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  1. I have the same problem with cross save! I understood this would open up trading with multiple other platforms, what I didn't understand would happen is that it would completely isolate cross saved players from non cross saved players of the same console trading wise. What I though would happen is that it would allow players to trade with other platforms plus any players on the active console, for example a cross saved ps4 player would be able to trade with any ps4 players plus cross saved accounts. Also a bit of a warning to any PS players thinking of cross saving: *The trading for cross save and PS is completely different* With this I mean that the prices for almost everything are extremely inflated and harsh for cross saved compared to what you'll see in the PS trading. In my opinion Cross save should have been purely "CROSS PLATFORM SAVE" (Warframe account Progression) and none of the cross platform trading or at least make that something you could opt out of or switch just like cross play. I know I'm saying this as someone who isn't a dev or coder so maybe what I was saying couldn't even be done, however as a player who has invested a lot of time into this game that I love I really would like to continue to have a great time with out forcing my friends who don't want to cross save to do so just so I can trade with them and bring them into a trading environment they are actively avoiding. Sorry for such a long post I hope my post makes sense and isn't perceived as angry or whiny, Thank you for taking the time to read this post!
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