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Idea-Mashup: Frame, Enemies, Modding System and more


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A new Warframe



Legios Warframe

A Warframe supposed to scale with the enemy Level concernig his defense abilities and using them against those who dare to shoot at him. 









Alt Helmet











Lost after the Old War Legios has never been found. After the Tenno finally beat Kela de Thayum the Grineer were embarrassed enough. Their scientists finally found a way to control a Warframe. Or better to slave a Warframe and torture them to do what they want him to do.

Even though Lotus herself tried to rescue Legios she couldn't find him. But the Grineer could. The tortured him and slaved him so much much to break his mind and make him their own gladiator.

The Grineer challenge the tenno once again to beat their executioners. But this time they need to face a new strength...Legios himself.








You need to speak to Darvo and must have the Clem Quest completed. Within this conversation you get the information that Clem once tried to free an ancient strength as he couldn't stand to see it being tortured. For this betrayal he got in prison.

Afterwards you need to investigate the void and capture a target to get further information on the lost strength Clem mentioned.

However with this Capture mission you make the Grineer aware of the fact that you are on the lookout for this new Warframe. So they challenge you once more to challenge their executioners. And if you beat them they will give you further information. However within this they reveal Legios and you need to beat him in order of getting his blueprint as you free him from slavery.

As you will see it might be hard to kill him. Therefore you need to equip ascari negators to nullify his abilities.












1st Chapter: 


Meet Darvo and Clem at the relais
Start quest with darvo
Zoom out from a Clem meme picture out to darvo who is trying to get his stuff together
Talks to you as you walk and look around
"Ah Tenno, good to see you. I might have to ask you to help me again. Our good friend Clem is gone and I want to find him before he gets himself in danger...or actually gets me in danger!"
Camera focuses on you as you transference out of your warframe.    
"What do you mean by that Darvo? Where did Clem go. What are his plans?"
" To many questions Tenno. We can't answer them right now. Com on. We need to go. I got a hint by an old friend of mine. But we need to pick her up as I promised her that she could come with us!"
Camera zooms out once more into the normal camera perspective again.
You need to go to your orbiter to continue further.
Once arrived Ordis talks to you
"Operater. Are you ANGRY- aware of the situation? The Lotus BETRAYED-left you and you don't want to find her?"
Operator reacts engaged
"Ordis I know that the Lotus has a plan. But we all don't understand it quite yet...but right now darvo needs our help. He helped us in return of saving his life. Now he asks again for help. We can only define ourself by helping true friends...not those who try to betray..."
Darvo interrupts the Operators emotional voice
" Tenno look who I brought with me....don't show her that sad face that you have on right now. Come on smile...."
"Ah darvo you don't now how to talk to kiddos. " Marroo interrupts Darvo and smiles brightly
"Maroo...whatever you are doing right now...you better stop or you scare the kid" darvo says.
"Both of you. Stop it. I am not in the mood to listen you both of your tries to teach me some lessons. Or that I need to hear from you that I am still a kid. Because I am not! Now let's get started and find Clem. Why is Maroo here anyway!" Your Operator tries to defend himself
After a brief moment of silence Maroo answers in a now more serious tone
"Tenno...your are still a kid. You now nothing. The Lotus sacrificed so much for you...one day you will understand"
" ENOUGH!! I don't want to talk about her anymore!" The operator reacts childish
"Look at you kiddo!" Maroo tries to calm your Operator
Darvo interrupts her "Maroo don't...Tenno! Maroo is a good treasure hunter and she recognized a signal far away in the Void and tried to call it. But the only response was Clem. Therefore we assume that it's him!"
" I guess that there won't much else to find if that's what the response sounded like!" The operator answers sassy.
"Great...well let's meat at in void then. I'll send you the position once we arrived
Maroo and Darvo end there call
Ordis talks to the Operator
"Tenno. Whatever your deep BRUTAL-emotions are...don't let that CONTROL-overwhelm you. As you said...these are our allies right now. We don't need them as our enemies as well.."
"I am just so confused Ordis" the Operator says.
"I know Tenno. Now let's see in what kind of DANGER-situation our friends are right now. Location is marked on Navigation."



