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Posts posted by Separius

  1. 27 minutes ago, Lance_Lionroar said:

    we all know this ain't beta


    25 minutes ago, Ciaus said:

    It's not in open beta. 

    You can say what you want, their stance, legal stance, on the matter, that's what matters.

    Besides the game is still full of half baked features and issues only fixed with bandaids, so it's fair to say that it does indeed qualify as beta.


  2. 56 minutes ago, Yuni_Hermit said:

    If the maggots don't have a way to be detonated without Virulence

    You can blow them up with some weapons, but then again the same situation happens what you were complaining about, the targets are dead already. 

    I really wish they just reverted the ravenous change and kept the rest. Like meet us halfway, DE, c'mon.

  3. Ravenous feels underwhelming compared to it's previous iteration.

    21 hours ago, [DE]Megan said:

    It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all.

    Then why change it? lol

  4. 1 hour ago, Littlerift said:

    Mesa would have her 95% damage reduction removed and thus lose 75 energy (assuming no efficiency mods) for no gain, whereas Nidus would lose his 90% damage reduction and lose one stack, which is very rarely going to cost even its default 40 energy due to the refund it gives. And just for S#&$s and gigs, bundled into the cost of casting Nidus' Link you also get to damage enemies with Virulence, you completely shut down an enemy by casting link on them, and the immunity lasts for more than twice as long as Shatter Shield does, so the energy efficiency of Nidus is still incredibly high.

    The energy loss and stack loss isn't what's important. What's important is both of them losing the damage reduction and getting butchered by sapping ospreys, moas and corpus, nullies included.

    The energy on Nidus don't matter most of the time, it's the stacks that matter, no point in you going into this.

    1 hour ago, Littlerift said:

    Before now his energy efficiency was ridiculously high, as his stacks were practically untouchable: be honest now, how many times did you actually end up in a situation where you didn't have enough stacks to perform after the first five minutes...

    Happened a couple of times, idk? Nullifier bubble cleansed the link and I lost 10 stacks or got shot dead because no damage reduction. Anyway this is trivial, doesn't justify the nerfs.

    1 hour ago, Littlerift said:

    at least now he's ever so slightly closer in terms of energy efficiency to every other 'frame.

    Yeah, no. Other frames should be brought up to his level, not the other way around.

    Let me ask you this. Why are you trying to justify this nerf so hard? Why are you so emotionally invested in this? I did say I don't care about the nullifier buff all that much and I gave enough hints that I do not wish to discuss this further. But since you insist, why are you so adamant on this? Does it really hurt you, in a co-op horde shooter game that one character has better survivability than an other frame? Is it really that annoying? It doesn't affect your enjoyment of the game unless you are annoyed by not having the orange numbers on the score screen.

    We could have had a situation where people just accept Nidus, and noone would have had their experience made less fun, because Nidus being bulky did not affect anyone else's enjoyment of the game, unless ofc because of the previously mentioned orange numbers or is it just envy? 

    Was that it? That your frame doesn't have the cool survivability features that Nidus still has just worse? This is how all the youtubers and forumers who complained sounded like and that's pathetic.

    Now what we have is Nidus players having a worse experience while others are like "well at least they got it worse now, hah!", while their experience of the GAME ITSELF didn't change at all, they can just feel better about themselves. What a mess.

    1 hour ago, Littlerift said:

    Wanting Nidus's energy efficiency to not be effected by Nullifiers to nearly the same degree as that of other Warframes is exceptionalism, and your opinion that he was 'fine before the nerf' doesn't mean that changes can't be made to make the gameplay mechanics and experience more consistent.

    Why does this matter to you this much? Why? How is one person in your party of 4 or 8 or inbetween, having a relatively easy and fun time, how is it affecting your enjoyment of the game other than the aforementioned pathetic reasons?

    1 hour ago, Littlerift said:

    Also, the vast majority of Warframes aren't sortie tier 3 Corpus Survival friendly, so what's your point?

    Yes, I was making that point, so don't twist it like you are making it just now. No warframes were corpus sortie friendly, neither was Nidus, he was fine before the nerf, it wasn't needed.

