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Everything posted by WaddayaDo

  1. We kinda have corrosive, granted only on melee with arcane thingy that gives +240% corrosive
  2. "Problem" with Nourish is how stupid the Helminth choices are. Some Warframes get their strongest ability as Subsume/Helminth, while others get the most weak ass random skill as the Subsume/Helminth option (for example every Warframe who's subsume is the generic fire ball of different element Volt,Ember,Oberon) those Subsumes would maybe work, if you didn't need their Augments to make them usable, which is a topic for different discussion. Warframes that can shoot an elemental orb to deal damage, and have Augment for the said ability to "Hold 1 to give yourself and your allies -insert elemental type-" SHOULDN'T NEED AUGMENT FOR THAT, it should be the base of the ability, either use it for dmg/element or hold it for the buff, we need to start adding those band-aid augments to base skills already after 10+ years.
  3. Can something be done with the Zarr alternative form ammo already PLEASE? I understand that AoE weapons ammo capacity got nerfed (which doesn't even make sense anymore since Incarnon weapons exist lol) but Zarr alternative fire is shotgun, and Using shotgun with 5/5 ammo is just straight up torture. Can ammo capacity of the Shotgun form be changed somehow so that you can kill more than 10 enemies without going out of ammo. It's not about "just use Cannon mode to wipe room" it's the fact that half of the weapon is unusable if you don't stick to 1 specific playstyle.
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