2nd Chapter: 


Traveling to The location in The void will be the next step.
You arrive as normal but Darvo leans against a Wall and Maroo sits on the ground. Both of them will have there own health bar as well as weapon. Darvo probably carries either a Cestra or a Detron. Maroo a Lato or Lex.
Maroo: "Tenno. I have Signal ahead of us. I'll mark it's location!"
Darvo: " Don't worry. We will stay behind you as you are the one who can take more bullets then both of us."
Tenno: " I guess so. Stick together and don't get lost!"
Maroos waypoint will be marked on the minimap and there is nothing else today besides just going there. You can kill enemies etc but they are already alerted. As well as that besides the normal corrputed Void enemies Grineer will spawn as well.
Operator: "Why do they know that we are here?"
Darvo: "This question is easy to answer. This is Clem's fault. We are getting closer!"
Maroo: "My scanner needs to charge up again to scan the area for that one life signal that doesn't want to kill us!"
With that being sad you need to stay in position and defend Darvo and Maroo for one and a half minute before continuing the mission.
Once the timer ends Maroo says: "Tenno. I have marked a new location. Hopefully Clem will be there and we don't waste another scan!"
Like at the beginning find the new location
The next location is at the start of one the secret treasure rooms
"Maroo! We don't want any profit out of this mission. Get us to Clem not to those unfulfilling containers of credits!" Darvo says.
"I am not. This is where the signal is coming from. But if I am quite right. Than this is one of the secret void treasure rooms that are still intact...we must be careful. Tenno! Go ahead and open up the path for us. Avoid the lasers and activate the pressure plates to activate the bridge that will lead back to the start so that we can follow you!" Maroo replies.
"I wonder what Clem is up to if he really is here digging in credits!" Darvo says.
The operator replies to Maroo "Give me one second. I will be back right away!"
You need to finish the treasure room and open up the doors that lead to the last room. In this last room is Clem facing you with his back. Once reached the room before the one Clem is currently standing in, a cutscene will start.
The camera is facing from Clem focusing on his head and then on the background where the Operator, Darvo and Maroo are slowly walking into the room.
Clem is turning around. "Good friend...what are you doing here?" Darvo says.
"Clem!" Clem responds.
"I see and you are sure about that? You are sure that you are not digging in this pile of credits?" Darvo asks.
"If that's everything he is going to say then thanks for taking me with you. Darvo. You told me we are going on a treasure hunt where he is the major key that we need! But it seems like that all he has to say is Clem!"
"Maroo. You know me and this is the reason why our paths haven't crossed for years. Your thoughts are still all focused on the profit concerning your person. But I tried to free this guy as we both tried to rob a grineer frigate. It didn't go well for me I you remember. I am the one who got caught. You left me behind!" Darvo explains.
A moment of silence sets into place.
"I know." Maroo almost quietly responds.
"Clem!" Clem breaks the new moment of silence.
"That's right. Hehe. You were the guard who was responsible for my cell. To keep me alive until I would receive my process...but during this time you told me about the other prisoner you heard of and needed to guard later as well. The screams you heard almost made you crazy. It  wasn't a scream that feared you. But one that made you want to help this creature, this superior unknown strength captured inside of this cage!" Darvo says.
Darvo darkens his tone "Right. You couldn't stand it. You didn't want to guard something that is being tortured and can't even defend itself. You wanted to free it. You told me about when we were meeting each other. When I was sitting in my cell and you...you were able to talk."
"Clem!" Clem sadly responses.
A short break until the camera position goes back to normal and you are free to control yourself again.
"Clem you have found what you were looking for. Now let's head out of here and tell us what you have found once we reached a safer location!" Darvo says.
You need to head to extraction to finish the second part of the quest and return to your orbiter where the third part waits.


3rd chapter: 


