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Posts posted by theraot

  1. En 13/6/2018 a las 17:22, meerai dijo:

    Always depends on how they will implement them, on the Devstream they were also concerned that people might try lewd stuff with the NPCs xD

    This game is rated "Mature 17+"

    They should let that be.

    Meanwhile, people will continue to make giant genitalia and write curse words, and DE staff laughs about it.

  2. Have anybody tried Ember Prime with Umbral mods?

    It seems to me those mods would ease two of the main complains: two week (when you try to keep long range), low survability (because your range is low and enemies can shoot from the distance).

    I do not know how feasible the build is, given that we cannot forma for those mods, however I consider it worth a try.

  3. I suppose we DE could add breeding and farming fish too.

    Speaking of which, why are we not cloning fish? Let us say from each fish you can take X genetic samples, then you use Y fish genetic samples and some other common resources to craft and egg, finally you put the egg in a fish incubator, wait, and you got extra fish.

    Perhaps, if you want plants, you can have the gardening display, and if I want fish I can have the fish incubator... wait, we already have a fish tanks...

    DE, let me breed fish!

  4. Enemy faction: Orokin.

    Special objects: defense target, steal target.

    One line pitch: Half defense, half capture the flag.


    - Use a dedicated large tile, specially designed for this.
    - The players have to defend the defense target. If it is destroyed, we lose.
    - Players do not respawn in place, but near the defense target.
    - Players have to retrieve the steal target and take it to the defense target to win.
    - If the player that has the steal target dies, the steal target drops to the ground.
    - If an enemy picks the defense target, the steal target is returned back to its start location [Optional: the enemy carries it back, and if we kill it, it drops it].
    - The steal target start inside a vault-like location [Optional: use orokin cipher].
    - Have high enemy density, getting the steal target to the defense target should be a challenge.


    - Have multiple steal target in different locations.
    - Enemy faction: Sentient.

    Lorewise: We are raiding an orokin tower. The defense target is a maguffin that allows us to be here, by destroying it we lose transference and therefore lose. Our objective is to retrieve the steal target (some rare orokin artifact). Note: for the sentient variant, this happens in the t-a-u system.

    Enemies should try to destroy the defense target, protect the vault, and kill player - giving priority to killing a player that has the steal target.

    We intend to make the player split in trying to get the steal target and defend the defense target.

    Inspiration: Onslaugh, The Index, Unreal Tournament's Two Worlds.

    Note: this can be a raid, or a section of a raid. Should be virtually impossible solo. A large team should be expected, more that four squad members if possible.

    I hereby release this game concept under CC0.


    This is based on a discussion with @AbsurdSpark on another topic.

  5. For abstract:

    Onslaught lacks depth

    Onslaught does not work well as endgame, in fact Warframe - still - lacks true endgame

    Onslaught does not have great rewards, which wouldn't be a problem if we solve the above

    Fair enough.

    I am happy with o
    nslaught. Since the inception of survival, people has been asking for a "true" survival mode where you didn't have to worry about collecting support and we can push to the end (which also means no worrying about extraction). I think 
    Onslaught is as close to that as we will get.


    hace 32 minutos, AbsurdSpark dijo:

    Im picturing for example a map with two opposing bases in a more open environment like a section of the plains, limited to no abilities maybe no operator. PVE they try to take over your base while you fend off hordes maybe have a team to go capture theirs. you can die easier but can be healed or respawn at your base. idk something like that 

    @xXDeadsinxX is right that the index is similar to your description. But I can see that is not what you @AbsurdSpark want - in particular it does not feel like defending a base from hordes. Yet, there is something from the index to rescue: we do not need a huge map, just a large well designed tile.

    Imagine something like Unreal Tournament's Two Worlds (DE remembers), but we need a different mechanic. 

    I suggest the following: we have to defend something, because this something is what allow us to be here, and - because that is the thing that allow us to be here - we respawn near to that. And our objective is to steal something, so we have to infiltrate the enemy base, try to get that thing and return to our base to extract... but, if they kill you, you lose the thing, are thrown back to spawn, and the enemy can recover it. So, half defense, half capture the flag. It has to be hard enough that doing this succesfully once is a challenge.

    I think that could work as a raid, perhaps we are raiding an orokin tower? We could use some complexity to get the whatever we have to steal, so it could resemble an orokin vault. Perhaps the new orokin ciphers could be used.

    Note: I think there are two approaches people want to see in raids: cooperation and division of labor. The first (cooperation) leads more to the puzzles, and the second (division of labor) leads more to having multiple concerns as you describe (capture but also defend).

    Addendum: I release this concept under CC0.

  6. hace 3 minutos, AbsurdSpark dijo:

    Thanks yea past attempts dont look too good, im talking something different from those hard to describe without referencing other games. idk i just want something more combat/weapon driven and for rewards make it more focused on high XP bonus so you could lvl frames and weapons faster along with getting other resources. try to make the mission/map more static that doesnt require too much dev attention, less puzzles more carnage

    That sounds like onslaught but on a larger map, is that what you want? I guess we can make an argument for that.

