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  1. Is the investigation into the LOS issues for only Citrine and Degath? There are more frames suffering from the same issue, which looks like it involves cone shaped abilities, like for Garuda, Ash, Nyx and Kullervo as well.
  2. Is the investigation into the LOS issues for only Citrine and Degath? There are more frames suffering from the same issue, which looks like it involves cone shaped abilities, like for Garuda and Kullervo as well.
  3. It seems like a lot of cone shaped abilities are busted for some people right now. Garudas talons's are the same way for me. I have also seen posts about Citrine and Kullervo since Jade shadow just to name some others. It looks like it's a known issue and that they are investigating at least Citrine and Degath ( and hopefully the other frames as well).
  4. THIS! I have to have garudas seeking talons augment installed to make her 4 work. The standard charged cone shaped targeting is SO inconsistent. There were so many posts about it in the Jade Bug fourm (including mine).
  5. Is DE aware that for some people, certain warframe abilities, which seem to all include a cone shaped targeting, just completly fail and miss all targets that are well within range and LOS? Personally, Garuda's seeking talons is giving me a ton of trouble for something that is so interagral to her kit. I have also seen posts about Citrine and Kullervo just to name some others. I just have not seen anything about it being a known issue. Otherwise thank you for this update.
  6. Talons won't hit even with max charge and an enemy is right in front of me. Or it see one enemy in the far back line and sends all talons to them.
  7. Lately it looks like garudas talons have issues targeting enemies when cast. I will cast it well within ability range and It varies dramatically if it hits all, one, or no enemies within the vision cone. Occasionally all the talons seem to overwhelmingly target only one enemy and only proc her slash triggers on them. In addition it seems the LOS requirements are different. Her talons always had what seemed like a very lax LOS check (being able to hit enemies behind cover), but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I would use it to try and find the last enemy of a defense wave but now I can't seem to do that anymore. Garuda is my main and I have so much fun playing her and watching the big numbers on screen, but is seems harder to effectively use her talons to help that now. Hopefully it's just a bug and can be fixed.
  8. Lately it looks like garudas talons have issues targeting enemies when cast. I will cast it well within ability range and It varies dramatically if it hits all, one, or no enemies within the vision cone. Occasionally all the talons seem to overwhelmingly target only one enemy and only proc her slash triggers on them. In addition it seems the LOS requirements are different. Her talons always had what seemed like a very lax LOS check (being able to hit enemies behind cover), but that doesn't seem to be the case anymore. I would use it to try and find the last enemy of a defense wave but now I can't seem to do that anymore. Garuda is my main and I have so much fun playing her and watching the big numbers on screen, but is seems harder to effectively use her talons to help that now. Hopefully it's just a bug and can be fixed.
  9. I thought something felt off about it. I think the los is also bugged too. I use her 4 to also help me find enimes I can't see behind walls and such and it doesn't work anymore.
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