Back at the orbiter
"Operator. Glad to see you  COVERED IN BLOOD-again. What did you discover from your trip?" Ordis asks the Operator
The Operator answers: "Well Ordis for now not much. But we will see what Darvo or Clem has to tell us. And Ordis. What do you know about the past of Maroo and Darvo?"
"You are the Operator. I don't have any information about their past. They seem...DELETED-to be missing." Ordis answers.
"We will find out about that later!" The Operator determines.
"Ahh Tenno. I was wondering where you have been. Clem told me everything. He is taking a rest right now as he had a little fight with the grineer." Darvo says.
"Would you tell us what this is or was all about?" Maroo interrupts him.
"Maroo. If you would have let me finish we would be done already!" Darvo replies quickly.
"Fine. I won't talk anymore until Mr. Profit has finished!" Maroo answers.
"You better don't call me like that again. Understood? Tenno whatever you just heard. Forget it. This is the past. Don't let that determine the oath of our future!" Darvo says in a direct tone to the Operator.
" I won't Darvo. But tell us. What was the problem with Clem. Why was he in the Void?" The operator lies.
Darvo quickly swappes back to his cool tone: " Alright alright. You both remember the story I recently told you about me and Clem?" Darvo starts. But there is no response. "I see. We have a really good croud here. Anyway. From on day to the other I had a different guard and I didn't now why. I asked the following guard. He told me that A guard called Clem tried to free a biest. Therefore he got in prison and deserves to be tortured the same way as the "biest". From that moment on I swore that I'll try everything to rescue the friend that I have won and here we are now."
"Darvo...you told us a very emotional story. But we want to hear why Clem was in the Void. Not why he seems to be brain dead or drunk and is only able to say Clem like a plant would say "I have roots."!"Maroo shouts out.
"Maroo! Don't you dare hurt Clems feelings he gave up everything he stood for to safe this creatures life." Darvo responses. "However Clem never really found out what actually  was inside of the cage. He wanted to release the beast out of it's cage but he got betrayed....by the slaved biest. Weirdly enough Clem wasn't able to see anything inside of the chamber as it was pitch dark. But the creature didn't fell like a create. Not like a corpus either a grineer. He felt a huge power source but was never really able to define what  it really was. Until you helped him escape from the prison. He felt the same power once again. Since that moment he knew that the force, the strength he felt was a Tenno like you!"
A moment of silence took over the situation.
"Operator. This is insane! The Lotus would never allow this. She would DESTROY EVERYHTING-do everything to provide this scenario!" Ordis says while sounding like he is going to collapse.
"Ordis I know. But The Lotus isn't here. We must figure out this problem by our own!" The Operator says with a very serious tone. "Darvo! Did Clem found any clues that would give us any further information about this Warframe?"
"Yes. Clem found a Grineer officer that might have the clues we need. But we have to go back to the void. I will mark the location and will send you the specific area where you need to go. By the way. Clem has a personal problem with the target so he wants to come with you. I for myself as well as Maroo will stay here and wait for your both  victory!" Darvo explains.
"Thanks for asking me Mr. Pro...Darvo! I am able to make my own decision. Even though you are quite right. It might be better if we both stay here and give you cover!" Maroo adds.
"Alright. Ordis. While I am  gone try find something in your data or any other Cephalon data something about an unknown strength or a lost warframe!" The Operator says.
"You are the Operator. The Lotus would be proud." Ordis says.
The dialogue ends and you are able to select the next mission what is a capture mission in the void with grineer as special enemies.
Easy normal capture mission where Clem must stay alive and You Need to capture the target as fast as possible because the difference to normal missions is that this time the target will be aware of your position all the time and will run towards it's safe zone from the beginning
After the successful mission you return to your orbiter again and the third chapter ends


4th Chapter: 


4th chapter:

Back at your ship Maroo and Darvo call you once again.

“Hey Tenno. Clem told me that your Mission was successful. Hehe. Clem brought him to me, and I made him talk.” Darvo starts.

“Sorry for interrupting you Darvo, but old Data from Cephalon Simaris showed me, that the Operator was right. There actually is an old fractured Warframe Data. It seems like he was more one the defensive side and used this as his offense. However, because of some unknown reason he got lost in the old War. And since then no one has found him. “Marroo interrupts.

“Thanks Marroo. It would have been nice if I could have told that. Because Clem is my friend…and I got more information than you do. The prisoner told us, that the Warframe Clem tried to free was tortured that much, that he now leads the Grineer army as a commander. Ha. And I thought the Tenno were only loyal to the Lotus!” Darvo continues.

“Mh. Strange. The Lotus wouldn´t allow the Grineer to have control above that much power!” Ordis says.

“Ordis. It´s not about the Lotus. The Data I found showed that the Warframe signal was lost in space and never reappeared…!” Marroo interrups once again.

The Operator asks “What are trying to say Marroo…Are trying to say that….the Warframe itself survived and the Operator died? And the Grineer are now using this Warframe as their puppet?”

“It wouldn´t be the first time!” Marroo replies.

After a short break Ordis breaks the silence “Operator, it seems like the Grineer seek for revenge. They challenge you once more to fight against their best warriors in the arena. I have marked the location. “

“No Tenno. From everything I know it will be a trap. They will realease this Warframe on you. And we don´t know what they have done to it to keep control of it.” Marroo tries to argue but the Operator just simply replies “Him…they have control about him. They once lifed before they got betrayed by their creators…Anyway I will go. I might trigger a trap. Or I won´t. No matter what we need more information. If the Grineer have Tenno technology and they create their own weapons with it…chaos will spread even further in the universe. I will talk to to you after I was successful.”

“Be careful Tenno” Darvo and Marroo reply.

The mission will start of like a normal Arena fight.

However before you reach the required amount of kills there will be a cutscene where you see Legios coming into the fight. You need to try to kill him. However It won´t be possible for you. He will use his third three abilities and before he dies he uses his 4 to get away.

Ordis gets you out of the mission and says “Operator you won´t be able to defeat him unless you kill him. I thought you don´t want that.”

