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Posts posted by Adaptor-Face

  1. How do you feel about Stamina in Warframe?

    What ever does end up happening it should NOT be a nerf to what we can do now (like stamina determining damage on melee should never EVER happen)


    What is your initial opinion of the proposed Solar Map changes?

    I want to see the Devs go completely bonkers on the new starchart. Void is going to disappear as a "planet", now how do we add it back in? a cool way i can see that happening is on each planet there is a node where we "borrow" the enemies gate to go to the void, as a side mission. the bad part about this idea is that i can get tedious. we get reduced to 4 keys, T1 - T4 keys. we then can select between the different missions (where the planet can decide what type and what tower we have access to)


    How much instruction do you think Trials should provide to players?

    More and more when the players are using more time to complete the said task.


    Do you think there should be a progression system that goes higher than 30?

    To me this is what focus should be. stuff like more efficient formas (starts at rank X instead of rank 0), lower consumable craft time (forma, catalysts, reactors, specters, rare resources etc), maybe even small bulk crafting.

    the frames and weapons capping out at 30 is fine, as maxing them completely is not a long road.

  2. Hey folks,


    The original intent for the utility of this weapon was to enable players to reach greater heights co-operatively, through the combination of one player using parkour and then being assisted with skilled placement of Tonkor grenades. We wanted to see if this would allow for any other emergent gameplay and tactics, but from what we have seen so far, the greatest emergent behaviour has been players trolling players.


    We used the Grenade Launcher from the original Quake game as inspiration for this weapon, which also allowed players to grenade jump off other players grenades. Please forgive us for experimenting with this alternative gameplay mechanic, and thank you for your feedback. We will be disabling friendly fire damage and the bounce effect very soon.




    i dont care much about the friendly fire aspect, but the personal bounce is great. it saves you when you suddenly find yourself in a group of enemies, and allows for interesting ways to move around the maps

  3. i had the driver crash problem for a while, newest drivers and increasing the page file size fixed my problems.


    http://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/simple-ways-to-increase-your-computers-performace-configuring-the-paging-file/How to increase page fle size in windows 7,8 and 8.1


    (my page file was sitting at the same amount as my RAM stock. i changed it to 1.5 times the amount as per recommendations. i have GTX970)

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