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  1. Exactly. So nerfing frames from too much power or letting incarnons and other weapons get left behind just makes people play a certain way. Incarnons were ways for people to use more weapons not used as much and should always get updated. DE in ways made a lot of work in how many frames and weapons they have. At the model they are doing, it'll be too many things and people will just ignore it and never buy into any hype, etc again. Meaning they can make all the frames and weapons they want, but people won't buy if nerfs around the corner.
  2. So because of how you play you feel threatened how others play with a newer frame? There has to be a middle ground with this. It's nice you played from 2016, but that's almost 8 years ago now. How many different players play warframe now? With so many frames there are, it was refreshing to see so many use a user friendly frame and have fun with. If you feel steel path would be too easy then they can tweak that in different ways. Honestly as a whole more frames should get buffed in ways to match dante so people can also enjoy steel path and try new things for it. Nerfing only forces people to a handful of frames and gates gameplay. Sorry but with so many frames now that's just not feasible mentality. I'd rather a new frame had more power so I can survive steel path to learn it. Not get left in the dust because of a select few are pulling the say on all frames.
  3. If you're one of those that spearheaded the nerf, OP I think it really needs to be said while nice feedback, you aren't the only one that plays this game. You have much more knowledge than me of the mechanics, but Dante was a nice frame as is for endgame, and catering to meta players when many pay or earn a good new frame it should be respected. Not some way to cater to older metas. I'd rather see a team of dantes than a team of overused frames.
  4. It is a tragedy in how much money DE is going to lose. Was planning on supporting them from buying in the playstation store because they made a fun frame to play in steel path with that was very useful, and got many people to play with him. DE I hope you read you LOST atleast ten dante pack sales from your decision to nerf him. Considering I buy prime packs as well, I'm boycotting buying that along with friends and fam. You need a middle ground in the situation because Dante deserve to be an endgame frame that gets more people like me and others I know a chance at steel path and refreshing out of box take of letting people play on par with others. How about not listenng to a few minor vocals because their way of playing with certain mods was interrupted by those of us paying you to have fun with the game too?
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