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Posts posted by SasoDuck

  1. 44 minutes ago, YUNoJump said:

    The main other thing is that sometimes people want to play simpler missions, IMO it's more fun to play at a level where you don't have to rely on stunlocking and endless status chance to survive for more than half a second, I'd rather not play the game in that state 100% of the time.

    Could always make it a toggle I guess.
    Scaling enemy levels: OFF [ON]

  2. 36 minutes ago, InDueTime-EN- said:

    I don't think it should be tied to MR. I would rather it was linked to the conclave rating. This was determined by your equipped mods and weapons (not sure if it still is). 

    The problem with this is matchmaking. We don't want new players joining a host with a high rank and then not being able to kill anything even though they are on Earth or something. 

    This was a reply to the Reddit mirror that I think would work out really well.

    Also if you read the OP, I covered how matchmaking scaling would work.

  3. Just an idea I had. The only real end-game-level content we have are kuva floods (aren't constantly available), sorties (only once per day), or staying for a long time in an endless mission. Those are the only places you'll find lvl80+ enemies, and of course everyone is always crying out for "moar endgame!"

    Well, what if *everything* was end-game?

    Take Skyrim for instance. It's constantly challenging (more or less) because as you improve your gear and boost your overall player level, the enemies continuously stay a step or two ahead of you. You might have a bow that one-shots things for a while, but eventually the enemy level increases so that bow now two-shots things instead, but now you find a bow that can one-shot again. Stuff like that.

    Problem is, Warframe doesn't do that. After a while, the enemies on Venus become so pathetic that just looking at them will make them wilt and die.

    So, solution... do what Skyrim does.

    The enemies are no longer a fixed level for each mission (ie Hydron is *always* level 30-40 or whatever it is), but instead they scale based off the player(s) in the mission. I don't know what would be *exactly* the best metre to scale them off of, but maybe something like total mastery earned (so even if you don't take the tests, it still keeps your enemy multiplier relevant)?. Then it would of course scale to the lowest player in the squad, so you don't have MRs20+ coming into Earth and making the missions all lvl130 for the newbies. So essentially, the more exp you got, the higher the enemy level multiplier would be.

    Earth at MR0 = base lvl (5) x 1+MR(0) = lvl5

    Earth at MR10 = base lvl (5) x MR(10) = lvl50

    Earth at MR20 = base lvl (5) x MR(20) = lvl100

    Earth would still be the low point on the totem pole, but would provide a challenge no matter what rank you were. Maybe not that exact formula (or maybe lower the overall base enemy levels per planet), but you get the idea.

  4. More feedback:
    Please add a feed to the side of the screen, showing the enemies that Hydroid currently has trapped in Undertow. Right now, there's no indicator showing how much health any of the enemies in your puddle have remaining, and it's even less obvious if you have damage numbers turned off.


    Additionally, having the in-world caustics effect for Hydroid's 1 and 4 and nice, but they're terrible for showing your actual charge range, or indicating to someone who didn't read the patch notes that you CAN charge the abilities at all. We need a much more obvious HUD display for this, as pictured here, for both Barrage and Swarm.


  5. Great rework, love the new water textures. Far more realistic and detailed than what he had before, and the literal Krakken is a nice touch. Only two issues I'm experiencing right now:

    1. Undertow is still the only channeled ability that can't regen energy while active
    Everything else, like Renewal/WorldOnFire/ExaltedBlade/etc can regain energy while active by picking up health orbs, which still requires active looting and whatnot. Undertow can't pickup any resources or loot at all (certainly counter to the whole "pirate" theme) while in Undertow. I think UT should be buffed to make it so that any loot that falls on the UT is automatically picked up, to make Hydroid the premier looter of booty.

    2. There are no visual indicators showing how charged Barrage and Tentacles are.
    In fact, had I not read the patch notes, I'd have had no idea whatsoever that you could even charge them! These need some sort of added HUD element, similar to what Harrow's got. Hopefully that'll be added soon.

  6. Just noticed this recently that the Forma Bundle now automatically removes itself from your wishlist when you buy one. This isn't good, because I use my wishlist as a sort of "favorites" menu for items I buy frequently, such as the Forma Bundle or 30-Day Resource boosters. It puts all my regular purchases into a neat easy-access location, so that I don't have to go through the store every time I want to buy them (and anyone visiting my profile can see that I want these items as well, and might buy them for me... not likely but still). Please revert this. Items should only be removed from your wishlist automatically if they're something you can only buy once, such as TennoGen items. Everything else should only be removed via manual removal.

