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Posts posted by AnonumusSoldier

  1. The best set up for the mission is 2 nekros, a nidus and either an ev trinity or pilfering hydroid. Get one of those frames and your good to go.


    As long as your squad has a nekros and nidus your good to go so if you can find someone willing to let you tag along/you just host it and bring a tanky frame you can still participate. This isn't a solo or pub farm, you MUST have an organized squad, which is what makes this farming method kinda suck. You can however net about 20k+ endo in an HR, which is what makes it so popular.


    The only real alternatives are high end survival/escavation/eso that award 400 endo packs, if you lucky you can net 1-2 k endo an hour

  2. 4 hours ago, Autongnosis said:

    May i be a bit crass? Who the #*!% cares.

    ESO was a stroke of genius who got rammed by an idiot's car midway. 

    Make ESO work with a capped efficiency drain at what we have now at wave 8 and give it Sortie modifiers, 1/wave from wave 1 to 8 and 2/w for waves 9+. Give it stashes of sink drops (radiant relics are good, so is focus, but Kuva should also be in there) that even veterans can use. And you've got a dungeon crawler mode that is done Warframe style and is also incredibly fun and challenging. And you also stop Saryn and Volt from being the end be all of ESO no #*!%s given.

    Make the second Sortie set happen, on steroids. Like triple the levels and use two modifiers at once, and get a guaranteed boss fight as sortie 6 as a forced mission type. 

    And now you've got weeklies and dailies.

    And then use TAs as filler content, but imo what happened with Phoenix Intercept Escalation should happen every time. Ludicrous leveled stuff with heavy loadout restrictions. That was HARD man. 

    ill link to a rough idea i had 2 years ago https://forums.warframe.com/topic/698207-endgame-conceptsolar-map-expansion/ this is what i had THOUGHT that EOS was going to be from the original concept showcased on the devstreams, and then like you said it got rammed by an idiot car. Either way its obvious DE dosent care about endgame, only about short term playability and new player attraction for a week of fresh cashflow. its ok im not bitter. much.


    and yes, Phoenix Intercept, those were the days man.


  3. On 2018-07-29 at 10:33 PM, (PS4)Taishin_Ishu said:

    Conversely, perhaps you believe Sorties "trivial" because you have gear that is more than adequate, along with skills that have been polished over hundreds of hours?

    Yes, harder content would be fun.  Yes, they are bringing it.  It takes time....but again, DE has to serve the new players, which make up the vast majority, first and foremost.

    Look, I'm an entertainer.  I run an entertainment business, it's what I do for a living.  When I go to one of my weekly gigs, and the regulars show up....they aren't the first ones I perform for.  I of course show them gratitude and respect for coming, and I do make sure I get around to them, but my goal is to GROW as a business.  Catering to the same people every time does nothing to include/invite new people into that exclusive group.  And like it or not, the truth is, even my "regulars" will leave, eventually.  They show up often, sure, but they're not as likely to re-re-rebook me as a NEW client is to book me for the first time.  Repeat customers are important, absolutely, but so is new customer acquisition to replace those that either leave or slow down the frequency of their purchases.

    I say this because, like my regulars, I keep seeing people throw around how "Well, we're "vets"" and "We've been here forever supporting DE".   But, I gotta say, market research supports the data that new players are more likely to dive in and buy plat than those who have been around awhile and just trade for plat, etc.  It's just the truth.  In other words,  endgame is less of a concern than early game, because more players are going to be dealing with the latter than the former.

    DE has said they want harder stuff, but like i said...just a matter of time at this point.

    I am fully aware of the fact that a game developer needs to cater to both sides of the spectrum of gamers, I am also fully aware of the fact that new players are more likely to drop in some cash early in the beginning no matter what thier lifespan in the game is, and if you have 200 new players each month dropping in 20 bucks, you are going to get more money then the 100 vets buying Prime Access to support the game every 3 months. Every game out there with a microtransaction system is set up that way. HOWEVER. a player that can not kill a level 40 enemy easily should not be tossed into\have access to a mission that is fighting a base level of 60-100 with combat restrictions/mission requirments. 1) This discourages the player from long time viability staying with the game as he finds difficulty in the game and dosent know why/how to fix it 2)Creates a drag on the rest of the team, ruining the multiplayer experience and perpetuating the hermit mentality of the player base. I have no problem helping other players or even carrying them, but every day when i run sorties and 2 of the 3 other team mates are under mr8 and die within 5 feet of spawn, it gets aggrevating.   As a 5 year vet, i have watched DE do this time and time again, continually pandering to new players and whatever will drag them in. Giving away what was once exclusive, hard earned event rewards, dumbing down mechanics, making rare things common. The upcoming melee 3.0 rework is just another symptom of that, trading our long standing melee system, nerfing it into the ground in favor of flashy attacks for early game, and then do failed attempts at end game content that gets trivialized as new players complain they cant participate. Onslaught was supposed to be "endless", and is currently our closest endgame, but we cant even enjoy it because we eventually get forced out. Kingpin system, hailed as "endgame for clans" has been spoken only in whispers for over a year. 


