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Posts posted by Separius

  1. 4 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

    Not what happens when I use my Galatine Prime, I slide in, press E, and then continue the slide while the nully drops dead.

    Yeah good luck with that vs lvl 80-100 nullifiers, especially with tonnes of them constantly respawning en masse.

  2. 30 minutes ago, Artorius-Alter said:

    Slide into nullifier bubble, press E while sliding, nullifier dead, no stacks lost.

    No issue.


    28 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Then shoot them?? Also I don't know if you have the Zenistar but it's alt fire is also good for shrinking bubbles. Again and final time. Still not seeing a problem. 

    There can be 8-12 nullies in high level sortie survival in one room at the time. By the time you and your teammates get rid of all of them the same amount spawns and swarms you again. It's not the same situation as your level 30 survivals where you barely see any of them simultaneously.

    But then again why am I even arguing with you people about this, you are literally defending the most unfun aspect of corpus games, tied with the millions of sapper ospreys swarming you (which you can't exactly kill when the whole area is protected by nullifier bubbles.) They need to be removed, not stood up for, this is insane.

    Also, last guy, not everyone has the Zenistar or likes using it. Be more considerate instead of being condescending.

  3. 8 minutes ago, MrDar1o said:

    It doesn't affect me, because IT'S NOT AN ISSUE. 

    How is it not an issue?

    How is DE caving into youtubers and other children complaining because they couldn't get orange numbers on the score screen's kill and damage sections, and nerfing a perfectly fine frame not an issue? Hope your bloody favourite toy gets nerfed next, because of similar people.

  4. 2 minutes ago, BlueTunicLink said:


    Noone is thanking de for this fix? It finally happend btw Thank you DE

    Guys i can barely tell the difference. He is still my best frame and a measly 15 is nothing when i can just pull and stomp and the maggot nerf isnt that bad as you guys think

    Thanks for the fix DE. Now with that out of the way, if it's not that bad then why was it needed? The issue isn't how bad it is or how bad it isn't, the issue is with the principle that DE felt the need to change him for WHATEVER reason, we didn't get an explanation on this, but everyone knowing that reason being that DE caved in because children and youtuber children complained about it being too "OP", a.k.a. "I DON'T GET ORANGE NUMBERS ON KILLS AND DAMAGE ON SCORE SCREEN!"

  5. 1 minute ago, Vargras said:

    Never takes long for the forums to start digging a grave for a frame any time they get slightly nerfed.

    Because they're totally dead now. Totally. No really, you guys.

    There are people who over exeggarate, but don't group them with legit complaints.

  6. Just now, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Umm im still not seeing a problem. I mean yeah I sometimes get caught within a nullifier by suprise. But it dont happen often. Besides it doesnt drain his stack crazy fast to the point it drained 30 stacks before you even had a chance to escape it.

    Cut the contemptous "Umm" thing. It's not amusing.

    Also, I rather rely on my own experience, I don't know how things are on consoles, but on PC you can have a whole room swarmed with nullies in high level sorties within seconds.

  7. 14 minutes ago, jfhsanseiIII said:

    I literally have no problem going into a nullified bubble and murdering said nullified in a matter of moments.  Also, I can take appropriate weapons for downing the bubble if levels are too high.


    10 minutes ago, b0rnstellar said:

    What? I kill Nullifiers in less than a second


    11 minutes ago, DeltaPhantom said:

    I suggest you give it a try before you go running around shouting "The end is nigh!"

    Clearly it's fine, except when you are ran over by dozens of nullifers in lvl 80-100 survival sorties, where you can't even gain stacks due the whole bloody map around you being covered by nullifier bubbles. Don't try to defend this, this change is S#&$.

    9 minutes ago, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Idk if you was quick to post this thread but this doesnt hurt Nidus. Plus with the upcoming change to Nullifiers. Dont see this being a problem. Not trying to be rude. I dont see ppl big deal with nullifiers. Is is that hard for you all to not enter the bubble?

    It is when you can't move without entering one on high level survivals.

    16 minutes ago, Misgenesis said:

    Wow, nullifiers doing their job? Unheard of.

    Not the changes i was hoping for but definitely not worthy of this kind of clickbait title.

    How are they doing their jobs? Their jobs is to nullify abilities and remove buffs, not remove a resource, what should they bloody start eating energy too? Because clearly you'd be fine with that with this mindset of yours.

    But I agree the title is clickbaitey.

    21 minutes ago, (Xbox One)BURRITO DEVIL said:

    Well people cried for nerfs when he came out,so did some youtubers,you got what you asked for

    This is the problem. I don't even care about the way he was nerfed, I can manage. Except in high level sorties when you can't move an inch without touching a nullifier field, but nevermind. The problem is that DE caved in because of the whining of a bunch of kids throwing a tantrum, because they didn't get to get orange numbers on damage done/kills on the score screen.

  8. 6 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    2. Getting 10 is quickly obtainable... clearly hasn't played normal levels with a team with high level gear, synoid simulor or ember's wof..... looks like those calling for nidus nerf got their wish....

    This so much this

    10 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    5. So why would we use nidus 4 (ignore health aspect) now over just using 2 and 1 like we had to to get to 4 stacks... Now  you may say it adds damage but you're 4 stacks higher if you don't use it so virulence is already doing more damage.  

    In essence you've just removed the main reason of using it....  I'd almost go as far as saying this is a nerf because realistically we'll now need to group them into the same spot (so we can recoup the used energy) before using virulence which like I said why bother with 4 if I'm having to use 2 and 1 like before... 