Once arrived at the Orbiter the Tenno replies “ I know but I can´t think of a solution to overcome him defense to analyse the damage the Grineer have done to him.”

“Perhaps I can you Tenno” Darvo says as he is interrupting the conversation between Ordis and the Operator.

“Do you remember the first adventure we both had? I helped you to get this ascari negator off you. It was this device that negated your abilities and weakened you a lot. Perhaps if you throw that on him you will be able to to analyse him.”

“Actually, that is a great Idea Darvo. Thanks, I have to try this out. Ordis! We need to send an arena invitation!” the operator replies. “Already done. Waiting for you to MURDER – complete your mission!” Ordis responds.

Before you can enter the next chapter you need to build an ascari negator.

Then the 4th chapter is completed.


5th Chapter:


5th Chapter

The final chapter of this quest.

Ordis reminds you that it would be smart to take more than 5 negators with you before you go.

You need to go back to the arena and fight against the grineer executioners once again. At the end Legios will spawn againg and now each time his health bar is at zero he will gain a shield like Captain Vor. During that time, you need to activate the ascari negator. Each time you do that the max health of Legios will be reduced and he isn´t able to use one of his abilies anymore.

Each time there is a successful negation happening Legios will scream “FREE ME”

Throughout the entire battle Legios switches between his two weapons, the Tinctumus and the Honesta & GLoria

After the fourth negation the final battle starts Legios will send out a shockwave that forces you to lose your primary and secondary weapon. Therefore, you will fight against Legios head to head with your melee weapon. At the final strike Legios explodes with a white light and Ordis gets you out of there again.

Back at the Orbiter Ordis starts the conversation “Operator. Didn´t you wanted to KILL help this Warframe?”

Operator “Of course…but it told me to free him. Therefore, it seemed like it would have been the best if I would fulfil his last wish:”

Ordis “I will scan you in case data was transferred to you in anyway about this prisoner and whether the Grineer have done anything to him or not.”

After a short break Ordis talks again. “Operator. Somehow Legios transferred some kind of his data on your Warframe skin. This may have occurred at his explosion. I think if you go back into the arena you are able to find more parts of him. I have created the blueprint so far. Concerning the information, the Grineer received from that Warframe. It seems like they couldn´t really do much with him, but they somehow extracted void energy. With that they created armor that is immune to their own weaknesses.”

“Thanks Ordis. As strange as it sounds. This sounds reasonable. Strengthen what you are weak against..I will look out for those Grineer.” The Operator responds.

“Not only the Grineer” Marroo says as she is interruptimg the conversation “I have checked the security files of the Grineer due to my researches I made about Legios. It seems like the corpus have hacked themselves into the system of the grineer and transformed their technology into their own armor. Be careful out there Tenno. The times seem to change…”



End of the 5th Chapter and end of the quest






Codex Entry:

Honor is the balance between arrogance and subservience. 

The narrow path of the warrior to decide between Right and wrong. 

But how can you ask yourself these Questions if you live in slavery?

Caught in a body, controlled by ghosts, by other cultures without being able to break out. 




Stats: (at max level 30)


Health: 300

Armor: 200

shield: 100

energy: 250




Gains 10% more finisher and groundfinisher speed and has a 10% chance to open up enemies for finishers on hits with melee attacks. Within affinity range gives all allies an additional 20% casting speed ( stackable)


1st ability:  Spearthrow                                               Energy cost: 20 energy


Legios throws a void spear towards the direction he is aiming at. This ability has a 10/15/20/30 meter range and passes through every enemy it hits dealing 100/125/150/200 damage x melee damage combo multiplier to each enemy and causes knockdown effects. 

The main spear thrown by Legios himself causes a 50% either armor or shield reduction on each enemy hit by the main spear. 

While Phalanx is active all clones will throw a spear towards enemies dealing 100 damage per spear. If the spear is thrown during Phalanx the ability cost is halfed.

The Spear is throwable while airborne and while aimglide. While airborn or aiglide and phalanx active, you throw one spear but deal damage equal to all of your phalanx imitations alive plus your own damage.



First animation





2nd ability: Eagleeye                                                  Energy cost: 40 energy


Legios summons his own void eagle that surrounds him and targets and attacks nearby enemies within a 7/10/15/20 meter range. His attack speed is 1 attack per second. One attack is a swipe around him and deals damage towards each enemy within his path. He deals 100/150/200/250 damage with a 100% Chance of dealing a bleed and impact proc and a 50% chance of either creating a weak spot on the enemies or to blind enemies.

The weak spots created will amplify the damage dealt to them by 2 and doesn´t scale with power strength.