    Bottom line, Warframe is a great game. However, DE keeps saying they havent forgotten about thier vets, but thier actions dont show it. They produce quality updates aimed at dragging in new players, and throw the vets under the bus with constant nerfs/reworks aimed at making the game easier for the new player, that while we adapt to them, still tick us off. While in the short term, dragging in new players may be beneficial to thier bottom dollar, eventually you will alienate your base that promotes the game to those new players, and helps them adjust to the game and stay longer then the first week of spending money.

  4. The only sortie that has ever been difficult for a player half his salt is kuva fortress survival, and that's only because the environmental hazards killed the defense operative. You believe it's hard because sorties are available far too early before you have the gear and understanding of mechanics to handle it.

  5. 5 hours ago, chainchompguy3 said:

    In that video/discussion, he fails to mention/notice that he's using it on high level armored targets.

    The heal from Scarab Swarm is based on the Damage it deals, so high armor = less damage = less heals.

    That isn't to say power strength isn't decent on that ability, it's just that it isn't NEAR as bad as that video makes it out to be.

    The whole purpose of tank/healer is to survive the onslaught of enemies when they are at thier strongest, if your not testing for that, then what's the point?

  6. 19 minutes ago, (PS4)ArchangelX3Z said:

    I've had Kohm Rivens but they all also had Fire Rate.....no ammo ever so wanna snag another unrolled one and see what I can do, I really like the Strun's reloading, and with how I can build one I dig the damage.  The Astilla is just pretty (especially after you said aids covered glass xD) but I'm worried about endgame also.  And yea Sobek is more for fun, I make people go boom, and then I go boom, which makes others boom, and we all boom.

    On kohm rivens fire rate is a desired stat due to it's wind up mechanics. If I ever get my hands on a kohm riven I will probably use it over my strun.

  7. Strun wraith is pretty impressive if you get a good riven for it, I've been upformaing it in replacement of kohm for kuva fortress survival since I don't have a kohm riven.


    Astilla is pretty fun with a rad/viral build (cause when is shooting aids covered glass not fun amirite?) But so far the weapon itself hasn't carried into endgame for me despite having a decent riven for it.


    If your going to play with boar you might as well play with kohm which is a straight upgrade.


    Sobek has too slow a firerate for my taste although I did have fun with it when acid shells came out.

  8. Corinith is a hybrid weapon (high crit main shot, status secondary shot so youll want to mod for both.


    As previously stated those mods are for rifles not shotguns, and you wouldnt want to use them anyway on corinth. Corinth has one of the slowest fire rates of all shotguns, and as a pump gun youll get overrun very quickly if u make it worse. If shotguns did have an -accuracy mod, it would most likely increase the spread of the pellets, which would be bad as well.

  9. Cassowar is a status polearm, benefiting from Condition overload, dual stat mods, Relentless Weeping combo and swinging strikes


    Guandau is a crit polearm, and has the highest range of all melee weapons short of whips. it benefits from meme strike, range mods and spin 2 win strikes.



  10. 15 minutes ago, krc473 said:

    Also make sure you are below the riven cap.

    You can still participate in sorties if you are at Max rivens, and can still receive them. If you go OVER the cap, then you can't participate.

  11. 6 hours ago, (XB1)MintyFreshMike said:

    I wish DE at least allowed you to transfer accounts. I went through a lot of trouble getting to where I am now (mr 11). Don't feel like doing it again. I NEVER want to run a stupid vault run again for corrupted mods.... 

    When Warframe was first launched to consoled you could for a limited time, but for the same reasons cross platform play is impossible, so is account migrations

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