    I guess you can still use it for the stacks and you can just pull enemies above it with 4, but yeah I agree this was uncalled for. Who did the old behaviour hurt even, seriously.

    11 minutes ago, LSG501 said:

    Nidus had a nicely balanced ability set, but for some reason a decision was made to make it like every other frame where at least 1 ability has no real purpose. 

    I hope everyone who was calling for the nerfs get their most favourite toys nerfed too. Bunch of spiteful little children that get upset because they don't get to be orange numbers on the score screen.


  9. 7 minutes ago, [DE]Megan said:

    Increased Nidus’ Mutation Stack consumption from 10 to 15 when knocked into a bleedout state/death. The task of regaining 10 Stacks is quickly obtainable, making this consequence for dying too light. Although 15 Stacks is not a huge jump, we’re hoping it’s closer to that sweet spot! 

    Idk why this is necessary?

    4 minutes ago, MaximumGam1ng said:

    Entering a Nullifier bubble will now drain down Mutation Stacks the longer you are in the bubble. 

    You need to REMOVE nullies, not buff them! Anyone in survival sorties with corpus in them can confirm that they are NOT FUN!

    6 minutes ago, MaximumGam1ng said:

    Nidus’ Ravenous Maggots no longer auto detonate when feasting on enemies. Previously the Maggots could do a majority of the grunt work and you were able to watch the carnage and gain Stacks at the same time. Now to pop the Maggots you’ll need to cast Virulence on them and rejoice in your hard earned Stack accumulation. It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all.

    Whatever. This wasn't necessary either. But if he remains untouched from now on he's still in a good place.

  10. 5 minutes ago, Unus said:

    Ah, the great crocodile god still has some worshippers then. Twas the first weapon with a "dynamic" magazine if I recall.


    Tis simple Mr./Mrs. Sparius, I AM the monkey at the typewriter you see talked about in movies so often. I can "use" the Internet, but I know not how to bend it to my whims.

    Also, apologies, I was specifically discounting the "overkill" families.

    RIght, didn't read that part. Ignis? If no, then zarr.

  11. 15 minutes ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    this doesnt implicate that she is first.

    Pretty sure the existence of a Valkyr prime would have been important enough to be mentioned in that lore piece. 

    Look, you know as much as I do, we both know very little. The story's full of plotholes, typos and has been retconned multiple times.

    Just because something can be retconned it doesn't mean that it should be. We had a good story for Valkyr with her Gersemi skin, it didn't need to be botched with the cliché prime stuff. It was fine the way it was.

    3 minutes ago, Ailissa said:

    It really doesn't.


    DE can, and probably will, make up any lore if it means they can sell a prime.


  12. 5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    the Codex Entries for the earliest Prime frames date back to the Empire, way before Alad V and the  Zanuka project.

    Yeah that is known, but that proves nothing.

    5 minutes ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    sorry, but if you think Valkyr wasn't eligible to be primed, you're wrong.

    Well prove it then.

    8 minutes ago, SupremeDutchGamer said:

    if something cant be primed due to lore they can just retcon and change the lore.

    This is exactly what's happening, or at least will be when DE actually releases her prime trailer. Anyone who's defending Valkyr Prime's lore legitimacy is in denial of this.

    2 minutes ago, Major_Phantom said:

    Give me evidence that she can't have a prime then. I'd love to see it.

    Oh, no-no, that's not how this works, friend. You stated something, the burden of proof is on you.

  13. 1 minute ago, (PS4)robotwars7 said:

    Valkyr was NOT CREATED by the Corpus, only disfigured by them. the version that was captured was a regular Gersemi, the vanilla Valkyr if you will. the Primes came before, so Valkyr Prime had nothing to do with Alad V. not sure why people don't understand this.

    Citation needed.

    10 minutes ago, Separius said:

    Your headcanon doesn't count.


  14. 7 hours ago, TheChaotic1 said:

    You mean the story about a woman who is linked to her sister via a specific piece of technology, the same piece of tech that links her to every infested healer?

    Anyway they are bioclones based on templates, not literal clones.

    There is no @(*()$ linking tech, they use telepathy, c'mon, the infestation is a bloody hive mind. And she could feel her sister again because the ancient healed itself back up again.

    There are no bioclones, why the hell there would be when it's easier to just capture and turn living creatures or machines into zombies.

  15. 23 hours ago, NovusNova said:

    Yes, stating "its a free game so you can't voice feedback" is not helpful for anyone when they are trying to voice their feedback.

    However the only way change can come is when feedback, both positive and negative, is voice in a respectful and constructive way.

    Insulting, trolling, bashing and swearing are not the way to voice negative feedback and only leads to possibly good feedback being ignored as the dev's can't decipher the feedback and likely won't be interested in reading feedback that is just a page of insults being thrown at them.

    Yeah, this. It's also a good advice for most areas of life.

    23 hours ago, IKenofoxI said:

    *the OP's post*

    Also, OP, if you are giving constructive criticism and those users who reply still give you a hard time (especially if they are being le ebin trolle ecksdee-s), remember that you are giving DE your feedback and not to the respondants so learn to ignore them.


  16. 2 minutes ago, Danjal777 said:

    Mods are far more important than the weapons in the beginning.  Later on, you will be focusing on crit and status builds, but for now, just play with different weapons and find ones that work for you.

    This. Level as many weapons to 30 as you can, start with the store ones for fast rankup in MR, start with the shop ones. 

    However you can use this (read the note at the bottom) or this to find out which weapons are worth using.

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