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Posts posted by Separius

  1. 16 hours ago, Imaru said:

    Limbo can fill a huge number of these niches. 

    So can Frost and Nova, do you want them nerfed as well?

    16 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    Yes, a PvE co-op game. It's the same as pre-nerf Spamulor, ruining everyone elses fun.

    Just leave the group.

    16 hours ago, 1tsyB1tsyN1nj4 said:

    Tbh, I don't know the state of co-op atm because I've been going 100% solo

    Ok, yeah I like to give my opinions on astrophysics on too, I just don't know S#&$ about it, I still demand my opinions to have merit XDXD

    16 hours ago, Nurmetya said:

    I see so much Cataclysm spam now that he's falling into the insta-abort mission category I have. 

    Good, good! This is the proper attitude in the scenario, if one can't stand a situation.

  2. 1 minute ago, asis_ said:

    but sitting here complaining about things that were changed isn't going to do much

    That's not true. Complaining is what got DE to increase the sample droprates, to make the event less forgiving for ghost clans and lots of examples in the past.

    You know what's not doing much, let alone help improve the game? Fanboys brown nosing on the forums every chance they get. 

  3. To add to this, remove crap like Magazine Warp from rotation rewards in Inteception, Defense, Infested Salvage and the likes.

    It's frustrating enough to get a different relic than the one you are looking for, but that's just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to seeing magazine warp or trick mag as a rotation reward.

    You get to make me grind DE, but don't torture me with uncalled for S#&$ like this,

  4. 2 hours ago, DioBrandoTheHotVampire said:

    please dont  force people to stay in a mission for YOUR sake and make a dedicated group from recruiting chat

    Yeah, no, when one person wants to leave and 3 people want to stay, the person should just leave, it'd be messed up if 3 people had to conform to that one selfish person.

  5. On 2016. 12. 28. at 1:07 PM, Fivey55555 said:

    Got a suggestion for a nerf: What about it consumed 33% of current stacks with the minimum amount consumed being 10, + give it maybe a 15 seconds cooldown,15 seconds is just enough to kill yourself if you're dumb enough, will make players consider being more careful while playing him. And if that's not enough of a challenge, make Nidus unable to gain stacks during these 15 seconds.


    Yes, this might look like an overkill, but it will make Nidus more challenging to play= more enjoyable. I am a Nidus player myself and I find it boring, that after you get 30+ stacks you are immortal, literally, you can't simply die. I would leave everything else as it is, just fix the passive to not make him immortal, it's like using BAGUVIX, gets boring after a while.

    No. Leave him alone, he's fine the way he is, was fine before the nerfs too. 

  6. 2 hours ago, Whatever_desu said:

    You sir, have it right.  DE, please give us Ravenous back and we (or at least most of us) can forgive the rest.

    I'd not hold your breath, if I were you, if they haven't reverted it already, they won't anytime soon. Sad, really.

    I just got used to the new way, using 2 above the 4 field and then stomping at it, it's OKAY, but I'd still rather have the old one back. Oh well.

  7. To all people saying that the Lecta farming is too efficient and 1m credits under 30 mins is excessive, that 30 mins is very taxing on one's sanity so it's fair.

  8. Just now, WhiteMarker said:

    Plat? For real? Did anyone force you to buy that thing from another player?

    Yes, myself, because I wanted it. And I want the Hema too. And guess what, noone's forcing me to farm mutagen samples for that either. What a nitpicky bad excuse of an argument. 

    It's not even the point, it's about the principle of the whole controversy.

  9. 5 minutes ago, lukinu_u said:

    I think the best example of the mutagen sample drop chance was Zephyr.
    When she came out, Oxium drop only droped by 1 and now, it's around 25-30 per drop, and DE didn't do anythings to players who farmed her.

    I think they just have to assume their mistake and reduce the reseach cost. It's not really a problem for me but it will surely be for newer clans, forcing players to join big clans instead create their own.

    Well put

  10. On 2017. 01. 20. at 9:13 PM, xenoncat20 said:

    I think people are just whining about the Secura Lecta because it's something that was actually wonderful, apparently no one can have nice things even in video games. The fact that it is getting nerfed bugs me to a very high degree, and I do not think that there are any justifications what-so-ever for them to nerf the credit amount. There are a very large quantity of items and ways to spend a million credits and there are a lot of people who do not have that much time in the world to farm the amount of credits it takes to say, buy a primed mod or level up a mod from 0-9 or 0-10.

    This is just another event in my eyes of people seeing something wonderful and powerful and taking it down so it's no better and even possibly worse than the rest.

    Yeah, Akkad credit farm is hurting noone's experience of the game, especially not those 4 people who are there for that very reason. Why nerf it then? 

    Same situation with nidus' stacks nerfs. Didn't hurt anybody's fun the way it was before, now the Nidus players are having less fun. 

    Reminder that if you are crying for nerfs in games like this, then you are a massive tosspot.

  11. 41 minutes ago, Newnight said:

    So with the release of prime regen and the topics and salt it caused i wish to ask the question:What are bandaid mods and bandaid solutions in warframe?

    I know about BC and DC but i dont really know if there are others.

    Also this is in your opinion, so do you know any others?


    It's jusd beda dude, guit bhining! X-D

    2 minutes ago, VentiGlondi said:

    Those were reverted though.

    Nullifiers weren't removed and they reverted the frame nerfs, however the LoS nerf to RJ happened later, polarize is nothing compared to shield polarize, and well... yeah trinity got nerfed too, though not her EV, or not that much.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Ciaus said:

    Calling it that for legal reasons is a convenient defence they can fall on, not a reflection of the way the game actually functions.

    That doesn't matter, don't you get it? If they say it's beta, it is beta, it's their product. Nothing you, me or anyone else - except them - can do about this. 

    It's a fact. There is no point in discussing what you feel the beta is for X reason, when it's their say that counts in the matter.

    This is pointless to talk about it.

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