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  1. Alright so, I think I've narrowed it down. It's either Volumetric Fog, or Volumetric Lighting. When the settings are off there are zero crashes, however when they're on there are crashes eventually. I haven't had a lot of time lately to play, but I'll see soon if this holds true for the latest hotfixes.
  2. I'm using DX11, the main issue RN is replicating the crash, like I said it's spontaneous, I haven't had a crash since earlier today, and I've played for about 2 hours since then without issue. The only setting I touched was Volumetric Fog, which I turned off, I may try turning it on again to see if that might be the culprit.
  3. Okay I've gotten this https://www.warframe.com/en/hardwarefail page violently thrust in my face over a dozen times after this update. I know for a fact that this is NOT A HARDWARE FAILURE. This has happened on both my laptop and desktop, and has occured seemingly randomly. However I'll list some times it has happened. In and when leaving Arsenal, in mission (Hydron 4 times now, a few times in Albrecht's lab, and in a few other missions I can't remember off the top of my head. I'm playing with potato graphics (low, things like dynamic lighting are all disabled) on my laptop and maxed out graphics on my desktop (everything is high or above with everything enabled) so clearly this isn't a graphics issue. Something DE has done in this recent update is plaguing at least PC and leading to random crashes. Also I should note that these crashes come at random times as well, in fact my desktop was COLD when Warframe crashed on it one of the many times after this recent update. I should also not that the desktop is an AMD CPU, while the laptop is an Intel CPU, both are using Nividia RTX 4070s.
  4. So me and a friend have been running Kuva Lichs and Sisters lately. I've killed a Lich and converted another, my friend has killed a Sister and a few Lichs and we haven't gotten a single Requiem Ultimatum from any of them. Have other people had this issue recently, or are me and my friend really unlucky?
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