  7. We need raids, I'd agree to that

    However, PvP popularity in warframe is low, has been low as far as I recall, and I do not see how to change that.

    Thus, I would not expect a large arena PvP encounter to go well... except, perhaps, if hosted on warframe servers (instead of somebody's machine) and Clan versus Clan.

    Yet, again, like raids, Clan vs Clan (dark sectors) is gone from warframe too, although it wasn't like what you describe.


    My prediction - hoping I do not jynx it - is that these will return attached to the t a u system.

    Addendum: Either case we gotta be patient, we are still waiting for the venus update and the kinping system.

  8. Submitted to your consideration: https://www.gdcvault.com/play/1022016/Getting-off-the-NavMesh-Navigating

    Addendum: Consider that for regular gameplay warframe uses a precompiled navigation mesh for each tile, and search is done over this navigation mesh. For archwing - outside of trench runs - there is no precompiled navmesh, because there are no tiles. Instead it is constructed from the obstacles that are placed on the map, and - as mentioned as the end of the linked video - it lacks large scale conectivity information that would make path finding faster.

    Speaking of path finding, consider that it happens for each agent on the map... increasing the number of enemies means increasing the number instances of path finding and the obstacle avoidance, which means a performance degradation. Thus higher horde density outside of trench runs = bad.

    Or at least that was true on the release of that video. Some work was put into the engine to handle LOD for plains of eidolon that allowed improvements on other parts of the game (such as increasing the decoration capacity in the orbiter and dojo), so there could have been improvements on archwing (aside from incresing the render distance). However, I doubt DE has put much effort in improving the underlaying technology of archwing.

    I am not saying that asking for archwing improvement is wrong or anything like that. In fact, we can hope that DE will find motivation to improve archwing, and that posts like this will make that more likely... yet, there is a vicious cycle between a game mode not getting updates because people does not play it because it does not get updates because... you get the idea.

    Addendum two: perhaps something in between about mom being gone, the tau system, the dark sector network, and being space pirate ninjas... there could be some reason to update archwing.

  9. Other games would use the ranking as a way to push people... you can just complete the game with a low ranking. But the ranking is telling you that you can do better, and often there is some reward for doing so. I suggest Warframe do the same:

    - Reduce efficiency drain.
    - Give extra Synthetic Eidolon Shard (regardless of rotation) based on the ranking.
    - Allow to exchange Synthetic Eidolon Shard for Simaris standing.

    That way, you can get rewards with less metagameplay, but there is still encouragement in pushing the efficiency.


    The issue with only reducing the efficiency drain is that this just becomes easy. Perhaps that is what you want, but then I would say, do not play elite.

    The issue with just boosting the focus is that you are just giving more rewards for the same effort (at least to people playing the mata).  However, that would mean that people would reach max focus faster... 

    Instead, by giving extra shards instead of focus, and allowing them to be exchanged for simaris standing, then there is not a cap for how much you can get (you can always get stuff from simaris and you can always sell that stuff).

  10. I just had a problem when I placed a display outside of geometry, could not retrieve it, I'm submiting a ticked for that.

    Addenum: I will take the oportunity to suggest an option to remove the last added item. Associated with key to do that, with an appropiate confirmation promt.

    Now that that has come up. I want to say I would like a better snap system.

    In particular snaping to a grid that is based on the geometry of the current room, including the orientation of the object. Currently you can make the objects snap their position to a grid (relative to who knows what), but the orientation of the object is virtually imposible to align with the axis of the grid to which the object is being snapped into.

    Also, a better snapping to other objects (for example to connect pipes to pipes, or placing blocks next to blocks to make walls). I know we kind of have this, but it does not have into account the orientation. That is, if I place an object ontop of another object, the base of the object I am placing will be on the other object. That is not what I want. I know I can push the object and that kind of does it, but that - again - does not snap the orientation.

    Given that I struggle with orientation... I think another rotation perpendicular to the one we have would be welcome.


    I am aware that people has been able to construct great stuff with what is given - perhaps they know some decoration-fu that I don't - and thus it is hard for to justify wanting this.

  11. Sounds like you are bit biased towards the warframe giving you the gameplay. I know that sometimes people play by spamming an ability, but that does not mean that is how you should play.

    It follows that most warframes won't fit your preferences. Should all warframes be for everybody? Of course not. There is something for everybody. Try them all if you can, but you will always have your favorites. Also, I will grant you that warframes are not equally useful.

    I have a tendency towards melee too. And with that comes that sometimes I play without using the warframe abilities. I mained Volt initialy, moved to Frost, then Inaros for a while, and very recently Rhino. Not because I enjoy the abilities, but because I do not rely on them that much, and thus I just want the warframe to tank damage, and have something I can use to take me off a pinch (addendum: this wasn't always the case, when I was started I was relying heavily on abilities). Ah, by the way, I say main, but tend to mix it up, I have been using other occasionally, mostly Trinity, Nova, and Octavia come to mind.