Blinding enemies will last for 5 seconds and makes enemies immovable and doesn´t scale by power duration. 

Has an energy consumption of 2 energy per second. By holding this ability the energy consumption will stop and while aiming at an enemy you will teleport towards that enemy by becoming the eagle. Once arrived the enemy is opened to a finisher but will be notified about your presence. This effect costs additional 20 energy.

while Phalanx is active the eagle will deal additional damage to knock downed or thrown back enemies. Gaining a Damage buff of x5 per swipe.











3rd ability: Banner of honor                                          Energy cost: 50 energy


Legios puts down his banner that will buff all allies health and shield within it's range. This banner will search out those allies with the lowest HP and giving them an immunity phase of 0.5/1/1.5/2 seconds with a 1/2/3/4 second cooldown for this certain ally. However it does priorities Warframes. Once hit by the effect it will increase the allies health and shield pool by 50/100/200/300 health, not healing them but giving them the potential to be healed up to this point for the duration of this ability. The banner itself has a duration of 7/12/16/20 seconds and gives an additional effect similar to the rage mod. Allies taking damage towards their health gain 30% of this health as energy. This banner can only be placed down once at the time. This ability is not affected by power strength mods. However it is stackable. Warframes like Nidus and Inaros with no shield will gain the 50/100/200/300 shield counted towards their health so gaining 100/200/400/600 health towards their HP. When Legios or allies leave the ability range the additional potential HP and Shield stats will stay for the duration of the ability. However leaving the ability range will cause that you won't gain any immunity phase or the Rage Effect






4th ability: Phalanx                                                         Energy cost: 100 energy


By pressing the ability button once, you switch between the three different formations the clones will take once spawned in. The ability lasts for 20/30/45/60 seconds and has 10 meter radius.

By holding the button you summon a total of 12 clones similar to mirages imitations that look exactly like your Legios. They will create your chosen formation however by switching the formations for additional 20 energy while Phalanx is active they will switch their formation. They are independent on your weapon choice. Each imitation will carry a large shield and a long spear. Their main goal is to protect Legios so they will follow him wherever he goes. However you are able to choose between follow and stay.

The clones will stay passive for the most time and deflect 80% of the incoming damage and directly reflecting 50% damage back towards the enemies. However they are the priority targets of the enemies. Once on clone dies you are not able to recast the ability like Nekros 4th to fill up their HP.

They attack with 250 damage per hit and cause throwbacks and knockdowns on enemies they hit with their spears that have a 5 meter range.

Each formation has it's unique effect that will be applied towards Legios and all allies within the ability range.





1. Wall formation:

increases defense by giving an armor buff of flat +50/60/80/100 and decreased timer between shield regeneration bein 1/0.75/0.5/0.25 seconds.




2. Arrowhead formation:

Increases damage by gaining a constant buff of additional 10/20/35/50% more damage and 20% more crit damage.




3. Circle formation:

restores health over time. 5% of max HP per 2/1.5/1/0.5 seconds and gives a 50% Chance to withstand any status proc.




While Phalanx is active holding the ability button again will give you a visualization of where the formation is heading at. Similar to Nidus one by holding his first ability you see where your maggots are.

While your Imitations are on "Follow" status they will follow you when you run like normal entities and will then get back in their formation once you stand still for 2 seconds. When you bulletjump all of the imitations will be sucked into your body and will spawn again once you stay stationary for 2 seconds. However during this time your buffs will still be active and you will deflect and reflect the certain damage numbers like the imitations. However you won't gain their Health or Armor stats.


each Phalanx imitations health equals 200% of Legios health plus 2% of the enemy level.

each Phalanx imitations armor equals Legios Armor stats plus 5% of the enemy level.




Legios Weapons

Honesta & Gloria (this Name is awful I know)







unique effect: 

Dealing a finisher with this weapon has a 40% Chance of giving 10% of Max HP to the User back. However it doen´t create any kind of  Overshield or Overhealth.


MR: 6

Slot: Melee

Type: Sword & Shield

Attack Speed: 1.00

Channeling Dmg: 1.75x

Block Resist: 85%

Disposition: 2 out of 5

Puncture: 25

Impact: 20

Slash: 15

Crit. Chance: 20%

Crit. Multiplier: 2x

Status Chance: 30%

Slam attacks: 60

Slide attacks: 130

Wall attacks: 240

Stance Polarity: Madurai







Stats & unique effect:



Primary fire: two round burst per shot

secondary fire: first shot will track a spot and with a delay of 0.5 seconds all rounds left in the Magazin will home in on the secific spot, 