    1 hour ago, Littlerift said:

    It's not about the beta, it's about the fact that in all that time I've very rarely found myself in a situation where I'm within the bubbles of a large number of Nullifiers that I haven't been able to kill quickly. As such, I don't think it's a particularly major concern.

    ."It doesn't affect me, it's not an issue" Stop this.

    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    I have no idea what point you're trying to make with all of the rambling at the end there


    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    Your comparison doesn't make sense though

    You are contradicting yourself. You know pretty well what I meant.

    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    and this kind of stupid wailing and nashing of teeth whenever a change is made to a strong Warframe is exactly what I was making fun of in my first post in this thread that so upset you. He's fine

    Surely insulting is a great way to convince anyone that you are right. And I'm not upset because of the nerfs, I'm upset because of the attitude that they happened, this "oh no he has better orange numbers, he has invulnerability, he's OP, so OP!!! Somehow him being able to carry is ruining my experience in a co-op multiplayer horde shooter!" coming from the forumers and some youtubers and DE caving in. Him being the way he was literally had no effect on anyone else's hordeshooting.

    I'm also upset because of the glass-half-full people trying to defend this whole trend or that they jump to DE's defense in general, no matter what. Always just happily accepting what DE gives you and trying to look on the bright side doesn't help improve the game. It's the half empty attitude that does. They are the ones who find mistakes and errors, they are the ones who give criticism, and without feedback like that we'd have a much much worse experience, because everyone would just happily accept everything, because "it could be worse!". 

    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    I don't recall saying "deal with it", though, so who's erecting strawmen now?

    When/where did I ever tell you that you said to "deal with it"? Deal with what even?

    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    I think the nerfs to Nidus were justified, surprisingly restrained

    DE caving in to youtuber and forum people crying that Nidus is OP is everything but justified.

    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    bring him into line with the vast majority of other Warframes

    Why is that important even? Sure we shouldn't have demigods, but Nidus was nowhere near unbalanced. And even then why was it him that's the priority? How about buffing Oberon? Mag? Nerfing ember's early game and improving her for lategame? Anything else? Why nidus? Because people bloody complained on the forums that it's OP, that's why.

    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    I'm not entirely convinced by the changes to the way maggot collect stacks, but then under the previous condition they were essentially free

    And why does that annoy you? How does that affect your gameplay?

    2 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    People complain that DE are rubbish at balance, but is that really so hard to imagine given that their primary feedback source see-saws on everything?  Everything is either useless or OP to this community, and it's not doing the game any favours.

    I have no idea what point you're trying to make with all of the rambling at the end there. They got praise for vanilla nidus. The feedback forum is mostly constructive criticism. Don't generalize because of a few bad apples.

  5. 3 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    He did have it better than any other 'frame before the nerfs, as before the changes he basically suffered no penalty by entering nullifier bubbles whereas almost every other 'frame pays a huge penalty for it.

    He couldn't cast, they couldn't cast, mesa had her 90% dmg reduction buff removed, so did Nidus. He was fine before the nerfs.

    5 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    It removes every 'frame's damage reduction, why should Nidus be an exception here?

    I didn't say that he should be an exception lol, what's with the strawmans all of the sudden. I said that to say that he was fine before the nerfs, he had his important buff removed just like many others had and he couldn't cast. He was fine before the nerfs.

    7 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    And why do you always go to the 'Room full of tens of Nullifiers' argument.

    Because it happens quite frequently and is an inconvenience for me and many others, when sapping ospreys are involved.

    8 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    I've been playing since beta and it's not that common an occurrence to get trapped inside more than two or three stacked bubbles.

    So have I. In fact the game is still in beta. Anyway, what does you being in beta have to do with being trapped by nullifiers?


    14 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    The only exception is a few very specific sortie conditions that can lead to issues, but again, they cause massive issues to everybody

    Yeah, they caused massive issues for everybody, Nidus included, he wasn't exactly sortie tier 3 corpus survival friendly before the nerf either.


    27 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    I didn't really know enough about the mechanics of his 4 before the nerf to comment, but it still seems pretty viable and useful, especially given that it is potentially free to cast (obviously it has an immediate investment but it can pay for itself over time).

