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Everything posted by overt_barbie

  1. Pretty sure every platform has potential for Cert submissions issues. Also, there are no review fees...
  2. Is there any way to adjust the size of the incoming transmissions from Ordis or other characters? They often cover up essential UI, and the size of the face/character frame is basically useless. For example, it blocks the Decree selections in Circuit. I need the transmissions to be like 1/4th the size or less. Are the Tips tooltips supposed to be multi-panels, or a single panel? I can't tell if I should be able to swipe between the tips, or if there should only be 1 tip? When people give me blessings there is a notification that says "Press [something] to thank" but I have no idea how to thank people How do I do things like remote trigger grenades fired from my Penta? I can fire the grenades but IDK how to trigger them.
  3. It would be nice if they carried it over the person they're raiding. Not sure why you need to 'uhh' me. Just giving feedback.
  4. Most companies out there encourage you to watch official community channels by enabling drops for those channels! Especially if you're going to raid a community streamer after your official stream, it would be nice if you could enable drops for that channel as well. Currently limiting it to only official channel is a bummer.
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