MR: 8

Slot: Secondary

Type: Two-Round Burst Sidearm

Trigger-type: semi-burst fire

ammo type: pistol

noise: Primary silent; secondary alarming

fire rate: 6 rounds per second

accuracy: Primary fire 60, secondary fire 20

Magazine size: 20 per mag

max ammo: 460 rounds

reload time: 0.75s

Primary fire Damage: 

                   puncture: 0

                    Slash: 60

                    Impact: 20

crit Chance: 25%

crit Damage: 2,5

Status Chance: 15%

secondary fire Damage: 

                    puncture: 60

                    Slash: 20

                     Impact: 0

crit Chance: 10%

crit. Damage: 2,5

Status Chance: 30%







Honoraris Syandana: 




Honoraris Armor Set:





Thanks for taking all of your precious time to read through this. What do you guys think. Critics and recommendations are allowed. Please try to create constructive feedback as this was my first warframe concept WITH a Lore but not the first concept.




Additional Changes:


New Enemies







The Tactic Crewman:




Animation 1:



He wields a Gammacor as his Primary weapon but he wears the new corpus Combat suit.That makes himself immune against any kind of Impact, Radiation and magnetic procs and damaging projectiles any type. 

He is an heavy armored unit that has a unique ability. 

When he is not firing at you with his Gammacor he kneels down builds an Energy Shield in front of himself that can be destroyed by everything the Tenno can throw at it. 

While kneeling down the Tactic Crewman sends out a Signal to spawn in 4 Little Hyenas that will attack the Tenno. 

He is very mobil and tries to duck when being shot at. 


The Hybrid Commander:



This enemy typ is totally immune to Radiation, viral and Slash procs. and damaging projectiles. 

This enemy type is a very agil and `smart` one and is an armored unit. 

He uses his left arm to block and with that negate any incomming projectiles by Holding it in front of his face like a Shield. 

He knocksback and knocksdown enemies during this defensive mode. 

However he charges at his enemies at will with his heavy blade. 

This heavy blade uses the stance: cleaving whirlwind.


The Royal Knight:



As you can see he uses the same Sword as the Hybrid Commander...therefore (Grineer Reinforements will arrive soon)

He is a melee close Combat enemy that is totally immune to blast, puncture and corrosive procs and damaging projectiles. 

He wields his Grineer Sword with the stance cleaving whirlwind. Besides that he has a smoke granade launcher that will decrase the visibilty of any Tenno Walking into the smoke. 

He is a very aggressive unit and has Shields like the Spiders in Fortuna. (basically 3 lives) 

After depleting his normal shields he will kneel down and recharge this Purple overhsield. during this state he is totally immune to any Kind of Damage. Then you Need to deplete his overshield, wait for his second kneel and then you are able to kill him by depleting his Health bar. 

He tries to do slam attacks to knock you down. 



New Modding System


  Inhalt unsichtbar machen

The new enemies that would be introduced with Legios have a 50% chance to drop a new item.


They are called stacking frame orbs.


Those Stacking frame orbs can be attached to each weapon individually.


If you put this Orb into a weapon you are able to change the weapons behaviour with current mods.


You open up a new mod slot where you can choose it´s polarity to allow mods to fit into that new slot.


Important is, that you can´t put in a mod that doesn´t match the polarity. Additionally, once a mod is put in, you will need new orb to take out the current mod and change it to a new polarity and a new mod.


Silenced Weapons PH:









The mods that I mean are current mods that can´t be used effectively or efficiently in any damage build. For example, higher Ammo in a magazine, a silent weapon, reload speed, faster firerate, ammo mutation etc. With the exception of mods with dual stats or set mods or any clear damaging mods (even though firerate and reload speed are really important for dps).






To validate this idea, let me explain why I think this would be a great idea.


First having this orb as a new item to go on each weapon means, it needs to be some kind of a resource that is easy to get, as there are so many of them. However, in our current Warframe Meta we are building our weapons for mostly Damage only. Therefore, I don´t want to change that but sometimes a weapon just doesn´t matter anymore after comparing it with other weapons, because the it doesn´t function as well as others. Now with that new mod slot you would be able to adjust this problem and could come back to the old meta of Warframe where you could use everything that you enjoy the most and still be as good as other weapons.


Now to don´t let those new enemies down once they launched and veterans put an orb in each weapon after a couple of days because of immense grind, it would be like I mentioned, that for each new weapon, you would need to have an additional orb to do so.


So, to sum up. The Idea is, as we have a large number of mods in the game that aren´t or barely used within our builds because of the current meta of the Game. So, I don´t want to change that, I just want to provide a solution for missing capacity slots.


In my main thread I provided 3 new enemies. One for each main faction.


These new enemies drop on death a so-called frame Orb. This frame Orb can be used to install a specific mod into one weapon.




