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Posts posted by ToolboxMotley

  1. No fix to nullifiers making you unable to use your abilities even after you kill them? :(


    aaand, still no fix for the redeemer........ i was hoping this would be the one


    I hate permanent ability "Nullify" :(


    Seriously. This is pretty gamebreaking in missions that have the enemy. Or is that how it's supposed to work, somehow? First Infestation's just-for-inducing-rage additions, then this one. Maybe Grineer can get an enemy so heavily armored that only Warframe powers can damage it! And then give the Corrupted a copy of every single one.

  2. 1. Don't think so

    2. Perrin Sequence will cover enemies in radiation effect, causing them to attack all nearby targets. Same for other syndicates.

    3. Not to explosion.


    Bonus round: Any syndicate mods/weapons that give health when charged can revive you if you're in a party.


    Aha! Thanks for the answers, and the last bit reminds me... Has there been any word from DE on whether or not the self-revival is intended? I'd hate to build around the idea that I can self-revive only to have it removed a week after getting finished.



    I looked all over the specific Syndicate mod/weapon pages and didn't see the information I was after, didn't think to go looking for secret jump-through-five-links-to-find-it pages such as that one. Sorry.

  3. Hm, how big is the AoE, then? Because it doesn't seem to do much to surrounding enemies.


    It does trigger, but at a rate closer to a fraction of a percent rather than the supposed 57.5%, or even half of that if going off of the weighted damage values theory.


    Random number generators are the work of the devil, I swear. :(

  4. It's 57.5% because I've only just gotten it and haven't had time to rank it up. It's rank 11 right now, with an unranked Malignant Force (waiting for slot space to put on my fully ranked one) and a fully ranked Hellfire (because that's the only Hellfire I have). The damage values are 262.5 Gas, 225 Slash, 12.5 Impact, 12.5 Puncture. And, as stated, Gas triggers maybe twice per run at best. :\


    I actually did get an Akstiletto just for status effects, with the intention to do a build pretty nearly identical to that, though with Corrosive and Blast, to quickly shred the armor of big enemies while crowd-controlling smaller enemies, which I suppose Radiation and Viral match in terms of purpose.


    EDIT: Doing further testing on Earth's Dark Sector Defense. Not only is it hardly ever triggering, but it seems it's not leaving a gas cloud, either. Is the cloud attached to living enemies, rather than its own entity, such that killing the host enemy with the initial shot renders it pointless?

  5. Is this broken? I tried putting Gas damage on my Opticor initially, to hopefully make it useful against thick groups of enemies, and it NEVER seemed to trigger, but I figured it was just my typical horrid luck with RNGs.


    But then I acquired the Miter, with its 50% base status chance, nudged it to 57.5% chance, and Gas STILL won't activate with any sort of frequency. It only went off once or twice per run across four Exterminate missions. The Gas damage is higher than the Slash damage, though I'm not sure if that makes any sort of difference.


    Am I missing something, or is Gas just hideously wrecked?

  6. Y'all lucky jerks. :( How many runs did it take? I want to know how many goats to sacrifice in a satanic ritual for revenge on whoever came up with all the specifics for this cruel event. I'm thinking the sacrifice count will be my run total minus the average run total of those who got full sets.

  7. I've gotten 3 Tethra mods so far - two at 40 minutes (in a group) and one at 20 minutes (solo) - out of a total of maybe a dozen or so runs. I can solo to 20 easily with Nova and my maxed Quanta, though I tend to start having trouble with Ancients hooking me around 35 minutes if I'm trying for 40.


    Maybe you're just having bad luck?


    Clearly. :P




    maybe you should git gud


    Seriously though, get a Nekros and a Slow build Nova, it isn't that hard.



    I personally love it, finally something people can't just breeze through. Now instead of complaining why not become better.


    Read the ****ing thread, you two.

  8. Perhaps so. Reading further comments shows that it's not the difficulty, but the original post does potentially give that idea. I will amend it and hope for less condescension in future responses.

  9. Seems I was too late with my edit. First off, I wasn't addressing you at all. I wrote the post with Navarian and Neogeo in mind, as they are trying to make it sound as though the complaint is about the difficulty and an appeal to laziness, which it isn't. There's nothing to improve on, here, the mission is already easy and I don't need tips on how to clear it. The complaint is about the pathetic drop rate paired with the plethora of intentionally-obnoxious enemy mechanics that, I reiterate, are not a matter of difficulty, and I reiterate again because it keeps getting overlooked, ARE NOT A MATTER OF DIFFICULTY.


    I swear to God I'm usually as courteous and patient as can be, but this ridiculous event has EATEN all the patience I had to give for this month.

  10. It's not the difficulty. It's not the challenge. It's the futility. You spend hours and hours and hours doing the same aggravating thing with nothing to show for it but a couple hundred Capture II keys. Difficulty is perfectly fine, what this is is grind incarnate.


    "You can, anyway, stop at 20 and leave." That's what I do when I go at it solo. When I get sick of that, I tend to take unleveled weapons into Public matchmaking so that I can at least get SOMETHING out of the mission, and there's generally at least one person there shooting for the half-hour reward, so the mission goes to that point instead.


    And you hardly need a Nekros. So long as people don't spread out and make the spawns go wonky, life support isn't a big issue. Nor is surviving. Again, as stated, and as those who have decided their time is best spent being condescending in this thread have ignored, it's an issue of spending all that time doing the mission over and over and over and over and over again, with all the little annoyances tacked on top, with absolutely nothing of worth to show for it.


    EDIT: Removed some elitist-insulting. I'm usually a nice person, I swear. This event is just ticking me off.

  11. It's not an issue of difficulty, it's an issue of frustration. It's easy enough to deal with each of them, they don't turn the tide and cause the run to fail, but they're obnoxious to deal with for four straight hours when you're operating with knowledge of the FACT that you won't get the mod you're after. It's disgusting.

  12. Ancient Disruptors killing your energy...

    Parasitic Eximus enemies doing the same...

    Tar Moas killing your speed...

    Swarm Moas killing your vision...

    Moas leaping away when you get near...

    Moas throwing you around with their stomps...

    Arson Eximus enemies throwing you around as well...

    Ospreys killing your melee combos...

    Ancient Healers killing your damage output and hiding where you can't see them...

    An event reward at 30 minutes, right smack dab at the right point to make Rotation C farming as inefficient as possible when running in Public Matchmaking...

    And a reward chance that feels like it's a fraction of a percent at best.


    How utterly malevolent does one have to be to concoct such a thing? Lure people in with the possibility of Tethra mods, and then ensure that the experience is as INFURIATING as possible? I'm not about to quit the game over it, but I will absolutely admit that I'm so burnt out on this garbage that I'm about ready to take a nice, long break.


    EDIT: As a note, this isn't a complaint about difficulty. The difficulty is fine where it's at, and when you know what you're doing and/or use the right tools (Warframes) for the job, it's honestly rather easy. But even when made easy, all of the previous mechanics in tandem are incredibly frustrating, and enduring them for hours at a time in the endeavor to acquire Tethra mods is simply ridiculous.

  13. I've been trying to research how much it'd cost total to create a Tenno Lab with a brand new Clan. Unfortunately, the Wiki's organization is-... Less than stellar. I can't find all the necessary information.


    Does anyone here know what all resources it would take? I'm wanting to make one in order to get the Castanas.


    Clan Key, Oracle something-or-other, Tenno Lab... What other parts are required, and what do they cost to make?

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