    Well you know, If I had my little finger chopped off, I could still use my hand, still I'd rather it were the way I got the hand before it got crippled.

    And you can keep telling "just deal with it, what happened happened, be glad that you still have your remaining 4 fingers", but that won't make it better.

    You say it could be worse, I say it could be better. But obviusly you don't care and I don't care that you don't care, so there is no point in further discussing this.


    3 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    The lore behind Nullifiers doesn't make much sense in any regard, so it isn't really an argument specifically in favour of Nidus keeping his stacks.

    Yeah exactly. So he got hindered by that as much as everyone else. The point you were making is that he got it less bad before the nerfs.

    3 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    Unlike most other Warframes Nidus has no essential powers that are immediately removed by the Nullifier bubble, and his ability that is cancelled when he enters a bubble is relatively cheaper than most others as it only costs 1 stack.

    It also removes 90% damage reduction which is pretty bad when you are running around panicing trying to kill 12 nullifiers in a sapping minefield. He was fine before the nerf.

    3 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    Equinox losing her damage stack is a massive problem for her because building that stock costs a lot of energy, which means that upon entering a nullifier bubble or having a nullifier spawn on top of her she effectively loses a huge amount of energy.


    3 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    In all honesty I agree with the current hot thread on the reddit, wherein its argued that this change to Nidus would be a good thing to adopt with other Warframes: instead of Mesa instantly losing her Shatter Shield it could be debuffed over time by Nullifiers, same with Inaros's armour, etc. That would be a positive change.

    Let's hope all this complaining will make DE improve the situation for them.

    3 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    The lore behind Nullifiers doesn't make much sense in any regard, so it isn't really an argument specifically in favour of Nidus keeping his stacks.

    Fine, it was more of a rant anyway. As I said I'm not all that much annoyed by the Nullifier stack reduction, just the ult nerf. 

    3 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    Saying that because Nidus can't compete with Simulor-Mirage he's rubbish to me seems like less of a call for a buff or rollback on Nidus and more of a call for a nerf to Simulor-Mirage (which is long overdue).

    I don't recall even mentioning Simulor Mirage, but I might be wrong. Nidus outperforms her in high level environment anyway, but I get what you mean.

    3 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    If Simulor-Mirage is the measure, though, then there are a lot of 'frames that should be higher in the queue for buffing than Nidus.

    Obviously, but there was no point in nerfing his 4, especially considering it introduced some bugs to a perfectly fine ability that didn't hurt anyone else's experience of the game. Maybe on low level missions.


    4 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    Why should Nidus not lose stacks when he enters a Nullifier bubble? Everybody else effectively loses energy, which is their method of fueling power use, due to the loss of duration or the need to recast. And, other 'frames also lose major buffs/debuffs and effect stacks (Equi's Maim, for example). I simply fail to see why Nidus should be exempt from that rule. There may be an issue with Nullifier bubble stacking, which may need addressing to prevent inflated stack-loss caused by instances where a group of Nullifier suddenly appear, but I would maintain that Nidus should lose stacks when remaining inside a Nullifier bubble because anything else is exceptionalism.

    4 hours ago, Littlerift said:

    And it's not a minor thing in terms of Nidus's playstyle, no, but all it has actually done is place him at the same level as everybody else: like every other frame Nidus now looses efficiency by entering nullifier bubbles.


    Yeah he lost efficiency before these nerfs too, he couldn't cast in the bubble. And even with this change he isn't on the same level with some warframes, how about inaros' armor buff being instantly eaten? Equinox' damage stack lost? Why don't they lose their things over time instead of instantly? 

    Also how come Corpus can suddenly cure the infestation now? What a mess.

    Don't get me wrong, I do want him to be equal to others, I'd just rather Fun-nulliefiers didn't exist in the first place, for the reasons I detailed in this thread already.

    This isn't the thing I dislike the most about the nerfs, it's the one they done to their ult anyway.