I don´t really know how to solve the problem with the capacity I am thinking for these mod slots there just isn´t a capacity count at all, so for instance if you throw in a 9 capacity mod it´s just not adding up to the normal capacity count that we currently have.




This Mod however is then tied to that weapon. To get rid of it you need to replace it with another mod and the cost of another frame orb.


This offers the potential to individualize the weapons even further by adding in your own kind of play style.


For example, if you want a suppressed Tigris just throw in the silencer Mod. If you want to change it just use a frame Orb choose another Mod that would fit into this kind of category and have fun.




The category I am talking about are obviously mods that aren´t offering any kind of damaging stats. For example, Ammo Mutation, Magazine Size, Magazine Capacity, Projectile Speed, reload Speed.




So, here is the first question I want to ask you guys. Or actually two.


Would you like a System like that?


If you do, would you say that this kind of new weapon slot should allow to fit in specific weapon Augments?? (Syndicates, Amalgams, Arena, Index)




Bonus Question: Should a Slot like this exist for Warframe Augments only as well?








Next Topic. Set Mods.


I wasn´t sure how to tackle this topic as there are some set mods that are kind of powerful…


So, the idea that I’m having is that we introduce something like a rune system to our loadouts.


Imagine it like a slot list or circle with a capacity of 40 and you are able to fit in 8 set mods of your choice.


Now I should mention here that the frame orb is also getting used for this.


But compared to the primary and secondary new mod slot here the frame orb functions similar to normal forma and cuts the capacity of the mod in half. Just with the exception, that you lock this mod into place and if you want to remove or swap it with another mod you need to invest another frame orb.




Back to the rune System.


I realized that we already have a large amount of set mods. And i was thinking, which ones i am using or have seen being used by other people. There weren´t a lot besides Hunter Munitions and Vigilante Armaments for example.


So, here is how it would work.


You can unlock up to four different Set effects (Those that are actually adding up the more set mods you use at the time), but you need at least two of a kind to unlock the set effect. Obviously, the normal Mod effects only apply to the specific type of weapon, pet or Warframe (Hunter Munitions then ONLY applies to primaries NOT to secondaries or melee)




In my opinion this would make Loadouts a lot more interesting and you could play around with these set Mods a little bit more as you aren´t “wasting“ necessary mod slots within your standard builds.




Let me know what you think of it and leave suggestions for changes and once again check out the main thread where I will upload further visual explanations on this topic.


Thanks for reading through this and making up your mind about this topic.




Better weapon skin(s)


Amprex Skin Work in Progress





Edited by LOD07
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Well for startes its not bad, but its not too good as well. The 1st is nice even if a bit plain, I do like the eagleeven though you may want to change its attacks speed something. If there are many enemies around he wil be much less useful. How about giving his attacks a sweeping ability where he can slash a few close enemies at once?. The banner feels kinda meh to me but really cant find anything to say. Is the added hp and shield static or affected by mods? also you may want to put the stats of all ability ranks like "deals x/y/z/c damag..." thats how everyone does it. As for the ultimate its fine really, but maybe the defences it gives maybe a bit too high. Tbh Im a bit biased towards roman legion/soldier themed frames since I did my own but I really think its a cool and possible idea :D. GL and keep working on it :)!


EDIT: Also, I want that art arghh >.<

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vor einer Stunde schrieb DR.Noooooo_B:

Well for startes its not bad, but its not too good as well. The 1st is nice even if a bit plain, I do like the eagleeven though you may want to change its attacks speed something. If there are many enemies around he wil be much less useful. How about giving his attacks a sweeping ability where he can slash a few close enemies at once?. The banner feels kinda meh to me but really cant find anything to say. Is the added hp and shield static or affected by mods? also you may want to put the stats of all ability ranks like "deals x/y/z/c damag..." thats how everyone does it. As for the ultimate its fine really, but maybe the defences it gives maybe a bit too high. Tbh Im a bit biased towards roman legion/soldier themed frames since I did my own but I really think its a cool and possible idea :D. GL and keep working on it :)!


EDIT: Also, I want that art arghh >.<

Thanks for the suggestions I will work on them I needed the feedback. I really like the swiping idea. Concerning the banner. It might be useful to make the stats effected by power strength mods. With the addition of maybe something else? A buff or debuff? Or switch around the second and the third. Leave the third as it is with an increase in eagleeye?

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If I had to give any thoughts on it, I'd say to change up the Phalanx ability a bit. I'd say get rid of the Sphere shape and change it to an Arrowhead Formation, and give it the damage boost that the Wall formation has already. Then give the Wall formation the Defensive boosts that the Circle formation has, and make the Circle shape give less status immunity and the health buff. Other than that, I'd say it looks pretty amazing, I'd definitely try it out! 🙂 All in all, I'd give it a 9/10.