  7. Question:
    Will we be able to hide other (non-squad) players in Cetus? I don't really want every quest-giving NPC to be constantly surrounded by 1000 warframes like Baro is, ruining the immersion of the market. I'm a solo player and would prefer to enjoy these things alone. The tech is clearly already there to hide other players, as seen in Palladino's room in the Iron Wake, where other players (despite existing there) cannot be seen by you. I'd also of course love a feature like this for relays as well, and aside from immersion reasons, I'm sure this would also help out a lot of people who have difficult with performance or loading times in these hub areas.

  8. 25 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Chains of Harrow: Update 21.1.0



    • Improved the Smeeta Kavat Mischief buff for Operators. Relevant buffs on the Warframes will always be transferred to the Operator and vice versa.

    DE, I can't thank you enough for this fix. As a largely solo player (assuming it's actually fixed this time), this makes my life (as it pertains to kuva-farming) infinitely easier. Or even when kuva'ing with teammates, I won't have to watch in agony as my buff is running out but my clanmate can't see the kuva that I'm waypointing and shouting about and then they fail to cap it and I lose my buff. Anyway, kinda ramble-y, but again, thank you! A few people predicted you were going to do something else rather than making the buff always affect you whether in Operator or Warframe form (like compromising because of balance or something), but I'm exceptionally glad you did it this way.

  9. 20 hours ago, RistN said:

    Can confirm this.Now you dont get 2x Kuva at all.Just been in Kuva flood mission and I had 50 s left on Charm 2x resource buff when last braid was destroyed.I wasnt even in operator mode when some of the teammates picked up last cloud.I just hope DE didnt made it that we recive 2x kuva only if we pick it up.If thats the case its far worse than it was before.I was client btw.

    Basically what I think happened is that they made it so that Operators can now get the buff themselves, but that means that you have to be in Operator mode the entire time (not going to happen due to such low health and energy of Operators), to ensure you get the buff on your Operator. Still crap though, and needs to be changed so that no matter who gets the buff (frame or Operator), it will always apply when the final kuva is captured to give you the double buff.

  10. 1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Chains of Harrow: Hotfix 21.0.9


    • Operators are now affected by the Smeeta Kavat Mischief/Charm buffs.

    Sorry Megan, but that wasn't fixed yet actually:
    This image was taken after 21.0.9
    - Kuva Flood (so base 1200 kuva)
    - resource booster was active (making it 2400 kuva)
    - I captured the kuva myself, while in operator mode
    Smeeta buff WAS active prior to entering Operator mode, but clearly as the image shows, did not carry over to Operator mode as it claims to have been fixed in the notes. Had it been fixed, the amount of kuva above would have been 4800 kuva (4x multiplayer from Charm+Resource booster on a Flood).

  11. Just now, drdreiy said:

    Add more colors for kubrows. Kavats have all sorts of colors

    They both use the same colors. There are no kavat colors or kubrow colors; just animal colors in general. Certain colors come bundled with a kavat fur pattern or kubrow fur pattern, but that doesn't mean they're restricted to kubrows or kavats.

    Although I certainly wouldn't mind the introduction of more animal fur colors in general.

  12. 7 minutes ago, [DE]Glen said:

    Fixed chat text not appearing while in gameplay in some cases

    Thanks, especially for this one; that was very annoying. Still need to address chat defaulting to clan chat rather than squad chat when loading into a mission, and being unable to auto-complete @mentions of users who are clearly in chat (namely in Region), forcing you to have to manually type their (sometimes complicated) names.

  13. The last few days I've been trying to farm a lot of kuva, but in doing so, noticed that it's no longer spawning siphons on two planets like it usually does. It's (hopefully bugged) to only be spawning them on one single planet at a time (and not really spawning more missions on that one planet to compensate).

    Here is a video for proof:


  14. 6 minutes ago, Church002 said:

    Yea i dont rly like her passive either. i had an idea. if she got knocked down she emits minute antimatter particles like dust, that would slow and stun mobs for a set duration. native range cant be affected by power range mods, OR, can only benefit up to a range cap %.

    This is sort of pointlessly redundant. Chances are you've already MP'd everything anyway, yet something still managed to get a shot off at you anyway. Doesn't add anything to her.

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