  8. On 2017. 01. 09. at 2:56 AM, Jedi_Arts_ said:

    I wanted to voice a few opinions about Nidus. First of all, I really like the idea of this warframe. He is a revolutionary new design with good mechanics. His abilities are just great and I would consider them nicely balanced and synergized. However, his passive, Undying, strikes me as one of the most broken hings I've seen in Warframe. It seems better than like 90% of defensive warframe abilities by itself. If Undying was an actual ability that required 200% power strength to be effective, I would consider that worth it. Then consider that most Warframe passives are complete garbage. Do you see what I mean? Plus, Nidus doesn't even need this thing. A combination of Vitality and Parasitic Link at 90% reduction gives Nidus 11,100 eHP. Also standing on Ravenous gives massive health regen to counter any incoming damage. All of this without Undying already makes him a more effective tank (in my opinion) than Chroma, Mesa, Inaros, Valkyr (Built for Armor and Warcry without Hysteria) and perhaps even Trinity. So adding Undying basically stacks a "he's Wukong" on top of that (look up Defy if you don't understand what I mean by that). Then consider that he has top tier damage and crowd control. People have been doing things like cheesing lvl 145 Bombards without mods. This frame also seems to be taking over Youtube. Seems like ever other content creator is maining him now. He needs a nerf. I think an immediate, simple tweak to his passive would do it. Extend the mutation stack cost of Undying from 10 to 25. This way you can only hold 4 "get out of death free cards" as opposed to 10. Then I would actually like to play this warframe myself. But right now I feel no challenge from using him.

    Then don't use him, don't ruin the fun for others.

  9. 45 minutes ago, Volinus7 said:

    Kinda double standards, Equinox loses all stacked dmg at once but Nidus only get drained.

    Yes. If Nidus gets this treatment, then Equinox shouldn't lose all of her stacked damage at once, Inaros shouldn't lose all his generated bonus armor at once etc. and just let those drain like Nidus' stacks.

    11 minutes ago, achromos said:

    then why aren't the forums aflame with Banshee (with her augment), or Mirage with Simulor?

    They aren't right now, but those posts do happen. Rest of the post is spot on.

    5 minutes ago, Littlerift said:

    The most powerful Warframe released in a long while gets an incredibly minor nerf and people are pretending that he's now useless. Ah forums.

    Go practise your virtue signalling somewhere else, partner.

    Also the changes to his four are definitely not just minor nerfs, people are posting the results of their testing left and right, there are some in this very thread.

    Furthermore, despite the clickbait title in the OP, he does bring up a legit point. Not everyone who criticizes the changes are doomsayers either, so don't generalize.

  10. 4 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    Or Nullifiers were put in the game to actually add a little challenge.

    Objectively not true. Re-read what I wrote to learn about the history of them being added, also see this and this, for a better understanding of why they were added. Also the last paragraph of the post in the 1st link explains how they are not the right kind of challenging and how there are much more fun ways of giving us a challenge in the game already.

    4 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    We steamroll every single enemy that's thrown at us

    As we should be in a bloody horde shooter game.

    4 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    including Nullifiers

    Are they challenging now or are they steamrollable? Make up your mind. Anyway, yeah, in low to mid level enemy range, yes, they can be "steamrolled", but it's still not fun. And when high level nullifiers, sapping ospreys and other enemies swarm you in high level survival it's a nightmare and fighting them is the polar opposite of having fun. And in the end playing games is about having fun, no amount of Nullifier defending will make this untrue.

    4 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    And every time DE tries to add something that gives us a challenge, people cry and scream about how suddenly they can't handle it.

    Again, being able to handle something and having fun are two different things, that can happen simultanously, but in the case of Nullies, it doesn't happen. Pretty sure I'm not crying either, so don't generalize please.

    4 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    After watching these forums for 4 years, I've come to realize that's how this playerbase has evolved into over time. It's depressing.

    The only depressing thing I see here is you trying to shut down my legit criticism of nullifiers. Sure OP's post might be overdramatic, but there are plenty of legit opinions in this very thread against the nerfs, particularly Nidus' 4 nerf (someones even post their test results), and people being dismissive about these and just generally downplaying the magnitude of these nerfs, especially considering the reason for these nerfs, that's what's sad.

    5 hours ago, SoulEchelon said:

    The fact that people still scream bloody murder when a warframe like Nidus is just SLIGHTLY hindered by Nullifiers proves my point.