Edited by SquinkyJunior
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vor 14 Minuten schrieb SquinkyJunior:

If I had to give any thoughts on it, I'd say to change up the Phalanx ability a bit. I'd say get rid of the Sphere shape and change it to an Arrowhead Formation, and give it the damage boost that the Wall formation has already. Then give the Wall formation the Defensive boosts that the Circle formation has, and make the Circle shape give less status immunity and the health buff. Other than that, I'd say it looks pretty amazing, I'd definitely try it out! 🙂 All in all, I'd give it a 9/10.

yes. That sounds plausable. I will take those suggestions into my thoughts. And thanks for the reply

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vor einer Stunde schrieb SquinkyJunior:

If I had to give any thoughts on it, I'd say to change up the Phalanx ability a bit. I'd say get rid of the Sphere shape and change it to an Arrowhead Formation, and give it the damage boost that the Wall formation has already. Then give the Wall formation the Defensive boosts that the Circle formation has, and make the Circle shape give less status immunity and the health buff. Other than that, I'd say it looks pretty amazing, I'd definitely try it out! 🙂 All in all, I'd give it a 9/10.

you meant it like that? Or what did you mean by the health buff?

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great then. So only things that will be added are more artworks concerning his abilities...and...the almighty armor set...syandana and his unique weapon. What you guys need to help me with. Shield and spear or shield and sword? You choose...

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major change for his 3rd ability. As it said before the allies will gain flat 500 health and shield once their hit by the immunity effect. For me personally it sounded like they would be healed by this ability so I clarified this. However thinking about this immunity phase a 2 second cool down is cool...bit way OP for no high missions. Even the four seconds now might be a little bit to low and I might increase this number. I might also change it where as the third ability only triggers once your HP lowers itself below 50% from max HP ignoring Inaros 4th ability. What dou you guys think?

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Hey, sorry cuz I can't add anything useful here, hahahah...but wouldn't calling him simply as a Gladiator Warframe would suit better than Roman-Greek Warrior? Just my opinion hahahah...

Also, your Armor and Syandana concept looks totally awesome!

But I feel like the chest plate just doesn't feel as 'glorious' as the rest of the set.

I think it needs to be a bit bigger?

Also, for the syandana, would the wings be solid or some sort of energy projection?

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vor einer Stunde schrieb TheGiantFox:

Hey, sorry cuz I can't add anything useful here, hahahah...but wouldn't calling him simply as a Gladiator Warframe would suit better than Roman-Greek Warrior? Just my opinion hahahah...

Also, your Armor and Syandana concept looks totally awesome!

But I feel like the chest plate just doesn't feel as 'glorious' as the rest of the set.

I think it needs to be a bit bigger?

Also, for the syandana, would the wings be solid or some sort of energy projection?

thanks. Gladiator....mh. Good suggestion. Bigger Chestplate...good point. Syandana...well for now probably solid but retractable like the tennogen syandanas that open up while airborne and close when on the ground

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42 minutes ago, LOD07 said:

thanks. Gladiator....mh. Good suggestion. Bigger Chestplate...good point. Syandana...well for now probably solid but retractable like the tennogen syandanas that open up while airborne and close when on the ground

There are syandanas like that?

This is the first time I've heard of it hahahahah....

Retractable syandanas sounds cool!

But if you do change it into an energy projection, I'd suggest giving it Fire-like effect.

Other than that, awesome job!

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well the Problem with an elemental effect on syandanas is that it doesn't really look the pretty. Solid energy structures is something totally different. But I will consider to put some fire at the edge of the wings

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some quality of live changes are made to his first ability and his fourth.

1st is now castable while airborne and aimglide and you will deal more damage while Phalanx is active.

4th is a bit more explained what happens when the entities follow you around but you jump around like a crazy space ninja. As well as a quality of life change concerning the direction of the certain formations. For more details. Read the main thread above

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18 hours ago, LOD07 said:

145F4FC69287639CBCEDA90F6A94D0075F77D884the Final pieces are done. Armor set and Syandana.


Hey, it looks awesome!

But where did the claw on the syandana go?

The claw legit makes it look cooler IMO

I think colouring the eagle on the left shoulder gold would make it look cooler.

Overall, it looks awesome!

10/10 would buy! (If I had the money of course hahahahah)

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vor 7 Minuten schrieb TheGiantFox:

Hey, it looks awesome!

Butwhere did the claw on the syandana go?

The claw legit makes it look cooler IMO

well while I drew it I thought with the claws it wouldn't look as good as imagined

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