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  1. I was running solo on SP and it indeed ended up being malice bubble bugging out. Thanks for the info guys.
  2. What are the red/orange energy flowing around and into my warframe? I've seen them quite often over the years and never thought anything of it. But now I'm curious as to what it is and what it stands for. It's not an ephemera and it only happens in missions. https://imgur.com/gallery/strange-energy-flowing-around-warframe-IO3KDdj the image is blurry and I apologize but you should be able to see the lines from the energy all around the frame.
  3. When I first made this post I thought it was the netracells or wellspring bugging out causing me unable to play. But, as it turns out it was Baruuk the whole time. I tried it with other frames and had no issues. I don't know if it's one or multiple bugs causing issues but it's also happening outside of netracells as well in normal missions. But to clarify: Warframe in question: Baruuk Prime Issues: 1. Using wellspring will cause Baruuk to be unable to use weapons or abilities 2. Using an ability will sometimes trigger the same bug and be unable to use abilities 3. When attacking with his 4th or weapons, his damage will be doing fine and then out of no where it will drop off and no damage numbers will appear. 4. Not sure if I missed it in his patch notes, but before I had all tao forged violet shards on Baruuk his desert wind crit multiplier use to be at a x15 with all red tao forged. Now that I have all violet tao forged on him it is only sitting at a x12.5(even when over 500 energy)
  4. Mine also turned extremely dark. My energy colors on gauss and armor were set to black but visually show a bright white.
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