    No it doesn't. What it proves is that Nullifiers are unfun to play against, even if managable, and that people - rightfully - hate bad game design.

  11. 4 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    No. Way to miss the point again.


    The point: you neex experience with Nidua to know how hell play.


    Proof? Me playing Nidus for the first time played out exactly as i read watched and simulated.

    That's nice! I'm happy for you, well done!

  12. 6 minutes ago, Reedfish said:

    now as stacks gained are buggy and you only get one from a enemy dying even if like 3 maggots explode on them and even then it doesn't give you stacks sometimes.

    ...great. -.- Can you please post this in the bug forums if you haven't already? We really should get DE to undo the changes to his 4, the other nerfs were ok, but this needs to be reverted.

  13. 2 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    I like letting ppl rant because me experiencing Nidus played out exactly as i simulated in my head.

    Really? That's why you like letting people rant? That's so cool.

    8 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    Application through applied practical information seperates theory crafting from expected out come. In my case it was, still is and always will be the latter.

    Good for you! Though theorycrafting does consider expected outcomes through analyzing game mechanics without actually doing so in practise, but we found out it wasn't the case with you, as you do have experience with Nidus! That's great! I'm glad we settled this, have a nice day!

  14. 18 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    I never said i HAVENT played Nidus. My wife plays on PC and thus has him, which i got the glee of experiencing, same when bard frame hits. Just because of this ps4 tag doesnt mean im locked to one form of access.

    Don't you think that would have been useful to point out at this point? You could have just answered yes to his question, could have avoided some half dozen posts of pointless arguing. Then you do have experience, so there is no reason to continue this discussion from now on.

    However, no they weren't logical fallacies, because as I said someone just watching a Nidus video on youtube and reading about his abilities on the wikia is not enough experience on which you can base opinions on the frame. When I saw rebecca playing him when he was first shown, I had no idea he'd be this powerful, neither when I read the ability descriptions on the wiki. And the analogue I brought up is about the same thing: experience is needed in both to be fully knowledgable in them. But if you are gonna respond to this, just don't, I don't care anymore, because you are adamant that it was a logical fallacy, while it wasn't, but clearly I won't convince you and you won't convince me either, so let's just agree to disagree.

    Have a good day.

  15. 15 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


    I'm so sorry for offending you by pointing out that console players haven't had the experience to play Nidus and that my experience dictates that you have to get first hand experience X before you can say you know enough about X to argue regarding X. So sorry about that. I'm still standing by what I said though.

    With that being said, both examples given are analogous to this situation, both of them require experience to say that you know enough about them. Sorry if you dislike this, but they weren't logical fallacies at all.

  16. 20 minutes ago, Hypernaut1 said:

    at this point, i think its a competition on this board to make the latest, newest, hottest, doom and gloom DE gripe thread. 

    Im not even sure if these are genuine anymore.

    That's nice. Now if you could stop downplaying the issues with these nerfs just because of you being annoyed by some doomsayers, that'd be nicer.

    15 minutes ago, SoulEchelon said:

    I can't help but think alot of the people that complain so much about Nullifiers don't actually play like space ninjas, because I've yet to have a truly serious problem with them as long as I brought the correct gear to deal with them and used the parkour skills provided to us to take them down quickly.

    Their gamestyle is somehow related to how you are not having problem with nullies? Sound reasoning lmao.

    You wanna know why people hate nullifiers? Because they were put in the game to stop Mag, Excal, Trinity affinity farmers on Viver an old corpus, interception map. That combo earned better affinity than old Draco farming, DE didn't like that, obviously and they nerfed all 3 of them which caused huge backlash so they went back on them (at least then) and added Nullifiers.

    With that being said, they don't belong in normal gameplay. They are unfun to play against, sure they are managable but they are UNFUN to deal with, I don't play a game to be frustrated by unfun things, I play games to have fun. Call me insane because of that, I don't care. There is difference between challenge like dealing with bombards and the unfun poop that is nullifiers.

    Reminder that this is a horde shooter, not a "go out of your way to kill a bad solution to affinity farming being a problem so that you can actually go back to shooting hordes" simulator.

