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  1. This bug is reproducible 100% of the time by selecting anything that would require a melee weapon to be equipped while attempting to use Garuda's Talons. Build, game settings, and squad type have no affect on this issue. This issue occurs in the current version and has been present for a long time. This is a confusing and annoying issue, since the Talons act as a melee weapon a player may assume that the Talons are considered as a melee weapon and attempt to use them for things like melee only sortie missions or mastery rank tests.
  2. This bug is reproducible 100% of the time by simply attempting to attack a nullifier with Garuda's Talons while inside the nullifier's bubble. This bug occurs no matter what mods are present on the weapon and whether or not the player is hosting. This bug is present in the current version of the game, and has been present for a long time This bug is extremely annoying when playing Garuda, as there are many situations where a player may attempt to use Garuda's Talons against a nullifier enemy. I personally found this bug especially problematic when collecting the blueprints for Grendel.
  3. Garuda is still unable to target overguarded enemies with dread mirror and Garuda's Talons are still unable to hit nullifiers from inside their bubbles. It's quite annoying that these issues have been seemingly ignored for as long as they have
  4. Overguard does not protect an enemy from abilities. It protects them from crowd control, which Dread Mirror should not be considered as. There are several abilities that affect overguarded enemies as normal.
  5. No mention of Garuda's Dread Mirror ability being unable to target overguarded enemies. I've also learned that Garuda's Talons are unable to hit nullifier enemies if their bubbles are still active.
  6. Still no mention of Dread Mirror being unable to target enemies with overguard
  7. Still no fix and seemingly not even an acknowledgement for Dread Mirror being unable to target enemies with Overguard.
  8. This can be reproduced 100% of the time. To reproduce this issue you just need to: Play as Garuda. Find an enemy that has Overguard. Attempt to target that enemy with Dread Mirror. Build, game settings, and squad type have no effect on this issue. Video of the bug being replicated in Simulacrum https://imgur.com/a/759FKXh This issue is very disruptive to Garuda's gameplay, especially in mission types containing Ancient Healer, Corrupted Ancient, or Severed Warden enemies, which grant Overguard to enemies that would not normally have it, causing garuda to not be able to use Dread Mirror at all in some cases due to not being able to target anything.
  9. I think rage type mods should be reworked to also have a diminished effect when damage is dealt to a player while their shield is active. This would allow more varied builds involving those mods and make them more reliable on frames like Oberon where channeled abilities need more consistent upkeep, which overguard will disrupt without a subsumed ability like Parasitic Armor to keep shields down
  10. There has still been no mention about the issues Garuda faces, such as her 4 being affected by LoS and her talons not allowing arcanes. I would love to at least see acknowledgement of these longstanding problems.
  11. neither of the two major issues with Garuda were fixed, but at least this caught a few issues I was tracking. Hope you guys are able to squash those Garuda bugs soon.
  12. Will that hot fix only be for adding the game mode? I'd love to see some fixes for other weirdness like not being able to use arcanes on Garuda's Talons
  13. Unable to apply melee arcane adapters to garuda's talons. Is this intended?
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