn't know it and are trying to save face by acting like you did.....go play that somewhere else. We have to help out each other cuz you never know when there might be that one losses or confused person out there that wants to know but has too much pride to ask.


    Spread the news about something you know that maybe others don't....and the game gets elevated up a level.

    Cheers 🥂

    • Like 2
  13. When I saw the red light effect, I thought it was a frame something....until I watched the mini map and saw there was no frame standing there the whole time I was there. Thought it might have been jellyfish prime but her effect would not go that far.

    I have seen what it is like when someone Fast Travels from one area to another and it does not leave anything behind like that red glow. 

    As for the roar....it is not coming from the Ancient and there is nothing around that made that sound. Did a mission to see if it was a Juggernaut right after and they have different roar sounds. If they adding that to Ancients, then I have not heard it on any other Ancient I have killed since. 

    Others have been saying they are seeing similar things such as their Void Demon killing enemies when they have not gone into Operator tool mode. Chasing wisp looking things on Earth that disappear. 

  14. Wait....this got moved to Off Topic while it involves things In-Game that might be linked to the new Nightwave? Okay....so what is on topic if not Easter Eggs DE has put in the game for the reveal of the killer and a new boss/enemy? 

    As to house being haunted....if I had not recorded the stuff and watched it after waking up today, I would say no haunting in my house. The game universe...mayhaps.

    Oh well....guess imma have to put this seeing thing up there with the one time the game revealed the Operator before Second Dream came out and no one believed me. Being the prophet is a hard job.

    • Like 2
  15. Greetz one and all that play 

    I have always seen things in WARFRAME and chocked it up to glitches in the matrix or my mind playing tricks on me. Until recently.....

    It seems that since Nightwave 3 week 3 has started up, I have been having some strange things occur on Xbox, PS4, and Switch. Things such as barrels that I have not touched or any enemy around has hit explode out of nowhere....seeing a black wisp looking things go around trees and when I follow them, they are gone....as well as strange sounds and energy clouds.

    Am I the only one seeing these or have others seen them but thought they were just a glitch or other rational you accepted?

    Please....let me know others are seeing this and I am not paranoid.....wait.... y'all here that? There it goes AGAIN!!!

  16. Did you see all the new mods that came out when Wisp was released? 

    All the ones that give you more jumping and glide and if latched to the wall?

    These were all for using Wisp in different ways as well as augmenting her passive. These were her mods. If you are not using them....that is another story.

  17. Greetings

    I went in to Warframe.com to check my accounts being linked to Twitch and Mixer....and I got this pop up.


    This is news to me as I have been logging in for the past 5 years....

    Is this an error on Xbox end, Warframe.com, or is something else going on? I am able to login to the Forums....

  18. If you are getting LF.CYI, attempt to do a connection through a hotspot. If you connect, it's your equipment or ISP 

    There is nothing DE can do if it is your equipment 

    If you are not getting LF.CYI, it might be a faulty download. 

    I lost over 100+ days with LF.CYI. It was my ISP that somehow blocked Warframe. 

  19. It is not an accident if it is made to work this way.

    The thing is...it is designed to work this way. 

    You have to be in a Grinny mission

    You have to be above level 20

    You have to see the notice of a flash that things have started

    You have to then go further and see the little scene of the Kuva Guard saying there is a Larvaling coming

    You have to knock them to their knees AND then stand close enough to activate

    You have to have CONTEXT ACTION is ALSO Reload...

    If you STILL have done all this and get an accidental lich MORE THAN ONCE....it is working correctly 

    DE is counting on players not changing anything about their playstyle to then create these enemies on accident as well as on purpose so that there is players playing. To either have to go and finish the accidental lich (which is time played) or to enjoy their lich they created on purpose. 

    Play the game and pay attention instead of becoming a mindless pawn that creates chaos. Reminds me of when my kids used to watch TV until they were staring mindless zombies that did not hear anything we were saying to them. Control yourselves and change what you have...

    • Like 4
  20. I am hoping this leads us to finding the Orokin that escaped the chambers we see in the Derelict secret areas where the trees have grown out of. 

    Seeing that opened and empty chamber always gave me the thought that a few Orokin are in the Void ships as well as Cetus tower waiting for the time to come back. With the knowing that Gara turns things to statue of glass and whomever this is has the ability to give their creations invulnerability as well as still move means this person is stronger than Gara.

    Just some things that have crossed my mind. Plus I want to see how this will connect to the new Corpus weave that we were shown in a Dev show a while back. 


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