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  1. I started using Amar’s hatred just a few hours ago, and I noticed that I’m never teleported. It states that upon using a heavy attack, you’re teleported to a target within 10m. I tested it in the simulacrum and normal missions, but I never get teleported. Do I also need Amar’s Contempt, the mod for dual daggers, for it to work, or am I somehow using the mod wrong?
  2. Basically what the title says. I wanted to get the Morgha, but when I watched a video where someone used it, its projectiles travelled in an arc instead of what I imagined, where it shoots straight like a missile. Are there any archguns that are like what I’m wanting, or are there none?
  3. Let’s say, hypothetically, I have a riven for the Fulmin gun. Can that same riven be equipped on the Fulmin Prime, and vice versa? Or would I have to grind a riven specifically for the Fulmin Prime?
  4. Well that sucks. I still haven’t gotten rid of my Lich since the game doesn’t wanna give me the right requiem mod after opening dozens of radiant requiem 3 relics. Thanks a bunch, I wish you the best of luck.
  5. I’m not even sure if ‘Players Helping Players’ is the right place to post this, but it’s the only thing I’m confident I’m posting in. The Strategic Development achievement calls for the player to complete all 25 Corpus Proxima nodes, yet, upon my completion of every single empyrean mission of every single sector, I’m stuck at 24/25. I have no more new nodes on railjack missions to finish. The only blinking node is in Veil Proxima and that’s just because it has a Murex in it. Am I unable to complete Strategic Development because of this, or is there some obscure hidden final Corpus Proxima node I can’t find on the empyrean star chart?
  6. What are you talking about? It’s a companion’s ability, not a weapon? There’s literally nothing about syndicates in my post???
  7. I’m wanting a sniper that excels at raw damage per shot. High damage all around, with and without crits, I don’t really care for the status chance or damage on it. I just want to know so I can complete unveil Rivens that want me to consecutively headshot enemies on the PoE.
  8. Basically what the title says. I have a Panzer Vulpaphyla equipped with the Shock Collar and Venom Teeth mods, giving it Corrosive damage on its attacks. I’m curious if Viral Quills has the possibility of proccing Corrosive status on enemies when using the ability, or if it can only proc Viral.
  9. It’s the first amp you can get from Onnko (not the free one) that you assemble. I can’t log on right now to check what parts I used, but I know they’re the ones you unlock the first time you unlock with the Quills. It’s a hitscan (either that or really fast projectile) laser.
  10. How many times am I supposed to attack the spikes then? Does it have a proper health bar, or is it more of a hit shield kind of thing where you hit it a specific amount of times? I said in my post that I attacked the trap/spikes, so I’m just confused.
  11. I’m just playing Void Armageddon during a bounty so I can try and get some of the gel orb things, and it’s been working out fine up until now. Sometimes while playing the mission, my Warframe will get trapped in some sort of void construct after the void angel spawns, and I’m only able to play as my operator/drifter from that point. I’ve tried shooting the trap with my amp, void slinging through it, and using either of my operator’s abilities to free my Warframe, but nothing works. Is there any way to free your Warframe from the trap, or is it stuck there until the end of the mission?
  12. Now, don’t get me wrong, I love this weapon even if it isn’t the best. But it’s just annoying seeing how the fall doesn’t get changed by the energy, emissive, or any other parts’ colors. This goes for the energy balls used by the blocking neutral as well, those aren’t changed by any colors on the whip either. I just wish these two could be changed by the energy color of the weapon, which would greatly improve any kind of fashion involving it, as well as making the Verdilac overall nicer and more visually pleasing to use.
  13. At the moment I’m farming the Khra and Jahu canticles on Deimos, and the wiki made me confused. I never really thought about the rotations of disruption and spy since those are clearly explained, but mirror defense and other mission types with AABC rotations aren’t as easily readable for me. As far as I understand, missions like mirror defense with AABC rotation make it so that the first two rounds are A rotation, the third is B, and every round afterwards is C. Is this even correct, or is it so that all of the rounds go AABCAABCAABC, making B and C drops harder to get? EDIT: Maybe I need to clarify something… when I mentioned disruption and spy in my post, what I was saying was that I already understand how their rotations work. I’m just confused about other mission types.
  14. … what’s the point of the red crystal anymore? It used to be needed to view the Erra cutscene, with the player needing to destroy a red crystal at the end of a murex, but now it does nothing. The crystal doesn’t drop anything, doesn’t trigger anything special, and, as far as I’m aware, doesn’t affect the strength of the sentients nor the traps inside. It doesn’t even drop an anomaly shard, you get that from killing the twenty sentients. So, what is the point of the red crystals gameplay wise after their only usage being removed from the game?
  15. I’m trying to find out what the best companion is for solo netracell (as the title implies) to farm tauforged archon shards. I’m also using the Kahl summon air support to make things easier, so I would like for that to be considered as well. Many thanks in advance.
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