    However, once you consider that warframes are not equally offensive, you have to realize that weapons are more important. For example, with Nyx you can make the enemies attack each other, and with the augment can walk while invulnerable, giving you the opening to use something heavy with slow fire rate, say Opticor or Lenz. Zephyr can fly and stay on the air right? So, she can use a sniper to kill enemies from the distance. Evidently Zephyr won't be a good fit if you want to melee.

    You are playing Oberon correctly. OP? Yeah. I would argue that they most - if not all - of them are, in their own way. But that does not mean you will enjoy playing them all. Some are rather nichey. In fact, Zephyr has been among the least popular warframe for a long time, the recent popularity comes from the rework, the prime version, and the fact that the pains are a good place for her to fly. However, something similar was also true about Oberon, at least before the last rework.

    So, advice? You are still scratching the surface, in particular with the weapons. Will Nyx and Zephyr grown on you? I do not know, can't tell for sure, but seems unlikly, at least in the short term. Missing something crucial? I don't think so. Other frames? Inaros probably, check out Atlas, I would also suggest a Volt.

  12. I suppose a simple fix would to tell the mission type in the Mission Progress.

    Displaying the location would be useful too, sometimes when invited to a mission, I am left wondering on where the mission was.

    Here is another idea: Adding a button to the in mission progress window to have lotus repeat the objetive.


    Hey, do not assume the opinion of others, for me this is perfectly reasonable feedback, except for the use of bovine excrement. Addendum: I grant there could be some that think like that.

  13. I see this is a rant in disguise, of the form: "___ sucks, am I right?"

    I have no problem with archwing, in fact I find archwing interception nice, although I rather play other things. "Nauseous and claustrophobic" are not problems for everybody, I never get them from video games, but I can tell you that my brother does. People are different.

    Asking for help is ok, there is nothing wrong with that.

    I would argue that this is an accesibility problem. Try the archwing settings in options (under controls), try changing the field of view (under display). If they can't help, I would suggest to convert this into constructive feedback.

    I always get, "it is not my job to come up with ideas to improve the game", consider that while it is their job to come up with ideas to improve the game, it is also their job to listen to your feedback. I assure you that even if your problem is not universal, the solution can help others. That is particulary true in accesibility, we call it the Curb-Cut Effect.

  14. I usually go against these suggestions, because the current desing - as bad as the implementation seems at times, the current design... - makes sense. If everybody can be host, it ensures there are hosts available. If you give the option to join only, you may starve (that's a technical term) because you do not find a host to join because everybody is doing the same.


    However, I have realized something... Warframe is only taking ping (latency) into account. Picking by latency (ping) will give a host that minimizes... well, latency. That should mean less lag... if and only if, the host has enough "bandwidth". If the host does not have enough uplink to send updates to all the peers, the uplink becomes a bottleneck, it will start to lag, and eventually time out (connection lost).

    So, perhaps Warframe should measure downlink and uplink transfer speed ("bandwidth"), and consider that when picking host.

    And I should remind you that uplink is often smaller than downlink, and also the effective transfer speed will be affected by last mile technologies (that's another technical term), such as Wi-Fi.

    DE has the means to make warframe to measure transfer speed (in fact, they could make the launcher do it, while it is checking for updates), and use that to determinite who is suitable to host at all. Then from those suitable it can use latency (ping) to pick who will be the host.

  15. hace 10 horas, _Doe_ dijo:

    players will be stronger yes! but only by 1 mod card at best!


    It could be more than 1 extra mod, if you consider adding mods at low drain and using more than 8 forma.

    Addendum: Look atht build you share... so 6 drain left? Great, three two drain mods. Remove the riven, and that should give you enough drain for other 8 mods more... add forma to the extra slots and the count goes up. You can put tons of mods there!

    However, if we can settle at one or two extra mod slots instead of unlimited. Then most of the problems I mention goes away. There could be some rebalancing but would be minimal. In fact, I am in favor of one or two extra mod slots, in particular in primaries and secondaries (Iirc I have suggested something similar to that in the past).

  16. Simple:

    - Your first use of platinum should be slots, because that is the only way to get slots, and slots are the only functional thing (not cosmetic) that can only be got with platinum. On that note, do not buy resources with platinum, farm them instead. You may ask in recruitment chat for people to take you where you can farm what you need.

    - Do not forget players can trade platinum. This means you can buy things from other players for it, but also means you can farm stuff to sell for more platinum when you need it. Addendum: I want to add that you do not need to sell your stuff right away. Usually it is wiser to build a full set. Also, if you want a premium, prime gear will eventually be vaulted, become scarse, and the price goes up, then you sell.

    - warframe.tool is your friend. Search the guides, the market places, etc. On that note, in warframe.market you will find what people are selling, and you can offer stuff too.

    - Do not hesitate to ask in the region chat if you need help. You may also look for the guides of the lotus, who are volunteers that will guide new players, just ask to talk to one in the relay or region chat.

    - A bit of patience. Everything takes time in this game.

    - Leaving and returning to the game is healthy.

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