  17. 14 minutes ago, Vox_Preliator said:

    wall of text 

    You having the audacity to lecture me in nullifier killing =/= a legit argument for these Nidus stack nerfs.


    16 minutes ago, Darkmoone1 said:

    The change just rests the case how absurd the gameplay design of Nullifiers are. If one is around, it's no big deal. However, because this is a game based on killing large groups of enemies and fighting against combinations of different enemy types, the scenario of multiple nullifiers is an issue. As with almost any warframe, multiple nullifiers in an enclosed space is going to mean certain doom for warframes that depend on abilities to stay afloat. With high level nodes (Like sorties) dropping these guys in droves, mixed in with other enemy types, you can forget getting through unscathed. 

    Now it's even worse specifically for Nidus because the passive he's worked up towards will drain stack by stack. That means less power strength, less armor, and less health regen which he needs to survive without the ability to mod for shields and slightly above average armor. Which is seemingly weird about this decision, is that this counter to Nidus is in 2/4 major factions, corruption and Corpus. So he's fine against Grineer and Infested, but not the corrupted and corpus?


    50 minutes ago, Separius said:

    But then again why am I even arguing with you people about this, you are literally defending the most unfun aspect of corpus games, tied with the millions of sapper ospreys swarming you (which you can't exactly kill when the whole area is protected by nullifier bubbles.) They need to be removed, not stood up for, this is insane.


  18. 1 minute ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    doom abd gloom is just as credible

    Mark my words, there are and will be people who will shut down legit criticism of these changes indiscriminately.

    2 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    im saying its not as bad as it couldve been

    You have no basis of judgement on this because of the following:

    16 minutes ago, GX339-4 said:

    Have you ever play with Nidus?

    You haven't, and your theorycrafting isn't the same as personally experiencing the whole thing.

    5 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:


    There are whiners, but there were people in this very thread who dismissed legit explanations of why these changes were bad, so no, not everyone's been whining.

    7 minutes ago, (PS4)psycofang said:

    But go ahead and create seperation for validity.

    ? I'm not creating division, damn it, it's a fact, that console players haven't gotten Nidus, they don't have experience with how he plays and they only have theorycrafting and videos to base their opinions on, and those are not very credible! Just because I done a course in Python without actually programming anything, and have watched that guy who builds shelters from basically anything in Australia, it doesn't mean that I am now a python programmer or that I could build those shelters myself! Just look at the job market! Most employers require you to have X years of EXPERIENCE in the field you are applying for! So no, I wasn't creating platform division, understand this!

  19. 28 minutes ago, Rolunde said:

    p.s. Oh and speaking of Mirage. As some have pointed out, seems like a decent idea to keep the Cyst on at least one frame just in-case I want it for something later.

    I'm going to keep it on Mirage. Since she is such a well-known cause of "cancer" as people like to call it.

    Agreeing with the whole post, but the part I quoted was amazing

  20. 12 minutes ago, GX339-4 said:

    This is a NERF, is it?

    Eeeeh, so-so. Basically forces you to always use your 1 in tandem with your 4 to gain stacks from your maggots, which wouldn't be a problem, but I (and I'm sure many others) like to use guns every once in a while, which is why having 4 auto generate stacks was nice. Now that's gone, if you don't do do that the way I just described, it's basically a healing field with unreliable CC and trivial damage, without the free stack gain.

    1 hour ago, [DE]Megan said:

    It’s also worth noting that with testing by our team, the Stack rhythm before and after this change wasn’t noticed at all. 

    If that's the case, I really wish to know why they felt the need to change it then, because I'm sure it didn't annoy anyone that Nidus players got free stacks ever so often, and this QoL nerf was uncalled for.

    10 minutes ago, GX339-4 said:

    Have you ever play with Nidus? I think he's not available on consoles NOW.

    It isn't, so these console players defending the changes really lack credibility due to their lack of practical experience.

  21. Just now, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    It's not a nerf.


    Just now, (Xbox One)Cash201293 said:

    Only big change was his stacks decaying while in the nullifier now. Well that and his undying phase now consume 15 stacks instead of 20.

    You contradict yourself within the same post.

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